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Destroying Septums - Is It Just ME?!?!


The "Elder" Mod
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 5, 2002
I can't believe this only happens to me - does what I'm about to explain happen to anyone else?

Now as many of you know, I make most of my injectible gear. I had what I'm about to detail happen to me back in 1987 with a 10ml multi-use vial of Deca (red-colored septum). I put my gear in 20 ml vials to prevent wear and tear on the septum. Looks like I may have to go with 10ml vials :mad:

I figured by 2002 that the quality of septums has improved - apparently not! I can look in my vial of TNE and winny and see "small" pieces of septum floating around!!!!! Wouldn't you think this would be a MAJOR cause of abcesses?!?!?

It's got me all freaked out as I'm getting toward the bottom of the vial. Has this happened to anyone else (or do you even look - or how can you look if it's an amber-colored vial!!!)? What your thoughts on accidently injecting these small particles?


i get that if i use a 18g to draw it out with!!
I think

I'd filter it bro, just to be safe.

When I first saw this thread topic I thought you might by a coke addict.lol:eek:
ill have to admit i never looked ,i think i should start
Re: I think

rj420 said:
I'd filter it bro, just to be safe.
Not trying to sound like as ass here rj- I "know" what to do about it.

I just want to know if this happens to anyone else, do they even look, do they think it's a problem?

Last edited:
Yep happens to me to when I use a 18g to draw with. But I figure I clean the top so good with alcohol before I stick the top I have never really had a problem.

But yeah you would think by 2000 they would be better quality vials. But you have to remember most of the products we use dont make the pharmecuticals super high dollars. Now like some new designer drugs and they are considered pretty much like dinasours and bad so why spend the money you know. MM

I honestly Have never had that problem before... then again i use a 23 1/2 to draw out. Considering what an 18 g will do to the septum just use a 23 and take the extra 40 sec to draw the liquid out. Good luck

Any more comments? :confused:


I know your not an ass bro. But no, its never happened to me. I usually use a 21g though.

I have used an 18g to inject.lol
Hey I noticed that when I use the large gauge needles it takes like a plug out of the septum and sometimes leaves floaties!
I got a box of 19g filter needles. And now I dont worry about planting some shit deep inside a muscle. I was wondering if this is maybe letting air in and might become a problem say with the 50ml vials over a period of a cycle of tren? The only thing is I like the big gauge needles with the filters, for drawing the oil.
Can you tell me where you get these needles? The filter is part of the needle?

22 22 22

I just buy a bunch of 22's and draw and pop ass with 22's. You can get a filter for the end of your syringe at Mr. t's place, but I would nt' be using it to inject just to filter into another sterile container if your worried about the remainder of that specific gear.

It happens but I've always been aware of this so I use the absolute smallest needles possible for drawing, which makes it slow but the septum stays healthy.

For oils - 23g, 1" needle
For water based - 25 or 27g, 5/8" or 1/2" needles

Over time the septum still wears so I have transferred the contents to a new vial once or twice, but if I'm careful I can usually keep the septum in good shape until I'm done with the vial.

Damn, this has got me nervous! I take it (and hope) that all the talk about the stuff floating around is just where you do some "home-mixing"? Never done any myself, just use the ready-made stuff. But I also use 18G to draw, but never noticed anything like you're talking about. Is this pretty much just a problem with "roll your own" or for the "ready-made" also? Drawing an oil with 23G must take about 10 minutes!
Maybe the solution is NEVER use less than 3ml at a time. :)
Chuck999 said:
[Damn, this has got me nervous! I take it (and hope) that all the talk about the stuff floating around is just where you do some "home-mixing"? Never done any myself, just use the ready-made stuff. But I also use 18G to draw, but never noticed anything like you're talking about. Is this pretty much just a problem with "roll your own" or for the "ready-made" also? Drawing an oil with 23G must take about 10 minutes!
Sorry - the problem has to do with the septum taking a "beating," not with what's in the vial or how it's made :(

Chuck999 said:
Drawing an oil with 23G must take about 10 minutes!

Actually, it takes about 2 minutes to draw my 3cc shots, and the septum is left in good shape. A very good thing if you're using 50ml jugs...


i dont meant to sound stupid, but what is the septum? sometimes i draw with 18g, sometimes with 23g. what are you all talking about because im really curious? is part of the vial being sucked out into the solution or something when you draw too quick (by using an 18g) ??
It is the rubber thing at the top of the vial, that you stick the needle through.

drgoodbody...A septum is the rubber top of a vial where the needle punches through to enter the liquid inside.

Xcel...I have had this problem also. I got worried that I was placing rubber into my muscles. The particles are not much of a problem unless it carries into the vial an infectious agent (like bacteria). Of course if the septum is compromised and you can see inside, then there is no reasonable guarantee of a sterile environment. I took an interest in this because I use an 18g to draw and then I replace that with a 22g. I found that on occasion it took far too great of a force to inject because the smaller pin was blocked by larger chunks of septum. Believe it or not, alcohol has little effect on sterilization of the septum (or our skin for that matter).

My solution is the use two 23g needles. One for drawing up the juice and one for the injection. Have you ever seen under a microscope what happens to a 23g pin after it punches the septum? It bends the tip over and makes for a more painful shot.

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