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Food on the road


May 1, 2010
Hey guy i spend most of my day on the road and have had about all the cold chicken and potatoes and chicken and rice I can stand. I normally stop for lunch but I live in Ms and its hard to find anything clean. Does anyone have any ideas on anything I could take and eat without a microwave?
I eat cold chickens and green vegetables (green vegies half cooked the better) and cold sweet potato, been doing this for a long time and I still loved it. I only eat this 2 cold meals and 1 hot meal at work and 1 hot meal at home. You really dont need a microwave!
It doesnt hurt to eat cold food! :eek:
i eat at least 2-3 cold meals a day. Im so use to it that it doesnt matter anymore. I actually hate the way my chicken tastes heated up in the micro
Thanks guys sometimes i will do cold hamburgers and chicken fajitas but mostly chicken and sweet potatoes. During the summer when im out of the vehicle i will leave it on the dash or on the hood to warms things up. But with fall and winter coming its back to cold meals :(
try those thermos lunch containers that keeps the food warm. then u can bring some hot-pasta, soup, warm rice.

my dad uses this brand "zojirushi", i think he paid almost 100bux back like 10yrs ago.. but this thing will keep your food steaming for hours.

**broken link removed**
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I do chicken or tuna salad over fresh greens with olive oil and vinager which aint bad cold.
I do chicken or tuna salad over fresh greens with olive oil and vinager which aint bad cold.

Doesnt get soggy? I hate soggy lettuce...
If your on the road all the time you may want to invest in a portable microwave. Truckers use them for a hot meal in their cabin. They aren't cheap and they aren't fast but it will produce a hot meal:

The WaveBox: World's First Portable Microwave Oven

You could also get a lower power microwave and an inverter. You'd have to do the math to figure out what you need. Here is an FAQ explaining why you don't match the microwave watt rating to the inverter rating.

**broken link removed** Why can the 1500 Watt inverter not run my 1200 Watt microwave

You could also find hotels in the area and use their breakfast bar area. They typically have a common microwave.
This may sound gross until you try it, but one of my favorite sources of protein (and Omegas and calcium) are sardines straight outta the can. It may take some experimenting to find some brands that taste really good/not "fishy", but WOW; once you find the right brand, it's amazing (very filling, VERY convenient, and no irridation from having to use a microwave). :) My favorite brand/product is the second one here - **broken link removed**. According to the website, they unfortunately do not have any retail distributors in MS, but you can always order online (which is prolly much cheaper).

Other quick/easy food ideas -
Protein Powder (don't think I can ever get enough of TrueProtein's CMDI!!! ;) )
Nut Butter (cashew, macadamia, walnut, etc. nut butters) - straight outta the can (or on something like low carb flax bread, depending on your carb intake)
I recently went to Romania. I took almonds, detour whole grain bars, and meal replacements for quick meals. I stayed lean.
I take shakes with me of coarse, tuna, pieces of turkey breast, green veggies, i keep a container with 12 peeled boiled eggs with me as well that is a very quick filler for me. Sometimes i'll even take beans with me, I can eat just about anything cold.
Do you prepare all weeks meals in one day or do you split it up
Do you prepare all weeks meals in one day or do you split it up

Thanks for the ideas guys :fo:d-smil and yes i normally cook all of my meals on sunday since i am out of town all week. I take shakes sometimes but mostly only drink them when i wake up and PWO. I cant eat any tuna but ill try to try the sadines but most fish makes my stomach turn just by the smell.
Hey guy i spend most of my day on the road and have had about all the cold chicken and potatoes and chicken and rice I can stand. I normally stop for lunch but I live in Ms and its hard to find anything clean. Does anyone have any ideas on anything I could take and eat without a microwave?

Wendys has a great grilled chicken sandwich.....and you could get a baked potato minus the sour cream there too!!!! Give it a whirl.
IF you can eat carbs....

It does not get much more convenient than a turkey sandwich...ideally real turkey, not processed. Bonus is not worrying about silverware, cleaning tupperware etc etc.
i wish i could just shovel cold food into my mouth. I dont think ill ever be able to eat like that. which sucks.
Any other tips my job has no way for me to get at a microwave or anything like that im on the road (or somthing similar) 12 hours min in the middle of no where I have tried a 100 dif things and im getting sick of cold turky chicken and steak

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