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Drug screening because on TRT

Oh and out of curiosity why would you tell people what you would or would not prescribe me on an open forum, when I didn't ask? Are you currently a PA or NP? How do you think the medical board would feel about your posting history?
Bro you need to get the stick out of your ass and read more carefully what the fuck people are telling you. Do to your replies and your spelling your a kid.if your not even worse your extremely ignorant. I said I wasn't trying not to be a dick in my post and juggy said just kidding in his post and you reply to both of us with and attitude. I feel sorry for your Dr. And who the fuck emails his or her Dr. To ask the question you asked him or her? Why not make a phone call. But you know what don't bother answering I really don't give a fuck and waste time .there's better threads to get into
Oh and out of curiosity why would you tell people what you would or would not prescribe me on an open forum, when I didn't ask? Are you currently a PA or NP? How do you think the medical board would feel about your posting history?
dude im about as lenient as it gets in terms of drug use but you have a heart condition and you want the dr to rx stims. lol
do what you wana do but i can understand them covering there ass in this case. lol
not saying this in a bad way, just being honest with you.
Oh and out of curiosity why would you tell people what you would or would not prescribe me on an open forum, when I didn't ask? Are you currently a PA or NP? How do you think the medical board would feel about your posting history?
Even a joke about the possibility of doxxing isn’t funny around here
So your PCP at a physical or routine appointment just said you had to do a random drug screen test?

Did he explain the reasoning or basis for this test? Not defending them, I just have never heard of such so trying to understand the reasoning.

His email still doesn’t add up if you’re not on any other medications. Is he a standard primary care clinic or does he do pain management or psychiatric care there?
He is my primary doctor and I have been prescribed test from him for 6 years . This is the first time I was asked to do this and his explanation after another email is that this is recommended my medical officials because certain drugs interact with testosterone and this is to be safe with prescribing me test
My last 2 appointments for trt bloodwork. My urologists checked my urine. I asked the nurse both times if that was a new requirement and she told me he was testing urine screen on all of his clients. Not sure if it was a drug screen or added test
Yea not doxing anyone and I never would, your right though it didn't even come across as funny as I ment it to be so sorry @juggy38 I thought I had a jk in there my bad and very sorry!! You have always been nice to me I did not mean it to come across that way!!
Even a joke about the possibility of doxxing isn’t funny around here

Bro you need to get the stick out of your ass and read more carefully what the fuck people are telling you. Do to your replies and your spelling your a kid.if your not even worse your extremely ignorant. I said I wasn't trying not to be a dick in my post and juggy said just kidding in his post and you reply to both of us with and attitude. I feel sorry for your Dr. And who the fuck emails his or her Dr. To ask the question you asked him or her? Why not make a phone call. But you know what don't bother answering I really don't give a fuck and waste time .there's better threads to get into
Who the fuck cares how 2 people decide to communicate with each other? well you ...your right though I am 18 and extremely ignorant
dude im about as lenient as it gets in terms of drug use but you have a heart condition and you want the dr to rx stims. lol
do what you wana do but i can understand them covering there ass in this case. lol
not saying this in a bad way, just being honest with you.
no this had happened prior to my heart surgery and my heart wasn't the issue, though I started Ritalin a year after my heart surgery my cardiologist had to ok it but he did. That shit is like the on button for me. Honestly if it cut my life short I would still take it as it just adds a higher quality of life for me. thanks for looking out though!
My last 2 appointments for trt bloodwork. My urologists checked my urine. I asked the nurse both times if that was a new requirement and she told me he was testing urine screen on all of his clients. Not sure if it was a drug screen or added test
Urologist check your urine for different reasons usually. Urinalysis not for drug screen. Pretty routine it seems at most places, as asymptomatic hematuria is a common presentation of bladder cancer
Urologist check your urine for different reasons usually. Urinalysis not for drug screen. Pretty routine it seems at most places, as asymptomatic hematuria is a common presentation of bladder cancer
I’ve gone for a few years without getting a urinalysis. Last 2 required a urine. I just thought it was strange.
Thanks for the feedback
Yea not doxing anyone and I never would, your right though it didn't even come across as funny as I ment it to be so sorry @juggy38 I thought I had a jk in there my bad and very sorry!! You have always been nice to me I did not mean it to come across that way!!

Who the fuck cares how 2 people decide to communicate with each other? well you ...your right though I am 18 and extremely ignorant

no this had happened prior to my heart surgery and my heart wasn't the issue, though I started Ritalin a year after my heart surgery my cardiologist had to ok it but he did. That shit is like the on button for me. Honestly if it cut my life short I would still take it as it just adds a higher quality of life for me. thanks for looking out though!
bro in no way am i judging or talking shit. just keeping things real.
i was prepped and going to or for another cath and they sent me home cus they used too much dye the first time so my kidney values were too high to do more. i went home took cid smoked tobacco and weed and drank coffee. went out later that week was up all night and pretty looped up, if im honest i even did a little c_ke later that week. all while knowing i was in a fucked situation. in my mind i was taking it easy. buuutttt... lol
I’ve gone for a few years without getting a urinalysis. Last 2 required a urine. I just thought it was strange.
Thanks for the feedback
My urologist has checked my urine every time since I started going to him. Think its just precautionary.
My urologist has checked my urine every time since I started going to him. Think its just precautionary.

Yes, and I think they probably can tag along a small charge like 5-8$ . Urinalysis reviewed/ performed cause let’s be honest it doesn’t need to be checked every time .
Yes, and I think they probably can tag along a small charge like 5-8$ . Urinalysis reviewed/ performed cause let’s be honest it doesn’t need to be checked every time .
Hit the nail on the head…. If your appointments are every 6 months or annually then I totally get having a UA administered. If it’s a monthly deal then Ol boy/girl just inflating their gross monthly income is all!

On a semi-related note, I had to stop taking HGH this week because I have a drug screen next Wednesday and I don’t want to risk it releasing anything stored in my fat cells (because I use full spectrum CBD and the occasional THC for sleep).
On a semi-related note, I had to stop taking HGH this week because I have a drug screen next Wednesday and I don’t want to risk it releasing anything stored in my fat cells (because I use full spectrum CBD and the occasional THC for sleep).
you can buy dip stick test in the drug store and test yourself first.
you can pass a drug test using lots of water, glycerol and b vits.
you can buy dip stick test in the drug store and test yourself first.
you can pass a drug test using lots of water, glycerol and b vits.
any drug test? do you have experience by chance? i want to test this out lol
So this is a first. Been on test from doctor for 6 years and always do blood work and office visit routinely . I was asked today to do a drug screening urine test to show I am not doing any other controlled substances . The doctor said they are being harder on prescribing controlled medications .
Seen this question many times over the years. This test has nothing to do with your HRT or TRT. If it's for work it's likely a common 5 panel test for amphetamines, phencyclidine, cocaine, opiates, and marijuana. Not steroids. If you are being tested for something like a 26 panel test like the military. Yes they are testing for steroids in your urine. A 10 panel is for Amphetamines, such as ecstasy, crystal meth, or Ritalin. Phencyclidine, also called PCP or angel dust. Cocaine and crack cocaine. Opiates, such as heroin, oxycodone, or hydrocodone. Marijuana. Barbiturates. Benzodiazepines, such as Xanax and Valium. Methadone. A urine drug screen for steroids use's a gas Chromatographic method. It's very expensive and most likely you will not be tested for this for employment.
I've used a few different off Amazon. Even Ephedrine well give you a false positive for methamphetamine
idk man i was in COURT appointed drug tested for 3+ years with my PO and recently in DRUG COURT out patient treatment and was on bronkaid for the majority of all this and neve popped for dope

these go to labcorps not cheap ass amazon test, they don't cut corners

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