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New member
Feb 23, 2008
Make that STEROID urine test. lol

As part of a program I am in I have to take random urine drug tests. Usually about once every 3-4 weeks. They test for the usual pot, amphetamines, opiods, cocaine, barbituates, etc. I dont take any street drugs so this has never been a problem. I go in and piss and no worries. BUT, 2 days ago I got a call at 0600 in the moring and was told 'when you go piss today they want you tested for steroids'. I was given the the test code to give to the lab for the test. I managed to avoid the test by saying that I didnt have the money, $100, to pay for the extra test (I have to pay for all the drug screens I take. Usually $50 for the standard test). However, I was told to start getting money together because I was going to have to test for steroids very soon.

Using the code that they gave me I was able to look up the test. To make a long story short there is no way I can pass this urine test for steroids with my own urine. Substituting urine will not be a problem as the testing is a joke. They send you into the bathroom by yourself and you lock the door and come out with a cup full of urine. However, the only clean urine I have access to is my girlfriend/wifes.

Obviously no steroid metabolites will show up in her urine BUT when they run the test for testosterone (testosterone/epitestosterone ratio > 6) will they be able to tell that I have substituted female urine?

I am very lucky that the dumbasses tipped their hand and let me know I was going to be tested then let me beg off. I dodged a bullet.

Any help would be appreciated.

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I think you can buy the whizzinator with clean piss not psoitive on that though.
What kind of "program"?
Make that STEROID urine test. lol

As part of a program I am in I have to take random urine drug tests. Usually about once every 3-4 weeks. They test for the usual pot, amphetamines, opiods, cocaine, barbituates, etc. I dont take any street drugs so this has never been a problem. I go in and piss and no worries. BUT, 2 days ago I got a call at 0600 in the moring and was told 'when you go piss today they want you tested for steroids'. I was given the the test code to give to the lab for the test. I managed to avoid the test by saying that I didnt have the money, $100, to pay for the extra test (I have to pay for all the drug screens I take. Usually $50 for the standard test). However, I was told to start getting money together because I was going to have to test for steroids very soon.

Using the code that they gave me I was able to look up the test. To make a long story short there is no way I can pass this urine test for steroids with my own urine. Substituting urine will not be a problem as the testing is a joke. They send you into the bathroom by yourself and you lock the door and come out with a cup full of urine. However, the only clean urine I have access to is my girlfriend/wifes.

Obviously no steroid metabolites will show up in her urine BUT when they run the test for testosterone (testosterone/epitestosterone ratio > 6) will they be able to tell that I have substituted female urine?

I am very lucky that the dumbasses tipped their hand and let me know I was going to be tested then let me beg off. I dodged a bullet.

Any help would be appreciated.


If its a urine test,,,try some Synthetic urine such as QUICK FIX.
make sure it's body temp!! if you hand them a cup of cold whiz they're going to be suspicious.
uh you have no male friends that are clean? just have them piss in a cup and sneak it in?
Just make sure that the pee is within 100-94 degrees or you will auto fail.
Do it all the time use a balloon put it in that bring something to cut it with ....keep it in your undies .......tighty whities work best next to your nuts will keep the temp perfect ......did it to get my last job!!!! lol
Quick fix or any of the synthetic urine. It works like a charm, pop in the microwave for 10 seconds and attach the little heating element with a rubber band and that will keep the temp in the correct range. All the instructions are included.
Listen here PLEASE...

Like some have said it needs to be 95-100 degrees. there usually is a thermometer right on the cup. if its not in that range they will know it didn’t come from your body. You need to get clean urine, and put it in a CLEAN little squeeze bottle...like a small lotion bottle. Next you need to go to Wal-Mart or something and get one of those hand warmers, say for hunting. They come in a little foil like bag and you shake it to activate it. Tape that to one side of the bottle. Then go to a pet store and get one of those little adhesive thermometers. the ones you stick onto the glass of a fish tank. Adhere that to the other side of the bottle. The hand warmer gets very hot but the bottle should be enough of a buffer, and keep the urine in the range you need, but you will be able to tell because you will have your adhesive thermometer on you bottle. I suggest you get these things and try it out first.. don’t wait to the last minute. this will work, but you need to make sure you have it down pat. I have done this and it works... look on you tube for some visual examples
balloon idea is very simple.....next to the sack keeps it at body temp and conforms to body its fool proof...trust me used countless times ......works like a charm!!!!
Im not so sure about using a female's urine. I would use a male's. You must be able to dig up one person to help you out. I know one bodybuilder got caught in a drug test for a bodybuilding show because he used his wife's and she turned out to be pegnant and they didnt know it yet. He tested positive for HCG. If shes not pregnant though, it probably wont be a problem but who knows for sure.
Im not so sure about using a female's urine. I would use a male's. You must be able to dig up one person to help you out. I know one bodybuilder got caught in a drug test for a bodybuilding show because he used his wife's and she turned out to be pegnant and they didnt know it yet. He tested positive for HCG. If shes not pregnant though, it probably wont be a problem but who knows for sure.

Very correct my friend ......also if you happen to be unlucky enough to get her to piss for you right before she is menstrating.......bad news......it happend to my brother ...they were like sir just to let you know you were ovulating the doctor really told him that when they gave him the results!!!!lol
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Very correct my friend ......also if you happen to be unlucky enough to get her to piss for you right before she is menstrating.......bad news......it happend to my brother ...they were like sir just to let you know you were ovulating the doctor really told him that when they gave him the results!!!!lol

That's classic!!
If you buy the synthetic urine from ddetox or drug-solutions or any of those types of places on the web, you will get one of the two major brands, quick fix or ultra pure, they both come with the hand warmers, the bottle of urine already has a built in thermometer. You can not fail unless you don't follow the directions. It has worked many times over for me.
What kind of "program"?

I'd rather not say as it would make my identity obvious for anyone in that program who monitors this board.

uh you have no male friends that are clean? just have them piss in a cup and sneak it in?

Nope, all my friends are bodybuilders or athletes. They all take "supplements".

Im not so sure about using a female's urine. I would use a male's. You must be able to dig up one person to help you out. I know one bodybuilder got caught in a drug test for a bodybuilding show because he used his wife's and she turned out to be pegnant and they didnt know it yet. He tested positive for HCG. If shes not pregnant though, it probably wont be a problem but who knows for sure.

I think I'll just go the synthetic route. I didnt know that was available. I'm just worried that they have a test that will identify the urine as synthetic just like they can detect adulterants.

Another option is my bro's 2 year old daughter who still pees in the potty chair. ????? No chance of ovulating or menstruating there. lol

Thanks to all those who offered help. I will post feedback on how I did it, what I used, the lab, lab test code and the outcome when its over. Maybe that will help another bro in this situation.



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