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Cooking stuff


May 18, 2009
When I cook my meals I use coconut oil, and Pam.. I was just wondering what you guys thought about Bragg Liquid Aminos to cook with? It kind of tastes like soy sauce

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When I cook my meals I use coconut oil, and Pam.. I was just wondering what you guys thought about Bragg Liquid Aminos to cook with? It kind of tastes like soy sauce

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We dont have that stuff in Australia but however by reading the label, there is alot of sodium in it. I am pretty sure you can get Light Soy Sauce which has less sodium. Maybe MountainDog might know about this more than I do.
Bragg liquid aminos is the godawfulest shit I ever tasted. Nothing like soy sauce, not to me. Check the label..... if I remember right, it isn't much of a protein source, either.
Coconut oil isn't that good for you... lots of trans fat, especially for a non-meat source. Pam is just Pam. Convenient for egg whites, otherwise worthless for me to cook with.
I use olive, peanut, and safflower oils mostly. When I stir fry in the wok, sometimes I use a common vegetable oil (soy) or sesame. Canola is higher in EFA's, but doesn't taste good.
Bragg liquid aminos is the godawfulest shit I ever tasted. Nothing like soy sauce, not to me. Check the label..... if I remember right, it isn't much of a protein source, either.
Coconut oil isn't that good for you... lots of trans fat, especially for a non-meat source. Pam is just Pam. Convenient for egg whites, otherwise worthless for me to cook with.
I use olive, peanut, and safflower oils mostly. When I stir fry in the wok, sometimes I use a common vegetable oil (soy) or sesame. Canola is higher in EFA's, but doesn't taste good.

what makes you think Coconut Oil isnt good for you? so healthy fats are bad for you eh?
introducing coconut oil to our family diet was one of the best thing I did.
I owe mountaindog big time for that.
Bragg liquid aminos is the godawfulest shit I ever tasted. Nothing like soy sauce, not to me. Check the label..... if I remember right, it isn't much of a protein source, either.
Coconut oil isn't that good for you... lots of trans fat, especially for a non-meat source. Pam is just Pam. Convenient for egg whites, otherwise worthless for me to cook with.
I use olive, peanut, and safflower oils mostly. When I stir fry in the wok, sometimes I use a common vegetable oil (soy) or sesame. Canola is higher in EFA's, but doesn't taste good.

Extra virgin cocunt oil is the best oil for cooking and macadamia comes a close second!
introducing coconut oil to our family diet was one of the best thing I did.
I owe mountaindog big time for that.

I did exactly the same! Thanks mountain dog!
trans fats??

im reading mine now and it has zero trans fats. i think you are confusing this with MCT's.

high saturated but its unique as its all good stuff, lauric acid, mono's and polys.

its awesome stuff!!

i too have been schooled by mountain dog. this and grass fed beef!!

still cant face liver though:(
Bragg liquid aminos is the godawfulest shit I ever tasted. Nothing like soy sauce, not to me. Check the label..... if I remember right, it isn't much of a protein source, either.
Coconut oil isn't that good for you... lots of trans fat, especially for a non-meat source. Pam is just Pam. Convenient for egg whites, otherwise worthless for me to cook with.
I use olive, peanut, and safflower oils mostly. When I stir fry in the wok, sometimes I use a common vegetable oil (soy) or sesame. Canola is higher in EFA's, but doesn't taste good.

Coconut oil contains 0 grams of trans fats. Trans fats occur when oils are processed with heat to extend their shelf life-think crisco. Coconut oil happens to be a very healthy oil.
I used to use MacNut Oil only, but then I was made aware of the benefits of Coconut Oil due to their MCT's that are metabolized by the liver and used as an immediate source of energy. And, from what I read, the body has to expend more energy to digest it, and therefore it becomes more beneficial for those dieting as well.

I now drizzle about a TSP of MacNut Oil on my steak, and Coconut Oil on my chicken. I don't cook with neither of them...I'd rather have the oils uncooked since I only poach my meat or chicken.
what makes you think Coconut Oil isnt good for you? so healthy fats are bad for you eh?

Not at all, and didn't indicate that in my post..
I was obviously mistaken when I thought I had read that coconut oil was high in trans fats. Apologies.
Extra virgin cocunt oil is the best oil for cooking and macadamia comes a close second!

wrong. cooking EVOO oxidizes the omegas and renders them useless.

Coconut oil is an extremely healthy and unique oil. It is a MCT (medium chain triglyceride) and can be used by your body almost as if it is a carbohydrate if needed. It is not a normal saturated fat.

The more you know...
wrong. cooking EVOO oxidizes the omegas and renders them useless.

Coconut oil is an extremely healthy and unique oil. It is a MCT (medium chain triglyceride) and can be used by your body almost as if it is a carbohydrate if needed. It is not a normal saturated fat.

The more you know...

Read properly before you reply Mcfly;)
Extra virgin cocunt oil is the best oil for cooking and macadamia comes a close second!

Ok I was rushing and spelt coconut wrong but it's not olive oil thats for sure.
Mountain Dog has given me some very nice gifts - virgin coconut oil, grass fed butter and grass fed beef liver just to name a few. These foods have become daily staple for me. I'm slowly getting in the best shape of my life.

...I'm due for a full blood panel soon. I expect it to look better than it has in 15 years.

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