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Citrulline Malate dosing through out the day

no offense taken to from anyone here, I am over weight cause I eat too much clean food or not, aging, take T4 and reduction in basic exercises due to injuries, in 2005 I lost both my thyroid and completely tore my patella from my quad. I was being heavily under-dosed by thyroid meds and only given T4, in 4 months I lost 40 lbs. When they finally tested my thyroid hormone levels T4 and T3 were not there, and my tsh was 12.0 (upper limit was 5) which meant since my thyroid had been removed the pituitary gland was pumping out TSH with no thyroid to produce it. When I finally got to a good doc he put me on 450 mcg T4 and 5 mcg T3 2wice a day which lowered my TSH levels to .1 and put me in normal range for T4 and T3 hormones.
I gained 42 solid pound back so I was the exact opposite - gained weight hyperthyroid and lost weight hypothyroid. But my metabolism changed forever some of the top guys I talked to at Duke and John Hopkins told me "you'll never feel the same again or look the same there are other hormones T1 and T2 that we don't have the technology to replace"

Not doing heavy deads and heavy squats hurts too as it burns a crap load of calories.

4 years ago I lost 50 pounds in 4 months by doing nothing but cutting carbs and cals so I need to bite the bullet and get back at it, I never changed the way I trained or did and ounce more cardio and the weight just came off as diet it 90% of it for me.

Also if anything the CM is going to benefit me in other ways as well, so no harm no foul.

You still carry a shit ton of LBM.

A strategy Stan Efferding employed when trying to downsize, and stay shredded year round are those crazy widowmaker type squats/compound exercises that he conditioned himself to do with very little rest intervals in between. A new pathway of growth, with a ton of calories being burned thus staying leaner. If you can employ this with larger exercises that you are able to do, perhaps it will help with you dropping weight.

Just a thought.
it's true man. people talk ad nauseum on how terrible blasting gear is for your longevity. But keeping those two things you mentioned in check are the most proven ways to improve health and longevity.

It is a shame that it does come at the expense of having large muscles to an extent :(

There's an upside you can always get into a strength to weight ratio sport and turn it into a positive thing :lightbulb:

or if you want to stay bodybuilder, compete in a lighter weight class :lightbulb:

that way you can use less gear to stay lean and ripped at way less weight....

I just thought a couple times after talking to massive G that higher dose IM resveratrol has his name all over it :headbang:
10g preworkout of CM and I'm almost guaranteed to throw up mid workout. You've found taking it with meals helps? Any other tricks to getting it to settle? I do find that it helps me a bit in the gym otherwise I'd cut it out.

Preworkout I mix
5g creative
10g CM
5g beta alanine
200mg caffeine pill

Take all ur goodies with REAL Pomegranate juice. It ll kill all the tastes and give the the greatest benefits.. Its expensive but thats what this game costs.
Has anyone heard of Nitrosignine? It is an inositol stabilized arginine silicate that has been shown to be superior to other NO supplements. I think it may work very well either in place of Citrulline Malate, or in conjunction with it.

Directly from one study:

The arginine silicate dietary supplement increases blood levels of arginine after a single dose within 30 minutes and blood levels of silicon for up to 1.5 hours. Blood levels of arginine, silicon, and NO (salivary nitrite) were elevated consistently after 14 days of use. The observed increase in baseline salivary nitrite is supporting information that there was some improvement in NO production. Further study on the effect of this supplement on NO production and the resulting physiological effect is warranted. Within the specific protocol of this study, the product was found to be safe.

Not to mention the benefits that silicon has in bolstering arterial walls and keeping them flexible.
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Has anyone heard of Nitrosignine? It is an inositol stabilized arginine silicate that has been shown to be superior to other NO supplements. I think it may work very well either in place of Citrulline Malate, or in conjunction with it.

Directly from one study:

The arginine silicate dietary supplement increases blood levels of arginine after a single dose within 30 minutes and blood levels of silicon for up to 1.5 hours. Blood levels of arginine, silicon, and NO (salivary nitrite) were elevated consistently after 14 days of use. The observed increase in baseline salivary nitrite is supporting information that there was some improvement in NO production. Further study on the effect of this supplement on NO production and the resulting physiological effect is warranted. Within the specific protocol of this study, the product was found to be safe.

Not to mention the benefits that silicon has in bolstering arterial walls and keeping them flexible.
Not impressed.


That is in a 1 gram proprietary blend. The clinical dose of Nitrosigine is 1500mgs. That supplement isnt a fair evaluation. That is an overall very poorly dosed supplement, unless you use 3 scoops or more. You need a gram or more of agmatine and nitrosigine to notice anything.

Besides, we are talking about mega doses here. Take 3g of nitrosigine, and you will be impressed
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I wanted to wait until my arginine was gone but as I just started a new insulin protocol so I added in citrilline malate to the mix. It actually improves the taste of Carnivor Mass for me but alone it's horrible. It's just about finding the right mix or as others have stated buying a product with good flavouring. The most I have used in the past was about 15g so I may do closer to 20g per day now.

Nitrosignine is in Quake 10.0 (and others) which has been a disappointment to me but I haven't used it alone. Generally I am a big fan of arginine though so will have to try it out in the future.

I think someones weight is a very valid point to bring up as it will likely be the main contributer. Personally if I dropped 30-20 pounds my bp would lower significantly. Although blood pressure increases as we age (MG you are not old enough) and is a problem for many people regardless of their size so there are many factors involved. Over 80% of people aged 65 and over have high blood pressure.

MG have you tried Carditone before? That seems to really help a lot of people. I am on it now to stop my bp from rising as I gain weight.
Nitrosignine is in Quake 10.0 (and others) which has been a disappointment to me but I haven't used it alone. Generally I am a big fan of arginine though so will have to try it out in the future.

I think the issue is dose. Gram for gram, nitrosigine is much stronger than anything else. Sprinkling 750mgs of any NO compound, and it will have little affect. You need grams.

I am also looking at it from a perspective of lower blood pressure and increasing arterial health. Not necessarily getting a skin splitting pump.
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I think the issue is dose. Gram for gram, nitrosigine is much stronger than anything else. Sprinkling 750mgs of any NO compound, and it will have little affect. You need grams.

Very true. Quake 10.0 has alsorts of stuff in it so too many variables. But judging it solely on pumps even with the other stuff it didn't impress me. The only way to know would be to try a few nitrosigine only products and dose it like many dose l-citrulline. I get a lot from arginine so I am sure I will love it at 3g and over.
I, too, have upped my CM dosing in recent weeks. Great stuff.

Also, Nutricost began selling it in strawberry kiwi flavor (or did they always have that flavor?) and I just got it. It actually tastes great and isn't sour at all like the flavorless one is. It doesn't seem to indicate what they added to it but if you want to avoid the shitty taste, this is a good way.

I'm always so surprised at your trust in manufacturers you can't 100% validate.

Sent from my SM-N900V using Tapatalk
Maybe he is hungry and doesn't want to starve? Idk

I am. I starve all the time. That was one of my "blessings" I guess I never had a loss of appetite even when on what was considered a "heavy" cycle back then.
I'll chart my food tonight in my fitness pal and post it.
Breakfast alone is probably over a thousand calories alone with 5-6 omega 3 eggs cooked in extra virgin olive oil, low fat cheese, turkey sausage, large bowl of oatmeal with sugar free maple syrup and shredded almonds.

Like I said in a previous thread, I was in this situation about 3-4 years ago was having tons of reactions every time I ate and had an extremely bloated stomach even with abs, went to doc and he told me about visceral fat- immediately started logging calories was at 6,000 and cut it to 4,000 in 4 months I lost 50 lbs...but slowly over the years it has returned. eating more complex carbs less veggies and more lean beef over chicken...

thanks for the post NH, as you know and many others will find out some day it's hard to take this gorilla suit or body armor as I call it, it defines us more so than we think...but as I found last time nobody but me gave a shit about being "hoooge" in body weight, at 250 255 I felt like I was part of society once again.
If your CM is more so tasting acidic rather than tart/sour, you can bet it's mainly malic acid.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

maybe my terms were mixed up sour.. acetic..I call apple cider vinegar sour when it's acetic too... it's all the same to me...mine is from TN 1000000% sure it's the real deal.
Also on the subject of hating the taste, just do what I do and pour the scoop in your mouth directly and then sip a little bit of water to help you swallow it.

i was taking a shot of it and rinsing quickly prior to work outs or my daily dose...this is working out fine because I always carry the glycerol sea salt electrolyte mix in the summer to stay hydrated.
That is in a 1 gram proprietary blend. The clinical dose of Nitrosigine is 1500mgs. That supplement isnt a fair evaluation. That is an overall very poorly dosed supplement, unless you use 3 scoops or more. You need a gram or more of agmatine and nitrosigine to notice anything.

Besides, we are talking about mega doses here. Take 3g of nitrosigine, and you will be impressed
I actually know the amount in the prop blend, insider info 😂, I take enough to get 1700mg.

Like I said, not impressed.
What is the rationale for doing this? Clinical dose is 6g. Why would u need more and more?
no offense taken to from anyone here, I am over weight cause I eat too much clean food or not, aging, take T4 and reduction in basic exercises due to injuries, in 2005 I lost both my thyroid and completely tore my patella from my quad. I was being heavily under-dosed by thyroid meds and only given T4, in 4 months I lost 40 lbs. When they finally tested my thyroid hormone levels T4 and T3 were not there, and my tsh was 12.0 (upper limit was 5) which meant since my thyroid had been removed the pituitary gland was pumping out TSH with no thyroid to produce it. When I finally got to a good doc he put me on 450 mcg T4 and 5 mcg T3 2wice a day which lowered my TSH levels to .1 and put me in normal range for T4 and T3 hormones.
I gained 42 solid pound back so I was the exact opposite - gained weight hyperthyroid and lost weight hypothyroid. But my metabolism changed forever some of the top guys I talked to at Duke and John Hopkins told me "you'll never feel the same again or look the same there are other hormones T1 and T2 that we don't have the technology to replace"

Not doing heavy deads and heavy squats hurts too as it burns a crap load of calories.

4 years ago I lost 50 pounds in 4 months by doing nothing but cutting carbs and cals so I need to bite the bullet and get back at it, I never changed the way I trained or did and ounce more cardio and the weight just came off as diet it 90% of it for me.

Also if anything the CM is going to benefit me in other ways as well, so no harm no foul.

Ah well I appreciate that brother. Yea I didn't mean any disrespect by suggesting that because like I said, whether someone struggles to keep weight low, loves eating, loves being a heavier/larger size, it's all good in my book.

Sucks to hear about the thyroid function though, that definitely makes weight management much more of a struggle for sure.

But it is good to hear that CM does have a positive effect on BP levels though. I've done a fair bit of reading on the literature behind it and remember reading some studies from Dr. Abbie Smith-Ryan (iirc) from UNC showing it to have additional health benefits in athletes outside of nitric oxide production, but they couldn't exactly figure out why.

Awesome to see that it has helped without changing other factors such as using bp meds or a big change in diet/cardio
Some people just don't feel like going through the trouble of losing 50lbs? I mean if you're not going to dramatically lower your calories, you might as well find an alternative. I'm positive Massive G didn't need anyone to tell him to lose weight to know it would improve his health. It didn't need to be brought into this discussion IMO.

Completely valid. And that's what I meant by asking. I suggested it'd greatly help if it was a big concern but I just meant that whether someone was that size because they wanted to be big or struggled to stay smaller or had high bp due to other reasons, I have no issue with that.

Massive G mentioned the thyroid issue, injuries and enjoying eating a large amount of clean cals and I can understand that completely.
What is the rationale for doing this? Clinical dose is 6g. Why would u need more and more?

That's for pre/intra workout supplementation. Massive G is dosing more to help with lowering BP levels, so different application.
That is in a 1 gram proprietary blend. The clinical dose of Nitrosigine is 1500mgs. That supplement isnt a fair evaluation. That is an overall very poorly dosed supplement, unless you use 3 scoops or more. You need a gram or more of agmatine and nitrosigine to notice anything.

Besides, we are talking about mega doses here. Take 3g of nitrosigine, and you will be impressed

3 grams would be very expensive compared to 10 grams CM or 5 grams L-Citrulline.

I do agree, Nitrosigine is a good ingredient when speaking in terms of NO, but more research would be needed to see its effects on other health markers as Citrulline has been shown to offer.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Has anyone heard of Nitrosignine? It is an inositol stabilized arginine silicate that has been shown to be superior to other NO supplements. I think it may work very well either in place of Citrulline Malate, or in conjunction with it.

Directly from one study:

The arginine silicate dietary supplement increases blood levels of arginine after a single dose within 30 minutes and blood levels of silicon for up to 1.5 hours. Blood levels of arginine, silicon, and NO (salivary nitrite) were elevated consistently after 14 days of use. The observed increase in baseline salivary nitrite is supporting information that there was some improvement in NO production. Further study on the effect of this supplement on NO production and the resulting physiological effect is warranted. Within the specific protocol of this study, the product was found to be safe.

Not to mention the benefits that silicon has in bolstering arterial walls and keeping them flexible.

Superior to other NO supplements? False. Citrulline Malate blows it out of the fucking water. Nitrosigine might be a better arginine but as far as I am concerned they are both obsolete.

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