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CKD!!! Opinions, advice, complaints, etc.


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Kilo Klub Member
Dec 30, 2009
I am going into my 4th day of little to no carbs. I managed a workout today and when I got home, I felt like hell. I have felt off since the start but today was the worst.

My question is; Is dizziness normal? Is feeling off, lethargic, a little nauseated, etc. normal?

Does it get better soon and...

How much and how lond do you guys do on the refeed day?

Any help, support, etc. would be appreciated.
I am no way the smarted guys in here but where is what I think..and I could be wrong....

Your starting to be in ketosis and your body was yet to use fat as it primary energy source and is still relying on carbs for energy. This explains why your feeling the way you do and having those symptons. Not sure about the refeed. I would wait 7 days or so until you body start to utilize fat cells as energy.
In my 10th week of it. Once you get into moderate or higher ketosis, your energy will be better. Honestly, this diet has produced better results than expected. I came of age in the '80s when low-fat was the rage - it took me a while to cozy up to the idea of CKD. I'm glad I did.
I start my re-feed on Fridays once I've finished my cardio for the day. I continue with controlled portions until bed time that night. Start the KD part all over with breakfast Sat am...
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It gets easier with time. Either the third or fourth day are the worst. I mean, whenever I start my annual CKD, on the third day I can literally swallow 200mg of caffeine, 50mg of ephedrine, and go take a long nap. My body just feels completely exhausted. But as you get deeper into ketosis, it gets easier. Plus: stimulants are your friends. No-xplode. Yellow Haze. Coffee. Clen. Whatever, just take something.

Make sure your fat levels are HIGH. >70% at first. Otherwise it may take you a long time to get into ketosis.

Drink a protein shake right before your workouts. That seems to give a short-term energy boost.

As for refeeds, I've done weekly, bi-weekly, two days, one day, etc. Doing every other weekend for two days was the best of all combinations. A full weekend every week doesn't give you enough time in ketosis. And I eat every two hours, starting off with very simple carbs: bowls and bowls of sweet cereal like Lucky Charms and stuff, then onto oatmeals, pasta, etc.

Lastly, I've done both the depletion workouts as well as skipping them. Couldn't tell much difference in terms of fat loss. Since they are literally hell to complete, it means I'll never do them again since they added very little value.

Usual caveat: this is all my own personal experience. Not saying it will work the same for you.
It gets easier with time. The more consecutive weeks you do it. the more routine it becomes.

I cut carbs out Sunday afternoon. Monday is an easy day as far as cravings and energy levels, but Tuesday and Wednesday are a bitch to get through. By the second half of Wednesday and all the way up into my refeed, I feel pretty good and actually have a good amount of energy. But that depletion workout is a mother!!
It gets easier with time. The more consecutive weeks you do it. the more routine it becomes.

I cut carbs out Sunday afternoon. Monday is an easy day as far as cravings and energy levels, but Tuesday and Wednesday are a bitch to get through. By the second half of Wednesday and all the way up into my refeed, I feel pretty good and actually have a good amount of energy. But that depletion workout is a mother!!

Shit, I thought today's workout was a mother! Fridays is gonna kill me. I have squats, legs, etc...

I might have to change my split up for this diet huh?

I gotta do it though, trying my hardest to do a show!

Mind over matter right?
Well, when I do CKD for leaning out, I follow the training protocol in Body Opus.

Monday: Upper body
Tuesday: Lower body
Friday: Depletion workout

By ending your refeed on Sunday, you glycogen stores will be filled for Monday and Tuesday, giving you good workouts. In fact, I get stronger during those two workouts as compared to the week prior! Then Friday, forget about it - it's hell! But a great lead in to the refeed.
try to stick with it as long as you can


it MIGHT not be for you

but since your behind, keto would be the best way
thats why i dont like to rush into a show

try to stick with it as long as you can


it MIGHT not be for you

but since your behind, keto would be the best way
thats why i dont like to rush into a show


I am going to stick with it. I feel a little better hearing from some of you guys that what I am going through is normal. I am going to train hard and do my best to get ready for this show. If I can't get there in this short amount of time, I feel I will learn a lot about contest prep anyways.

I just had no idea how hard it is the first couple of days. Throw full time job, kids, iron and cardio in the mix and DAMN...

I just keep telling myself, reach down, grab the pair God gave you, and keep fighting the good fight.

Tenny, I know you didn't make it to where you are bodybuilding wise by being weak. The reason you are a champion is because you don't quit, even when it gets painful, and downright nauseating.

I am gonna keep going for it! Thanks everyone!

Another rambling post at 0445AM. Day 4 of CKD. 45 minutes of cardio scheduled. Only the strong survive!!!!

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