How in the hell did Craig get 9th? He looked amazing
How in the hell did Craig get 9th? He looked amazing
LOL gooey i know quite a few brothas with weak ass backsCraigs conditioning hasnt usually been an issue he may look a lil watery but hes always peeled. Its his back that is his downfall... I pretty sure hes the only blk competitor... ever that wasnt given some freaky, lumpy, wide ass back. for some reason he loox great from the side and front but his back poses are not as good cuz his back is so far behind.
LOL gooey i know quite a few brothas with weak ass backs
aids patients and people with muscular dystrophy dont count my friend!
Kamali is not even flexing his legs in that shot,watch the video on MDTV(his posing routine),and in this shot they look fine(still not good enough though..)
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Craigs conditioning hasnt usually been an issue he may look a lil watery but hes always peeled. Its his back that is his downfall... I pretty sure hes the only blk competitor... ever that wasnt given some freaky, lumpy, wide ass back. for some reason he loox great from the side and front but his back poses are not as good cuz his back is so far behind.