I feel like I have been working out ineeficiently. I have been in going pretty steady to the gym for about 4 years now. I am 27 years old.....SHweeew maybe I have been working out longer. Anyway, I have done plenty routines from 5x5 to pretty much many mainstream ones. Right now I have about 3 guys that are my partners. Their way of thinking is pretty much scattered all over the place. Maybe I should make this a little quicker. I feel like Im spinning my wheels. This is what I have been doing now for months.... I have read the stickey...also I seem to get down to low reps thinking with strength comes size...Yet then all the big guys I talk to who look like they should know whats up say sets with 10-12 reps is a must...I am sooo confused !!! THANK IN ADVANCE !!!!!!!!!
M chest/bis
T back/tris
W off
Th legs
Fri shoulders
Sat off
Sun off
Sample for Monday would be like this
Flat bench
135 x 12
185 x 8
205 x 5
215 x 4
incline dumbells
65 x 10
75 x 8
90 x 6
3 x 35 x 10
standing barbel curls
3 sets of maybe 55
incline seated curls
3 sets 25 8-10
hammer curls
3 sets 35 8-10
I can answer more questions just feel free to ask...I seem to like the opposing groups with chest and back, thats if I do have to do them together. Last week I injured my shoulder so I have been thinking of putting those with chest so they are fully warmed up.
M chest/bis
T back/tris
W off
Th legs
Fri shoulders
Sat off
Sun off
Sample for Monday would be like this
Flat bench
135 x 12
185 x 8
205 x 5
215 x 4
incline dumbells
65 x 10
75 x 8
90 x 6
3 x 35 x 10
standing barbel curls
3 sets of maybe 55
incline seated curls
3 sets 25 8-10
hammer curls
3 sets 35 8-10
I can answer more questions just feel free to ask...I seem to like the opposing groups with chest and back, thats if I do have to do them together. Last week I injured my shoulder so I have been thinking of putting those with chest so they are fully warmed up.