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Dr. Scott Stevenson On Are All Steroids Equally Anabolic

So you would say then adding orals in the off season would be beneficial as well? When appetite and everything stays good? But because before I thought I saw you say you would only use anavar.
The answer depends on WHO you ask, but generally speaking "pulsing" orals pre-wo only for a very long time massively reduces toxicity and sides (appetite impairment included) and can provide an extra boost when most needed. Not how I roll but many like this method.
The answer depends on WHO you ask, but generally speaking "pulsing" orals pre-wo only for a very long time massively reduces toxicity and sides (appetite impairment included) and can provide an extra boost when most needed. Not how I roll but many like this method.
Yea exactly how I like to use them, and I also benefit from more strength during the workout that way. But there is a big camp(also believe Luki, don´t know for sure) that don´t believe in only taking orals pre-wo. Why is it not how you roll btw, you like ED for a shorter period better?
Yea exactly how I like to use them, and I also benefit from more strength during the workout that way. But there is a big camp(also believe Luki, don´t know for sure) that don´t believe in only taking orals pre-wo. Why is it not how you roll btw, you like ED for a shorter period better?
I like ed for a longer period 🤣
Yea exactly how I like to use them, and I also benefit from more strength during the workout that way. But there is a big camp(also believe Luki, don´t know for sure) that don´t believe in only taking orals pre-wo. Why is it not how you roll btw, you like ED for a shorter period better?
It’s just about finding which compounds you can run sustainably while gaining lean tissue.

For many it’s not worth the risk of taxing the liver and GI system in a heavy growth phase.

You don’t want to go 1 step forwards and 2 steps back by taking orals only to crush your GI system which will inhibit your ability to utilize food and grow.

Most guys who get issues from them are eating crappy diets and taking way too much IMO. You can get a lot from 20-30mg of Anavar or anadrol daily as opposed to jumping straight to 50-100mg. Save those dosages for shorter windows during prep or before a beach trip.
My fav dbol back in the day were Naposim and Balkan which were much later on. Did you try the Danabol blue hearts? They were really good as well. Pink Thai's were good but a lot of fakes started coming out later on.

I never tried the Naposim's or Balkans, but I did try the blue heart Danabols, which were really good as well. When I used pink Thais, it was from back in the 90's, like around 97'ish IIRC. I had a friend who was deployed out that way and he brought them back for me...a few 1,000 pill bottles that I kept on hand when needed. After that, I just stuck with Reforvit from Mexico since it was so cheap, lol. I had actually used Reforvit as my first Dianabol, and I loved it a lot, it always worked for me (both the liquid and the tabs that came out around 2000'ish). Then a guy in town out here where i lived (mid-90's), would fly out to Indonesia for business trips, and he supplied the town with the Syntex dbol. It was called Dupa...like Neo Anabolene - DUPA, or something like that.

I used the heavy hitters early on because they gave instant size and I was just like many of the guys today and had no patience, lol. I can't even remember the last time I used dbol at this point, it was a long time ago. To be honest, I think it was around 2007 or 08. It got to the point where it would just immediately distend my gut too much, and I didn't like that at all. I can handle some gut and distention, but it started to get out of control for me, especially since most will use at least some amount of higher calories for muscle tissue gains (or strength). If it weren't for that or the estrogenic issues, i'd still use it because it's a fun compound. That said, i'd have to try a small dose to see if that helps...I was more of a 40-75mg/d user. Maybe a 10-15mg/d amount would be a nice fit for my old ass, lol.
So you would say then adding orals in the off season would be beneficial as well? When appetite and everything stays good? But because before I thought I saw you say you would only use Anavar.
I personally don't use any orals and I won't because of the health problems I've had. I also do not use orals for my athletes outside the season and if I do as you wrote only Anavar but this does not mean that I think that using anadrol or dbol during the offseason is ineffective - it is very effective and if someone does not care about maintaining the best possible health they just want to make the most progress in the shortest time there is nothing better than high doses of anadrol or dbol but I want to keep my athletes as healthy as possible so I use the approach of avoiding orals
Isn’t it logical though to conclude our first/early exposure to PEDs will be most drastic though?

When I first used anadrol (UGL) it was very drastic as well and I made gains fast, but every time since is less drastic simply because I’ve already MADE those initial gains. And we all know that the further we get in this the less dramatic our gains will be over time
Well it wasn't a first exposure, and not really early as it was about two years in. I had also probably peaked in size at the overall dosage, which is about the same I'd run in current times.

Additionally as I said, I was off again for several years, then running pharma oxy for a short time saw similar gains. Another break and ran BD oxy, but nowhere near the results. Still good, but not great.

I was also about the same size. At the same time I made possibly my best gains in my 40s, so it's not about not responding well to AAS anymore.
I was merely 19 when I used Halo the first time (I know, I know...but I got it from the pharmacy from pennies and no script...).
20mg gave me massive strength and SIZE gains.
Guess how much size I could gain a few years later, much heavier, with X3 that dose.
Is that you in your Avatar. I say at three times the dose the product is three times less effective. What dose was the highest dose you've taken with anadro!?
Is that you in your Avatar. I say at three times the dose the product is three times less effective. What dose was the highest dose you've taken with anadro!?
It's me, at 39, days before stepping on stage.
Anadrol? Most has been 200mg/day for 4 months.
Just answeing your question, certainly not a "recommendation" for anyone.
It's me, at 39, days before stepping on stage.
Anadrol? Most has been 200mg/day for 4 months.
Just answeing your question, certainly not a "recommendation" for anyone.
Nice man that is awesome!!
To be clear, it was NOT your first exposure to anadrol specifically?
First exposure to Anadrol. Two years or so in on AAS. I had already got that initial 20lb jump and was competitive.

If you are impling initial exposure to a specific AAS causes its own unique gains over and above that achieved with other AAS while a reasonable expectation, I don't believe it's possible.

What was unique to Anadrol was the strength and fullness.
The answer depends on WHO you ask, but generally speaking "pulsing" orals pre-wo only for a very long time massively reduces toxicity and sides (appetite impairment included) and can provide an extra boost when most needed. Not how I roll but many like this method.
When you say pulsing, I assume only on workout days pre? So if someone did a 5 on 2 off bro split, orals 5 on 2 off?
Its main metabolite in vivo (mestanolone) has been widely used in East Germany in Olympic athletes as part of a state-sponsored doping program in the 1970s and 1980. It definitely possesses remarkable CNS boosting activity.
now that is a great drug! i used it precontest, I saw it on annies raw list back in like 2016 and studied it and decided to add it . insane dryness and aggression, raw was less expensive than other orals noticeably
I've did this before and like it. Actually bumped a thread a while back on just using orals pre workout. Seems a great way to use them for longer without the health affects
I've did this before and like it. Actually bumped a thread a while back on just using orals pre workout. Seems a great way to use them for longer without the health affects
It's how I use them now more reasently, can go a couple of months without any issue. Now it doesn't mean I wont use them daily for a certain period of time when I feel it's best suited.

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