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Jun 6, 2002
My show is tom and when i start going over my posing my muscles cramp a bit and i have to stop and stretch it out. im using aldactone at 75mg a day for the last 3 days and keeping water low. what can i do to help with the cramps?
The show being tomorrow I guess its to late to get a bottle of Synthelator but I'll bump this up for someone who might be able to help
are you taking any slow K (pottasium ) ? that should help with the cramps
im afraid to use additional potassium since the aldactone spares it from being excreted and the horror stories u hear about having too much potassium in ur body are scary.
taurine helps prevent cramping from too much water being drawn out of the cells
true but if you are cramping you must need either potassium or sodium maybe sip powerade to get your body back to stasis
bloded said:
The show being tomorrow I guess its to late to get a bottle of Synthelator but I'll bump this up for someone who might be able to help

Yeah, if you got Synthelator for the veins for the show, that will totally stop your cramps as well. Always works (u can take as many diuretics as you want and you won't cramp) and it won't affect your condition in a bad way - actually it makes you look better from the vascularity.
If you didn't get it, which you shouold've anyway, be careful what you do as you could screw up your condition very easily. What BigKiwi says is good.
this may sound weird but drinking seltzer water really helps with cramping
ya know Big A u and this company are gonna have to come up with a better way to get this synthelator into the body.....lol.....i have the stuff right here and although i take shots of 1 maybe 2 mls per day i cant work up the nerve to shoot 3 shots of 3mls then 1 final ml for a total of 10mls!!!! and thats on the day of the show!!!! i guess this is not the behavior of a future Mr. Olympia...right?
hey Big A not includeing a slin pin can i buy the next smallest gauge pin to shoot the synthelator through or do i have to use a specific pin? can i assume the shot doesnt hurt or leave any lumps?
I talked to a friend of mine that has used it he said he used 25 gauge needle with 2 5ml syringes and said it was very thin like a water base
I tried about 375mg and used a 25g, 1" pin in glutes. Big A said it must be administered IM.

My question is: I got really light-headed. Had to rush the shot as I though I was going to pass out. After I got the pin out (and out of harms way), I HAD TO lay down on the floor. Never did pass out but was EXTREMELY light-headed. Is this a normal reaction or should dosage be a bit less for "me"?

I didn't cramp at all when posing!

Last edited:
getbig27 said:
ya know Big A u and this company are gonna have to come up with a better way to get this synthelator into the body.....lol.....i have the stuff right here and although i take shots of 1 maybe 2 mls per day i cant work up the nerve to shoot 3 shots of 3mls then 1 final ml for a total of 10mls!!!! and thats on the day of the show!!!! i guess this is not the behavior of a future Mr. Olympia...right?

It's water based so do 5ml in each glute. Make sure you don't inject it in scar tissue cause then it won't be absorbed properly. Because it's water based it will go through any size needle, no matter how small.

BTW, I am the one that suggested that it was to be made at only 40mg/ml. That way, one only has 10 ml in a vial, so pretty hard to overdose - you know the typical bodybuilder mentality - take more of everything. My mate did that, took 500mg and he passed out for 15 minutes. He woke up with the needle still in his ass. Besides, if it was stronger per ml, then a 10ml vial would cost more and you wouldn't need more than 10 ml anyway, so you would waste the rest.
xcelbeyond said:
I tried about 375mg and used a 25g, 1" pin in glutes. Big A said it must be administered IM.

My question is: I got really light-headed. Had to rush the shot as I though I was going to pass out. After I got the pin out (and out of harms way), I HAD TO lay down on the floor. Never did pass out but was EXTREMELY light-headed. Is this a normal reaction or should dosage be a bit less for "me"?

I didn't cramp at all when posing!


Well, 400mg is for a 200+ person. So maybe 300mg for you? What yo experienced is normal for when you take too much. You took too much for your bodyweight and the Synthelator sucked all the oxygen feeding your brain and put it into the blood stream.
Big A said:
Well, 400mg is for a 200+ person. So maybe 300mg for you? What yo experienced is normal for when you take too much. You took too much for your bodyweight and the Synthelator sucked all the oxygen feeding your brain and put it into the blood stream.
Yea - I knew that 400mg was for 200+ person, that's why I took about 375mg. I weighed around 172 when I injected. Next time I use it I'm speculating that I'll be 180-185, so maybe 325mg is OK?

xcelbeyond said:

Yea - I knew that 400mg was for 200+ person, that's why I took about 375mg. I weighed around 172 when I injected. Next time I use it I'm speculating that I'll be 180-185, so maybe 325mg is OK?


ABout that sounds OK. But it still is a bit individual. But you should be OK with 325mg.
Big A: Thanks for reinforcing that my "experiment" was just a high-dose thing and nothing serious! :)

I saw some begin to try this process about a wk out to see what would happen. but the problem was he tried it with kyno, not a good idea. he thought he was going to have a heart attack for about 45min to an hr. not good

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