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Help please on first time FINA USER :) :)

Mojo Rising

New member
Jul 10, 2002
Basically my last bulk cycle was 600cyp 300deca and 50mg dbol.

I want to put on some good size this coming cycle with minimal fat gain. So basically now i said fuck it and Im going to make my own fina since its so damn easy to do(ive always been affriad to make it but oh well).

If I get my hands on some cyp, eq, deca or dbol how should I add it in with fina??

I was thinking like 600mg of cyp, 400mg of eq, 75mg of fina EOD.... or add in some dbol also?? basically im looking to put on about 1-2lbs a week. I grow well of not much.

Food wise shooting for 7-8 meals a day. All around 60-70gram of protein each meal then about 300 carbs throught the day.

Im 235 right now wanting to hit 245 and be hard as nails. Any suggestions would be great since ive never used fina. Thanks
Fina is great stuff!

Basically you could take 75 - 100 mgs EOD....HOWEVER I would suggest taking it ED for optimal results.

You won't be dissapointed, just remember to stay on that cyp. And go ahead and throw in the dbol for kicks, what a cocktail you will have!

Since you said you grow well off of not much, maybe the 75 EOD is ok....I say ED though!
This statement can be (probably will be) argumentative. Since both Fina and Deca affect the progesterone receptors, you shouldn't take both together - increased chance for progesterone-related gyno.

I always recommend starting Fina at 75mg EOD (or 37.5mg ED). You can gradually increase the amount each subsequent cycle. Most people get good results with 75mg EOD on first go around - I DID!!

Winny competes for the progesterone receptor as well. I ALWAYS stack winny with Fina. (I know - this can be argumentative also).

These topics have been discussed ad-nauseum over at the Got Fina board in the ol' days - when Animal was posting there - Ivan was there!!:)

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Ill check around a bit

Also maybe throw in some prop? We will see what happens. Ill post some results when i begin.. should be interesting.

Also wondering.. once my solution is made and i have it in a bottle sealed and all... can i go ahead and bake it at 250 F for 10 min and cool and do it again just to make sure at that point? Dont want to have any holes in any muscles .:p
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I always bake at 250 for 15 minutes in a pre-heated oven then let cool for 10 minutes and repeat 2 more times. I place vials on grill of downdraft exhaust fan that's turned on to expedite cooling.

Do not forget

to relieve the pressure in the vial after each bake; just stick a needle in the septum and you will hear and see a whish of a little cloud.
ON letting the pressure out just poke a needle in for a second or so? And do that each time after backing? Just making sure that its not a sterility issue of the open needle.
The way I do it

yeah I just poke in a bigger guage needle in there, just the needle for like 3 seconds or so, you will see and smell "something" come out. As far as sterility, I always used a fresh needle, for the whole process, (so you would really just need 1 needle for the pressure part --- even if you do it 3 X's.)

I never had ANY sterility issues I have made quite a few batches too. LOVE the stuff. Just like Xcel we were part of the OLD fina board when it was a kick ass board and many fina pioneers posted there. We know all about fina bro, so any other questions go ahead and ask.
How long

Im thinking running the fina for 8 weeks or 12? Basically all the hype around it being so toxic i have yet to see actual proof of it. But im more concerned with it being my first time and seeing how i react with it. Anything i should add in while on fina? I know this is a very broad question. Extra water? protein? Go heavier? Thanks
I leave a needle in the bottle while baking so pressure does not build up just be careful that it does not touch the fina...you dont want it comming out the needle.
converting is easy easy easy if you need a link try here

**broken link removed**
Big Hock

Thing is sometimes what will happen is there will be a tiny needle puncture hole melted into the septum. I had this happen to me once, as well as countless others.

MOJO : I ran y mr fina cycles for 10 weeks and then 12. My piss smelled weird and was dark but I felt and looked great! watch for the PR receptors.
I am on my last 6 weeks of my cycle and I am running fina for the first time. 100mg EOD , 100mg prop EOD and 50mg winny ED.

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