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Eating while traveling/vacation


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Kilo Klub Member
Jun 6, 2010
What do you guys do when you go on vacation or travel for awhile?

I'm going up to Portland, OR for a wedding and ill be gone for 5 days. I'm going to make some time for the gym and change up my split a little but im kinda unsure what to do about what i'll be eating. Right now im bulking (a little offseason mode) so im going to splurge a little on the wedding day with whatever food they serve. I just have a hard time downing all my calories during the day and i pretty much religiously eat every 2 hours. I think i might just be cooking allloot of food in the mornings and packing stuff in coolers to drag around with me. AND maybe some stops off at Subway for footlongs with double meat.

just seeing what other guys do?

also, im on long ester gear right now so i can take 5 days with nothing but for guys on short ester gear, do you just make sure you schedule your trips at other times of the year?
dude just relax, 5 days wont kill you if you're that strict year 'round.
What do you guys do when you go on vacation or travel for awhile?

I'm going up to Portland, OR for a wedding and ill be gone for 5 days. I'm going to make some time for the gym and change up my split a little but im kinda unsure what to do about what i'll be eating. Right now im bulking (a little offseason mode) so im going to splurge a little on the wedding day with whatever food they serve. I just have a hard time downing all my calories during the day and i pretty much religiously eat every 2 hours. I think i might just be cooking allloot of food in the mornings and packing stuff in coolers to drag around with me. AND maybe some stops off at Subway for footlongs with double meat.

just seeing what other guys do?

also, im on long ester gear right now so i can take 5 days with nothing but for guys on short ester gear, do you just make sure you schedule your trips at other times of the year?

go to whole foods and stock up on
on finger foods......nuts, fruits, case of water, couple natty PBs
then i usally get a case or two of drinks...isopure, ect

then your good to go.....try to sit down at a decent resturant
at least once per day......nice steak, salad, baked potato
salmon, salad, cheese cake:eek:......chicken breast, rice pilof, veggies

now if your 2 weeks out then YOUR FUCKED:D

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I travel for work so am on the road every week. I set my schedule up and mail my gear to myself.

As far as food, you just have to order the right way. I usually eat Denny's for breakfast and get the make your own slam. I order 10 egg whites and two wholes and oatmeal. Lunch is usually somewhere like Chili's where I order the top sirloin and veggies and make sure to tell them not to butter my steak. Dinner is the same. I typically use Subway, Jack in the Box Grilled Chicken Strips or Wendy's chili as my in between meals food.
Maccas for 5 days wont hurt you. You wont turn into 500 pounds fat fuck in 5 days lol
my diet doesnt change no matter where i go or what i do. ill find a way to keep it the same. when your blessed with the world worst gentics you really have no choice. but most people can probably do whatever and get away with it:(
My job requires me to travel alot. Here are some things that have worked for me.

- Google your destination and find a grocery store. That should be one of your first stops after you land.

- Also find a GNC/Vitamin Shoppe/etc if you are taking powder. You can also pack this in individual ziplocks if you want to premeasure at home

- Make sure your hotel has a refrigerator and a microwave. They may not have a microwave in each room but there should at least be a community one. You can make almost anything in a microwave. Some hotels have a limited number of refrigerators so call ahead and make sure you get one.

- When I'm really counting calories I bring my small electronic scale and ziplock bags. That way I can measure everything out at the room and bring it with me.

- Bring a cloth / foil lined cooler with you so you can pack your food. Ice is available at the hotel.

- If you eat at nicer places you can usually order anything you want. Mid-to-high end restaurants typically make everything from scratch so it's not a problem to tweak their offerings.

- Fill a few 3oz containers with LBA's and carry on with you. That way you have some protein if your flight is late, you get hungry, or you have a long layover.

- Bring some emergency food that doesn't have to be refrigerated like canned/foil tuna and chicken.
If I am on a vacation, whether 3 days or 2 weeks, I eat and drink what I want. Life is too short. Enjoy a vacation.
I useto travel all the time. Right now its so easy to eat right on the road. You have access to:

Protein Bars
RTD Protein Drinks
Tuna in foil packs (the hickory smoked is kick ass)
Single serve brown rice

Even though fast food is bad they do still have healthy choices.
my diet doesnt change no matter where i go or what i do. ill find a way to keep it the same. when your blessed with the world worst gentics you really have no choice. but most people can probably do whatever and get away with it:(

Amen to that!
Amen to that!

Count me in that boat too. A couple more ideas: mrp's and a shaker cup. Eating out: Go to a bit more gourmet Chinese restaurant and get steamed chicken or shrimp with vegetables and plain rice. A little chili oil, ginger sauce or soy and your good.
For me the worst part is the pathetic airport and airplane food. For that I carry some protein bars and a bag of almonds to keep me going. That way, the only thing I have to buy once through the security checkpoint is a bottle of water.
in the offseason, i pack a jug of protien powder, bag of almonds, and peanut butter when i go out of town.

dude just relax, 5 days wont kill you if you're that strict year 'round.

If I am on a vacation, whether 3 days or 2 weeks, I eat and drink what I want. Life is too short. Enjoy a vacation.

Well, I highly agree with the two above posts (and BigChef's)- it's offseason... bodybuilding can bring out ALOT of neurotic aspects to us :D, enjoy, in moderation, your time :)

At the SAME TIME THOUGH- I can also respect your dedication... so the word I TRY to live out in my life is being "reasonable".

Take the other suggestions, apply them when it won't be an interference with those around you and enjoy your time!
I travel regularly to very far flung destinations like Dubai, Delhi, Beijing, etc

Keeping up my protein in the past was always the biggest problem. Several years ago I got a gift from God. True Protein RTDs, little plastic milk bottles filled with 50 grams of their best protein that all you need do is fill with a small amount of water. Hand 'em to flight attendants, use 'em in hotel rooms. No problem getting them through TSA type security anywhere in the world because they are not liquid till they get filled with water.

I can't recommend them highly enough, even for long road trips too!


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