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Dr. Scott Stevenson On Are All Steroids Equally Anabolic

I wish that were true.

I used Syntex Anadrol in 1990 and it put 100lbs on my incline bench in about 6 weeks. I was pumped 24/7. I was 220 lbs.

I was off until 2008 and then tried BD Anadrol, the famed green giants. Not a shadow of the Syntax. I was 220 lbs.

Same for every AAS since.
Yea I have fond memories of Syntex Anadrol myself. If I got to be honest though I love all brands of anadrol...prolly becuase it has anadrol in it. Things like t-200, t-50, norandren50/200 worked but the QC wasn't there like it is today, I know some magazine had tested them and what was listed on the bottle dosage wise was way underdosed like 34% or 89%(i don't remember the exact numbers but it was 30's to 80's percent) of the listed dosage. Everyone still bought it as it was all that was available for awhile and they were dirt cheap up the ladder like 10-$20. People would comment on if they got a good bottle or a bad one. I did a lot of Sten myself as it was in an 2ml amp but I loved that shit. I think it had DHEA in it. or was it DHT anyway I'd have to look.
In regards to the Dbol inject ? no it was a Scandinavian UG, its in the UG book from Bill Lwelleyn.
Oh cool I have never heard of that before. I just got stuck with reforvit real 25mg/ml...I think anyway
Yea I have fond memories of Syntex Anadrol myself. If I got to be honest though I love all brands of anadrol...prolly becuase it has anadrol in it. Things like t-200, t-50, norandren50/200 worked but the QC wasn't there like it is today, I know some magazine had tested them and what was listed on the bottle dosage wise was way underdosed like 34% or 89%(i don't remember the exact numbers but it was 30's to 80's percent) of the listed dosage. Everyone still bought it as it was all that was available for awhile and they were dirt cheap up the ladder like 10-$20. People would comment on if they got a good bottle or a bad one. I did a lot of Sten myself as it was in an 2ml amp but I loved that shit. I think it had DHEA in it. or was it DHT anyway I'd have to look.

I'll also say the old Syntex Anadrol was bomb... of the nuclear variety. Incredible. I've commented on it before but nothing did what that drug did back then or since. While I fully believe it's me that's changed (in very very obvious ways) as opposed to it being somehow a whole different beast, if there was one drug that could convince me... this is the one by a huge margin.

Loved fricking sten too. Was so smooth and viscuous. You'd inject it and feel the dhea (I think with the test) in minutes. Fun stuff!
Most on here will have memories of super cycles and drugs they took that were amazing but nostalgia definitely plays a big part. There are so many factors but I think I covered most in my earlier posts. I mentioned age in relation to how our bodies react to things but another thing I didn't mention is our perceptions as well. One thing that always sticks out to me is I remember thinking Will Smith in the film "I am Legend" was jacked and when I look back sure he looks great but I laugh because my perception has changed so much. That is something very minor in the grand scheme but it definitely also plays a part.

Regarding branding that can play a part as well but mainly when it comes to pharm vs generic. They sell brand name headache pills that cost 5 times more than the no frills ones. It's been shown in some examples that they are the exact same thing. I don't mean the same drug I mean the exact same company made them but they were branded differently. This also happens with certain food products as well. People will argue with you that the branded one performs or tastes better though.

I agree there can be massive differences even if the same drug is used because of different fillers and binders. Sometimes dosing might be off by 5-10% (pharm grade included) as well. You may respond badly to a certain filler and it causes bad side effects. This has happened with me with medication from a pharmacy/doctor. There is definitely more to it than just purity of the main compound.

I have said a few times to people on here after they posted about certain drugs from the 90's. Stories of when they were young in school and blowing up. I would ask for a pic (they never had one) because I know at the time the person's idea of blowing up is very different to reality. Yes they might have put on 20 pounds in 2 weeks but they still didn't look good. I have looked back at certain pics and at the time I had blown up and I was super strong (stronger than now) but I look at the pic and laugh. Perceptions change through the years especially the more advanced you become.

Putting 20 pounds on using adrol/dbol when you are 160 compared to 260 and 20 years older are 2 very different things. Another factor some guys might be comparing their special brand to possible underdosed or even fake drugs as well. The stuff you are comparing things to might be 60% purity plus the others factors mentioned.

When I took MDROL from Competitive Labs no other superdrol has come close to it so this has happened to me as well. I took that early on and didn't take sdrol again for many years. Literally a night and day difference and it was incredible but I don't think it's because that MDROL was some magical drug that can never be repeated and is lost in the past.
Nothing will ever be as effective as the original superdrol. 😂

Kidding, honestly I swear some guys tell themselves these stories to justify using more gear.

Ed Mylett calls this the “bliss point”- nothing will EVER be as good as it was the first time. Even if it’s exactly the same.
I'll also say the old Syntex Anadrol was bomb... of the nuclear variety. Incredible. I've commented on it before but nothing did what that drug did back then or since. While I fully believe it's me that's changed (in very very obvious ways) as opposed to it being somehow a whole different beast, if there was one drug that could convince me... this is the one by a huge margin.

Loved fricking sten too. Was so smooth and viscuous. You'd inject it and feel the dhea (I think with the test) in minutes. Fun stuff!
Yea I know a lot of people who feel that way about Syntex I wonder if they were over dosed? Nothing increased my libido like Sten I should prolly order some up and make it. I know a few guys on here that hate Sten but to each his own I guess. Fuck I remember when the amps were a dollar and weren't real popular.

I had a "all natural" buddy who just took superdrol and would do it like 3 weeks on 3 weeks off. At first I totally brushed it off but then it was like this guy is huge and making better gains then me and I'm on juice. I just thought he had great genetics for building muscle I had no idea what superdrol was at the time. Shit I would love to take Pheraplex again as well, that stuff was awesome its in the top orals I have ever taken.
Syntex had a plant down in Indonesia that also produced dbol in the 90's. It's not there any more though. It was the best dbol i've ever used, and I used a lot of it around the same time and prior (Pink Thais, Mexican, etc). I just missed out using the 2902 Mexican Anadrol, but used a lot of their pink tabs from that came out in the mid-90's in the blister packs. They were pretty good. Hemogenins were awesome as well.
Syntex had a plant down in Indonesia that also produced dbol in the 90's. It's not there any more though. It was the best dbol i've ever used, and I used a lot of it around the same time and prior (Pink Thais, Mexican, etc). I just missed out using the 2902 Mexican Anadrol, but used a lot of their pink tabs from that came out in the mid-90's in the blister packs. They were pretty good. Hemogenins were awesome as well.

My fav dbol back in the day were Naposim and Balkan which were much later on. Did you try the Danabol blue hearts? They were really good as well. Pink Thai's were good but a lot of fakes started coming out later on.
Yea I know a lot of people who feel that way about Syntex I wonder if they were over dosed? Nothing increased my libido like Sten I should prolly order some up and make it. I know a few guys on here that hate Sten but to each his own I guess. Fuck I remember when the amps were a dollar and weren't real popular.

I had a "all natural" buddy who just took superdrol and would do it like 3 weeks on 3 weeks off. At first I totally brushed it off but then it was like this guy is huge and making better gains then me and I'm on juice. I just thought he had great genetics for building muscle I had no idea what superdrol was at the time. Shit I would love to take Pheraplex again as well, that stuff was awesome its in the top orals I have ever taken.

It's quite comical the opinion most of us probably had at one point regarding prohormones because they were "allowed". Loads of teenagers on crazy prohormone stacks but it was allowed so it was ok. I used MDROL after I had done a few cycles. I can't remember when exactly but I done dbol in my 1st cycle and adrol in my 2nd cycle so I had already used the 2 best known bulking orals before I used it. Both of them put massive amounts of weight on me when on them which obviously fell after later on. I remember on sdrol I put 13 pounds on in 13 days and I looked like I had dropped a few % bodyfat at the same time so it felt like the craziest transformation ever. I only remember it being 13 days because I stopped it because I felt that horrible and couldn't carry on :D I have tried all the strong orals (Methyltrienolone, 1-Testosterone etc) but nothing compared to superdrol. The older I got the more side effects (and less benefits) I got from all of them.
Most on here will have memories of super cycles and drugs they took that were amazing but nostalgia definitely plays a big part. There are so many factors but I think I covered most in my earlier posts. I mentioned age in relation to how our bodies react to things but another thing I didn't mention is our perceptions as well. One thing that always sticks out to me is I remember thinking Will Smith in the film "I am Legend" was jacked and when I look back sure he looks great but I laugh because my perception has changed so much. That is something very minor in the grand scheme but it definitely also plays a part.

Regarding branding that can play a part as well but mainly when it comes to pharm vs generic. They sell brand name headache pills that cost 5 times more than the no frills ones. It's been shown in some examples that they are the exact same thing. I don't mean the same drug I mean the exact same company made them but they were branded differently. This also happens with certain food products as well. People will argue with you that the branded one performs or tastes better though.

I agree there can be massive differences even if the same drug is used because of different fillers and binders. Sometimes dosing might be off by 5-10% (pharm grade included) as well. You may respond badly to a certain filler and it causes bad side effects. This has happened with me with medication from a pharmacy/doctor. There is definitely more to it than just purity of the main compound.

I have said a few times to people on here after they posted about certain drugs from the 90's. Stories of when they were young in school and blowing up. I would ask for a pic (they never had one) because I know at the time the person's idea of blowing up is very different to reality. Yes they might have put on 20 pounds in 2 weeks but they still didn't look good. I have looked back at certain pics and at the time I had blown up and I was super strong (stronger than now) but I look at the pic and laugh. Perceptions change through the years especially the more advanced you become.

Putting 20 pounds on using adrol/dbol when you are 160 compared to 260 and 20 years older are 2 very different things. Another factor some guys might be comparing their special brand to possible underdosed or even fake drugs as well. The stuff you are comparing things to might be 60% purity plus the others factors mentioned.

When I took MDROL from Competitive Labs no other superdrol has come close to it so this has happened to me as well. I took that early on and didn't take sdrol again for many years. Literally a night and day difference and it was incredible but I don't think it's because that MDROL was some magical drug that can never be repeated and is lost in the past.
dude i went through SO many bottles of that in hmm 2009-2011 ish and up until the ban, lockout supps and island supps had bottles of it for like 9.99$ on last day I bought like 50 lol! had some pro fighters on it , I also knew of a kid at corporate gym who was in hs, he got made aware of it when it was legal still (mdrol), and for some dumb reason took double the listed dosage and got jaundice, his mom tried to sue the gym but it was one of the big corporate ones good luck lol

mdrol was godmode in a bottle, and truly no other sd has compared for me
I get that some people think some of us are just waxing nostalgic or looking at the past through rose colored glasses, but I stand by my anecdotal assessment.

At a bodyweight of 220 I took Syntex Anadrol and was repping out 425 on the inclines everyday within weeks. I had similar performance with the hemogenin 15 years later. I wasn't lacking development at the time either.

As I got older perhaps some of my responsiveness faded, it's possible. But at the same time I put on more muscle in my 40s than ever before after I decided to return to the stage. The cycles I ran to do that and add that tissue will have many calling me a liar, but I expect that.

I think the very idea of comparing the stuff we get from random labs in China being as good as pharmaceutical grade branded AAS designed to be given to medical patients in legitimate need to be a bit misguided.

I don't think a single person here would turn down Syntex Anadrol or similar in favor of a Chinese generic if given the chance, not even at a fraction of the price.
I get that some people think some of us are just waxing nostalgic or looking at the past through rose colored glasses, but I stand by my anecdotal assessment.

At a bodyweight of 220 I took Syntex Anadrol and was repping out 425 on the inclines everyday within weeks. I had similar performance with the hemogenin 15 years later. I wasn't lacking development at the time either.

As I got older perhaps some of my responsiveness faded, it's possible. But at the same time I put on more muscle in my 40s than ever before after I decided to return to the stage. The cycles I ran to do that and add that tissue will have many calling me a liar, but I expect that.

I think the very idea of comparing the stuff we get from random labs in China being as good as pharmaceutical grade branded AAS designed to be given to medical patients in legitimate need to be a bit misguided.

I don't think a single person here would turn down Syntex Anadrol or similar in favor of a Chinese generic if given the chance, not even at a fraction of the price.
Isn’t it logical though to conclude our first/early exposure to PEDs will be most drastic though?

When I first used anadrol (UGL) it was very drastic as well and I made gains fast, but every time since is less drastic simply because I’ve already MADE those initial gains. And we all know that the further we get in this the less dramatic our gains will be over time
Isn’t it logical though to conclude our first/early exposure to PEDs will be most drastic though?

When I first used anadrol (UGL) it was very drastic as well and I made gains fast, but every time since is less drastic simply because I’ve already MADE those initial gains. And we all know that the further we get in this the less dramatic our gains will be over time
I was merely 19 when I used Halo the first time (I know, I know...but I got it from the pharmacy from pennies and no script...).
20mg gave me massive strength and SIZE gains.
Guess how much size I could gain a few years later, much heavier, with X3 that dose.
I was merely 19 when I used Halo the first time (I know, I know...but I got it from the pharmacy from pennies and no script...).
20mg gave me massive strength and SIZE gains.
Guess how much size I could gain a few years later, much heavier, with X3 that dose.
an increase in strength means in 90% of cases an increase in size if you train in the hypertrophy range, so if someone does not have problems with appetite it will be very beneficial to add orals which increases our strength mainly through neurology and CNS stimulation
an increase in strength means in 90% of cases an increase in size if you train in the hypertrophy range, so if someone does not have problems with appetite it will be very beneficial to add orals which increases our strength mainly through neurology and CNS stimulation
But for example Anadrol doesn't seem to work on CNS but (at least to me) it gives a lot of strength and endurance.
But for example Anadrol doesn't seem to work on CNS but (at least to me) it gives a lot of strength and endurance.
Its main metabolite in vivo (mestanolone) has been widely used in East Germany in Olympic athletes as part of a state-sponsored doping program in the 1970s and 1980. It definitely possesses remarkable CNS boosting activity.
an increase in strength means in 90% of cases an increase in size if you train in the hypertrophy range, so if someone does not have problems with appetite it will be very beneficial to add orals which increases our strength mainly through neurology and CNS stimulation
So you would say then adding orals in the off season would be beneficial as well? When appetite and everything stays good? But because before I thought I saw you say you would only use anavar.

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