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help with contest cycle


New member
Jun 6, 2002
I am going to be doing a show (my first one) on sept 20th of this year. I am comming off my cycle soon to clean out so I am fresh and ready to go. I am 6' 278lbs now and I dont know my body fat but its not all that high. I am going to start cleaning up my diet 20 weeks out and start really dieting 15 weeks out. this is the cycle I am planing on doing. unless you guys think I need to change anything. I am not a rokkie to AS only to contest cycles.

1-20 1g arimidex ED
1-5 50mg dbol ED
1-12 1g test enathate
1-12 600mg EQ
13-18 100mg test prop ED
13-19 100mg winny ED (tabs)
14-20 100mg fina EOD (off a few days before the show)
14-19 400mg primo week
19-20 100mg test suspension ED (off a few days before the show)
18-20 50mg halos ED
14-20 T-3 ( I know how to take this)
clen (2weeks of 2 weeks off) ( with jacked on off weeks)

I really need some help on this one. thanks
Good cycle bro.
I think the firsts weeks are weak. Take 1 g of sust on weeks 1-6 to get more density and keep this densyty with the others as...
GH? Ins?
T3 40 to 60 mcgs ed is good for your weight with carefull to not loose muscle.
goog look this year....show us some pics before and after....
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there is a pic of me at 235lbs in the pic forum it was taken 2 years ago.
PUMPED said:
I am going to be doing a show (my first one) on sept 20th of this year. I am comming off my cycle soon to clean out so I am fresh and ready to go. I am 6' 278lbs now and I dont know my body fat but its not all that high. I am going to start cleaning up my diet 20 weeks out and start really dieting 15 weeks out. this is the cycle I am planing on doing. unless you guys think I need to change anything. I am not a rokkie to AS only to contest cycles.

1-20 1g arimidex ED
1-5 50mg dbol ED
1-12 1g test enathate
1-12 600mg EQ
13-18 100mg test prop ED
13-19 100mg winny ED (tabs)
14-20 100mg fina EOD (off a few days before the show)
14-19 400mg primo week
19-20 100mg test suspension ED (off a few days before the show)
id run letrozole instead of femara, im good at advice for getting in really good shape but those last few days b4 the contest is when i would def. recomend wylde as he will know how to do the a-bomb trick along with how to run test suspension for ur carb up if ur doing one, i see no reason to stop fina, primo or winny b4 show
18-20 50mg halos ED
14-20 T-3 ( I know how to take this)
clen (2weeks of 2 weeks off) ( with jacked on off weeks)

I really need some help on this one. thanks
I have tryed to talk to him but I was told he isnt taking on anymore clients. sucks for me
i personally see no problem in running fina , primo and winny straight through until the day of ur contest as there is no water retention, personally id do test and fina as a base for the entir cycle, rotate the other drugs u wish to use, last few weeks switch to prop, stay on fina, primo, winny, and Halo, oral masteron could work too, from a few weeks out i would run this stack then about a week out cut the prop and switch to suspension during ur carb up days b4 the contest
Femera is the trade name for letrozole. I really like it for keeping the bloat off and it's suppose to help in keeping you dry. I believe magoo was confusing it (femera) with exemestane (aromasin).

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run the fina all the way IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
looks pretty good to me I would agree with others with the fina, primo use right way. I personally would stay on prop up untill couple days before, I don't like what suspension does for me.

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