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? for kiwi about your delt routine


Jun 5, 2002
Under your pic post you posted you routine and I noticed that you do you heavy shoulder work behind the neck, do you find this more effective then front shoulder presses for building massive delts?
deffinately seems to work my delts alot more effectively. One day when used to go to front was doing 3 and 3/4 plates side then felt funny pains all through ribs shoulder, I dislocated my shoulder and 3 ribs. Ever since then have done them behind neck no troubles at all ( touch wood ) I find can go heavier, helps with my posture brings shoulders back and makes them grow alot better.

How far behind the neck do you feel you have to go on these for maximum growth?
I don't believe that you should go "too far" down as that is a very poor biomechanical movement (easy to hurt your shoulders) along with behind-head pulldowns.

I agree 100% with Xcel on that-if you even have the slightest bit of pain from those, I would do them to the front instead. You put your joints at a great disadvantage and stress by stretching them into an unnatural position for these exercises, along with the heavy weight adding to the stress.

But, how the hell can you argue with BIGKIWI-look at those damn delts!
Just goes to show how individual body mechanics really are. If I do them behind the neck, my rotator cuffs and shoulder joints would kill me. I find it uncomfortable to just push up the bar when its behind my head...

But like MikeS said, you can't argue that it works - just look at that BigKiwi!!

Nothing hits...

...the delts as well as behind the neck presses. Usually people don't do them cause they hurt but, the exercises you HATE doing are ones that work best. Ain't that life??LOL

from a body mechanics stand point one should never break the point of verticle to the sides. past this point the should has to roll slightly out of joint . undue stress is applied to joint and rotator. not worth it. go behind the head if you feel the movement better but, do not go to far down...
Even though I dont train my delts till Friday, I will give it a try gor 6-8 weeks and see what comes of it
Sorry guys have to disagree with most you ( apart from Ry )I do my behind neck press right to the bottom and only half to 3/4 way back up, I feel if you are doing top part movement not hitting your delts and traps enough also has more emphasis on the tri. I make sure to warm up my delts and stretch before hand. From doing my delt rountine this way have never ( touch wood again ) had any shoulder or rotor cuff injuries. As alot guys have said if there is pain in shoulder joint don't do it but if no pain just good stretch there give it a go, will take few weeks to get used to the stretch but I gurantee growth.
OK, here's a perfect example of people doing the exact opposite and having same results.
I storngly encourage people NOT to do behind the neck presses as they don't seem to work (in my opinion) that well at stimulating the shoulders, but more the traps - that's why people train traps with shoulders - because they don't know how to isolate the shoulders properly and they feel the pump in their traps, when the traps are actually a back muscle and should be trained as such.
I am a huge advocate of front standing millitary presses. I believe that if you can only do one exercise for shoulders, that should be it.

But as I said, look at BigKiwi and me. We believe the exact opposite, but look at his shoulders, and my shoulders if anyone can remember them from old photos, are just like his as well. 62" around. So, two different theories, same results.
Re: Nothing hits...

Ry Roid said:
...the delts as well as behind the neck presses. Usually people don't do them cause they hurt but, the exercises you HATE doing are ones that work best. Ain't that life??LOL


Very true!
I agree and disagree. They are affective for me. But at times add some pain, do to some already bad shoulders. But some can't handle to movement at all. I know the NFL fines players for doing behind the neck presses.
Armageddon said:
I agree and disagree. They are affective for me. But at times add some pain, do to some already bad shoulders. But some can't handle to movement at all. I know the NFL fines players for doing behind the neck presses.


You mean specific teams fine THEIR players for doing behind the heads or you mean the ENTIRE NFL is prohibited from doing them?
I believe it's the league itself. Cause I know a few guys and former Docs from various teams that have told me this.
You guys gotta remember everyone's body mechanics are different and some people do exercises different cause they have to not because they want to. I actually bring the bar down all the way down also and feel a better muscle "Feel" from that. Then again if I went all the way down on squats my knees would pop off.LOL See how we all are different??

Ry Roid said:
You guys gotta remember everyone's body mechanics are different and some people do exercises different cause they have to not because they want to. I actually bring the bar down all the way down also and feel a better muscle "Feel" from that. Then again if I went all the way down on squats my knees would pop off.LOL See how we all are different??


True. If I don't go rock bottom in the squat, then it's not a squat :cool:

Even though mine do not look all that big in my pics right now some guy asked me if I was kin to Goldberg lol. I started doing behind the neck in the last yr toping out at about 250lbs and hit at about mid head seems to work for me and have seen a vast inprovement in them doing this type of movement.:rolleyes:
Different training styles

I liked this thread shows that different things work for different people.
As far as me I love behind the neck presses. I usually do 225-12,275-6-8, 225 as many as I cn get which usually ends up being around 20. But I don't go all the way down. I go alittle more than halfway and up right before lock out. I find that locking out on any delt movement takes stress of the muscle.

MY friend loves standing presses but I find them more to be a power movement than a bodybuilding movement IMO. Plus doing them kills my back, now that I don't have a spoter to do behind the necks I do seated barbell in front of the neck...I love them but theuy also strainmy back. As soon as I get a workout partner again I will start doing behind the necks again.

I alternate from workout to workout. When I do behind neck I usually do them last after I have done rear delts and side laterals. I've found that the shoulders are warm and stretched good doing them last. If I do front presses I do them second after rear delts.

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