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Guy Cis is not well

***Latest update on Guy ****

"Still in hospital. He's good. But still under observation".

-From a source close to Guy. I just got a reply back..

Guy wont give up. That lunatic nutter will be the last person to give up hope in that hospital.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Professional Muscle mobile app
***Latest update on Guy ****

"Still in hospital. He's good. But still under observation".

-From a source close to Guy. I just got a reply back..

Guy wont give up. That lunatic nutter will be the last person to give up hope in that hospital.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Professional Muscle mobile app

machine please find the update. Cheers

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Professional Muscle mobile app

Great that he is stable. Probably awaiting tons of tests, some of the more specific and obscure markers can take days up to a week.

Thank you very much. Cheers in kind.
Sorry Bio

Guys please lets just stay on topic. No joking of any sort. This is a serious thread/issue we talking about here which got plenty side tracked already.

Lets keep Guy in our constant prayers. Lets focus on that.
Dev, you make a really good point about Guys attitude regarding training and his overall approach in general. I used to watch some of his training videos, and think to myself, guy works extremely hard but shit like this isn't sustainable. You can't out work your recovery capabilities, even Dorian talked about this.

He has the eye of one of the smartest minds in bodybuilding when it comes to prepping, and he continues to ignore that advice? Seems like crazy is a switch that will spillover to all aspects of one's life, not just training. And I mean this with all due to respect to Guy.

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Guy is super cool dude. He was visiting my gym in California earlier in the year and we ended up getting a killer training session in. My daughter even ended up following us around the last hour. He was already dealing with this then and doctors did not know what it was but if I remember he wasn't getting sick from it at that point. Anyways he is definitely a cool ass dude and I think he does a good job with his social media. That is one if the main ways you market yourself these days.

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I don't think it's self inflicted either. I don't see how a skin disease can come from PEDs but who knows.

I, on the other hand, am pretty sure it's self inflicted... simply for I had something very similar happen to me many years ago, and on a few occasions, after spot injects in the lower portion of the biceps outter head... hit a nerve (horrible feeling btw :cool:) but kept injecting like the fool I was, until my whole hand literally got PURPLE and HOT like it had been immersed in boiling water... then, in a matter of seconds, NO MORE SENSATION AT ALL in my fingers... completely numb, no reaction, no strength anymore, couldn't hold anything, nothing, nada... I thought I had lost my hand... :eek::eek::(

1h under cold water later it started to get a little better, but didn't really recover fully before a whole week... the purple marks stayed for even longer. SCARY AS HELL.

So if I had to guess, Guy "probably" hit a nerve BADLY while injecting something deep IM. I truly encourage him to say the truth to his docs and not hide anything... :eek:

Wish him the best. :)
I, on the other hand, am pretty sure it's self inflicted... simply for I had something very similar happen to me many years ago, and on a few occasions, after spot injects in the lower portion of the biceps outter head... hit a nerve (horrible feeling btw :cool:) but kept injecting like the fool I was, until my whole hand literally got PURPLE and HOT like it had been immersed in boiling water... then, in a matter of seconds, NO MORE SENSATION AT ALL in my fingers... completely numb, no reaction, no strength anymore, couldn't hold anything, nothing, nada... I thought I had lost my hand... :eek::eek::(

1h under cold water later it started to get a little better, but didn't really recover fully before a whole week... the purple marks stayed for even longer. SCARY AS HELL.

So if I had to guess, Guy "probably" hit a nerve BADLY while injecting something deep IM. I truly encourage him to say the truth to his docs and not hide anything... :eek:

Wish him the best. :)

I thought about the esiclene/nolotil/pge1 type of deal, but then I saw marks on his back and abs. Wouldn't make sense...
I thought about the esiclene/nolotil/pge1 type of deal, but then I saw marks on his back and abs. Wouldn't make sense...

Nerves connections are an amazing thing... have you ever tried acupuncture? A small needle in your foot can ease your shoulder or kidney pain... ;)

I knew someone would mention the marks on his back or abs... if it's indeed nerve related as I think it is, this is VERY plausible.
I hope my fellow Pisano is ok. He really improved greatly in the past 5 years.
***Latest update on Guy ****

"Still in hospital. He's good. But still under observation".

-From a source close to Guy. I just got a reply back..

Guy wont give up. That lunatic nutter will be the last person to give up hope in that hospital.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Professional Muscle mobile app

Good to hear that he is hanging tough and keeping hope. Wish him the best.
I, on the other hand, am pretty sure it's self inflicted... simply for I had something very similar happen to me many years ago, and on a few occasions, after spot injects in the lower portion of the biceps outter head... hit a nerve (horrible feeling btw :cool:) but kept injecting like the fool I was, until my whole hand literally got PURPLE and HOT like it had been immersed in boiling water... then, in a matter of seconds, NO MORE SENSATION AT ALL in my fingers... completely numb, no reaction, no strength anymore, couldn't hold anything, nothing, nada... I thought I had lost my hand... :eek::eek::(

1h under cold water later it started to get a little better, but didn't really recover fully before a whole week... the purple marks stayed for even longer. SCARY AS HELL.

So if I had to guess, Guy "probably" hit a nerve BADLY while injecting something deep IM. I truly encourage him to say the truth to his docs and not hide anything... :eek:

Wish him the best. :)
Truth in bold
Phidias you are one of my favorite people on here - always honest and not in an inflammatory way.

Additionally hope Guy recovers soon and take a more intellegent risk based approach to competing if there is a next time.
**** Guy has been discharged from the hospital on loads of meds. A Biopsy has been done. Awaiting results***

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
Truth in bold
Phidias you are one of my favorite people on here - always honest and not in an inflammatory way.

Additionally hope Guy recovers soon and take a more intellegent risk based approach to competing if there is a next time.

Not to pay you back with another compliment, MG, :p but I truly feel the same way about you... and am honestly damn happy for PM that you're back posting more lately... the board needs wisdom and knowledge, and among other GREAT vets you're one of the few I trust and whose posts I always read. :);)
Fyi Screenshot_20170524-141940-01.jpeg

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

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