I was wondering if so of you guys have tried both. And in your expirence which one worked better for you.
Well, I prefer carb loading.
What you put in is what you get out right? Why eat shit?![]()
My 2 cents
ive done both, and for me, i prefer a shitload, because its more predictable to me, as long as you know whether to put water back in or not you will be fine with a shitload. I have done traditional carb load and it worked but i can guage a shitload better than i can a traditional load. and for those that think a shitload is stupid you obviously have never seen any of skip from IM's guyshe had modified things a lot here in the last few years but i still learned what i know from skip over at Intensemuscle.
ive done both, and for me, i prefer a shitload, because its more predictable to me, as long as you know whether to put water back in or not you will be fine with a shitload. I have done traditional carb load and it worked but i can guage a shitload better than i can a traditional load. and for those that think a shitload is stupid you obviously have never seen any of skip from IM's guyshe had modified things a lot here in the last few years but i still learned what i know from skip over at Intensemuscle.
Ive posted my shitloading protocols here. You can look it up for a reference. I personally react favorable to them. I guess they are not for everyone.
I saw your pics from last and 2 years ago. I think you were just as lean 3-4 weeks out from your show.....you lost muscle mass for those shows.....a lot. At this point of that much muscle loss, I can see gorging yourself to fill out a bit more could work. The next step is not to lose so much muscle and fill out the right way.
I have said time and time again that if you are using a protocol that works for you and you are showing up on stage full, hard and dry, don't change anything you are doing. If you are not, shitloading or Skiploading as it is referred to since I have basically upgraded and tweaked it over the years is something to consider.
I have to laugh sometimes because it seems the biggest critics of my unorthodox loading protocols, theories and ideology are guys that can't seem to dial it in, anyway. They ask about getting sodium right, carbs, talk about "spilling", etc., but only peak once every 5 times they are on stage.
Skiploading is incredibly predictable when you know what you are doing. Obviously, I do. It is not complicated, it isn't about fucking around with sodium, water and I don't use diuretics. I think I used them twice for something like 47 competitors in 07. It is very, very rare. The shitload was upgraded or overhauled because it presented two problems on OCCASION and I wanted to get rid of those two issues and I did. One was that some people can't load hard and fast because some are prone to abdominal distention more than others. The other issue was that if you were a heavy or superheavy and you were REALLY depleted, you weren't going to fill out as much as you would need to in such a small amount of time. Now, when you load you aren't supposed to be dramatically depleted but when you say the word "deplete" to a bodybuilder you find that most are going to run themselves into the ground and end up flat as shit. I solved these issues and in 07 proved consistently throughout the year that it worked time and time again. There were no train wrecks, spillage issues, bloating, etc., NONE. I even walked the walk and proved it by topping my all time best condition in December, as well.
As I said earlier, if you have a protocol that works and you show up on stage consistently full, hard and dry, don't change a thing. However, most guys don't get it right and even when they get it right once, they can rarely duplicate it.
This is really good advice. I have to be honest. I HAVE hit it with shitloading, just the day AFTER the show. Diuretics wore off and i started eating like crazy and drinking. My problem is, my system doesnt handle it well. My stomach bloats and i have to go to the bathroom every 15min. I also water over like an hour after i stop eating. If i continue to eat i hold condition, soon as i stop...goes to shit (dunno why). Dont think the shitload agrees with me, or maybe i really need to lighten it up and spread it out instead of cramming it in so quickly. Dunno.....but this time around, im taking a VERY safe approach.
Of most of the people i have talked to and seen in PHENOMINAL condition the day of the show....oddly enough they said..."i really didnt do much of anything". Add a little more carbs than usual for 3 days, not too much, drink normal water, cut it at some point, lower sodium the day before, maybe add some back in a little the day of the show. SIMPLE. I am going to be ready 4 weeks out and try this every weekend (as its not a drastic change and shouldnt really effect my prep). I had someone say "do you remember what you did in these pictures you sent me"? I said yes absolutely. He said "good, do that!". So for me, cutting carbs out early and adding in all protein/vegetables helps me lose water and makes me much drier upon waking in the AM. Im going to test this out for myself until i NAIL it best i can. If its not acceptable to me, i am def paying to have this done right, as im not chancing anything by playing with it myself anymore. I work too hard to lose it last minute again and again.
Skip, chime in more often man. Your words are golden. I think ive dug up everything I could on what you and zilla have said about contest prep and absorbed it like sponge and of course tweaked things to fit my needs. Awesome knowledge you possess my friend.
But remember, you are assuming that the load is the same as it was when you did it. : ) The timing is completely different and allows for alot of the issues that you stated above. With Skiploading you don't load a thing the day of the show 95% of the time. I think you shitloaded over 4 years ago, right? The protocol is so different now that you wouldn't even recognize it.
Thank you. I just find it hard to get away from IM as I am so busy these days. I still lurk over here quite a bit but just noticed I haven't posted since September. Some people complain when I post about SkipLoading because I don't spoon feed it to them and lay it all out for everyone to see. Seems when I post on things like this I catch some shit so I kind of backed off on posting as much. I am busy enough these days that if people aren't interested in what I am posting I have other things to do.