My eating is so dialed in now that I eat by the clock, yet Im still hungry for each meal. Meaning I eat every 2-3 hours throughout the day. The meals are of perfect size for proper digestion and assimilation so Im never stuffed, and ready to eat again when the time comes. I have experienced with force feeding etc... for mass and it is a ridiculous concept. The body will not turn the last bit of chewed up meat chugged with water into muscle at that point. It will most likely be wasted or stored in less favorable places. I am staying really, really lean this year and look better, feel better and overall I realize it is what's best for the body. Protein, than essential fats.....than carbs when necessary. I just think "bulking up" is a cop out for being lazy and eating like shit because "I will just cut up" in a few months. Not a good idea. Fluctuations and adding on bodyfat is pointless and has no benefit. Also, staying lean allows you to really see if a certain diet or nutrient works for your physique as well as a supplement. When fat isnt covering your body you have a clear gauge to whats happening with your system. For the competitor I feel staying lean is of great advantage and lets you get "used to" being lean year around so dieting or dialing it in for a show is cakewalk and perhaps cardio at that point can be used as a tool to increase calories and "eat up and grow" into the show. If anyone wants details of what my diet is like right now I would be happy to lay it out. Sorry for the long post, Im just excited to how lean I am right now since my last show was in july. I'm staying 3-4 weeks out all the time I think.
(Shit, sorry guys, my response got totally off-topic, I apologize for the hijack)