my buddys 5'7 and 169lbs hes 43 and just started a cycle (1st ever) hes using test prop 50mgs eod 1cc and 2ius of gh 5 days on and 2 off hes been on for 1 week hes having spuratic fever it lasts for about 2 hours goes away and feels fine sort of resembles the flu!!! When he gets up on the morn he feels great about mid morn the flu symptoms hit they last for about 2 hours and then hes fine, the same reacures in the afternoon!!!??? He thinks the doses are to high for his body size and for the first cycle I feel its the diet not enough carbs, cals. anyway you guys are the pros Iam as dumb as him so any advice would be appreciated!!!! Thanks in advance!!!!
P.s he also taking letrozole 5mgs ed
P.s he also taking letrozole 5mgs ed