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Genius at the Gym Quote of the day.


Oct 4, 2010
This is for us to enjoy those little nuggets of brilliance we overhear while bangin out our workout at the gym. I'm gonna start with this little jewel I heard yesterday.

"You can only stay on orals for a few months, but deca and tren, you can stay on those year round."
yea , 600mg deca and 400mg tren together and cycle some Anadrol every few weeks!!
that will kill your dick and a host of other things

Gotta love the guys in the know , he was probably one of those 6' tall 165lb , fat guys
"it's all about the dbol bro" - 5' 10 150lb (MAYBE) guy to a high school kid
I wouldn't be talking to guys at the gym about it. Guys ask me what I take the answer is always protein powder.
I Understand you cant help but hear some funny things though :D
Guy at the gym told me....

"I tried training legs but they never grew. So I just stopped"

Pulled his shorts up so I could see his lack of quads.

His upper is jacked and ripped. But his entire legs are the size of my forearms.

I was blown away.
I wouldn't be talking to guys at the gym about it. Guys ask me what I take the answer is always protein powder.
I Understand you cant help but hear some funny things though :D

Tell them 7000 calories a day. That kills there dreams in seconds. Lol
I wouldn't be talking to guys at the gym about it. Guys ask me what I take the answer is always protein powder.
I Understand you cant help but hear some funny things though :D

Yeah, I would never talk to anyone about it either and I was always getting guys coming up to me asking me if I could get them something. Protein powder and creatine Id say!

Id hear guys in the gym talking about being on dbol for 12 weeks or more and doses of up to 50 mg/day. Most of them were scared of needles so orals were the only thing they would do. Most of them would blow up pretty good while they were on then they would get off and crash. Youd not see them for months until they got back on the dbol again and then they would come back to the gym to lift again. SOme guys would run the dbol until either their source or their money ran out.
My 2 favorites are " I wouldn't do steroids because I would get to big" or when someone starts talking to you and then tell you about their friend who is "really huge".
My 2 favorites are " I wouldn't do steroids because I would get to big" or when someone starts talking to you and then tell you about their friend who is "really huge".

x2 on this

I wouldnt do steroids bc i would get too big - ha, this one always amazes me, i dont even know how to respond to that anymore. People act like they can pop a pill and look like arnold overnight without trying.
you mean this ^.
I thought the pills were the one thing I wasn't doing. thanks for bustin my bubble dude
I figured I'd look like arnold by xmas at least. :mad:
or the guys that were huge and ripped in highschool but had to quit workout cause of a knee injury.


the pincil legged jackoff that wants to tell you your squat form is all wrong

a pair of fitted ear buds and I-pod are one of the best investments i have made as far as training goes
OK.. I over heard this conversation the other day.
One kid (5'9" 150 wet) had a few viens starting to show. His buddy says to him "shit dude you doing steroids?"
His response "no man if I was taking roids I'd be 5X as big and I could just sit at home and not have to work out. Shit it would be great"
then they looked over at me and noticed I had heard them.
They stopped talking after that.
It got me thinking that maybe I'be been going about this all wrong. I'm only about 1.5X as big as when I started.
150 to 220 over 20years
Dam all that time and effort wasted when I could have been sitting home playing video games.:)
no sitting. has to be wii fit.
Some ones I've found funny

19 year old kid like 6'3 160lbs "back in high school I was 180lbs I was huge but now with college blah blah blah..."

same kid "you drink four protein shakes a day!? That's a lot bro I only drink one". "I bought some quick mass and have been taking one serving every Tuesday and Thursday but have only put on a couple pounds"

Guy tells my 19 year old buddy "your arms are huge bro, you don't even need to train them anymore, just focus on your chest now. That's how I do it, I focus on one body part at a time"

Hear this all the time "back when I was your age, I was benching blah blah for blah blah reps (totally unbelievable)

Some kid trying to convince my buddy that Jay Cutler was all natural while looking at a Mr. Olympia 2010 expo poster.

My girlfriends dad "I dont see why you focus so much on your body, once you hit 30 and have a job and family its all gonna go down hill, trust me I've been there". Note: He doesnt workout nor ever mentioned being ever focused on lifting weights, and drinks 7 or 8 beers each night.

Another is a 35 year old police officer telling my 19 year old natural buddy "hey bro everyone at the department is on this halotest 25 shit its great. You take like 2 caps a day, I put on 6lbs and kept like 4lbs. I get it at so and so vitamin shop for $99 a bottle" No mention of pct.

And another this 23 year old kid talking to me and my buddy "I'm gonna walk into so and so supplement store and go straight to the guy and the desk and demand the good shit, you know that dbol I know you have it back there bro" then claimed he did it before and got a bottle for $120 bucks lol

Last one i could go on forever, guy tells my buddy he started injecting and had been on for 6 weeks, my buddy asks him what pct hes going to run after and the guy says "WHATS THAT"? :banghead:
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or the guys that were huge and ripped in highschool but had to quit workout cause of a knee injury.


the pincil legged jackoff that wants to tell you your squat form is all wrong

a pair of fitted ear buds and I-pod are one of the best investments i have made as far as training goes

another good investment is a ball cap pulled down low so you dont even have to make eye contact with such creatures
yea wtf is up with all thease small guys juice'n n barely look like they lift
My 2 favorites are " I wouldn't do steroids because I would get to big" or when someone starts talking to you and then tell you about their friend who is "really huge".
This one is my all time favorite for sure.
A month or two ago there was this fatass guy that goes around talking out loud about him using steroids. One day he was saying "Dude Im about to start taking this growth hormone shit like stallone was using. Im gonna get freakin shredded in a few weeks."

Lo and behold, he still just looks like a random fat dude. :confused:
the utter stupidity of people nowadays never ceases to amaze me
I just hate the people who are so oblivious to what is going on.

You have just un racked the barbell and have 325 lbs on your back, you are doing your third squat rep and some dbag comes up and has to interrupt you to ask if you are using the other squat rack that is obviously set up for someone to curl 65 lbs with........

Or you are lying on your back and benching and they have to come up and ask if you are using the other bench that is 8 feet away......

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