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High Protein, High Fat, Moderate Carb Diet - Old School


New member
Jun 21, 2005
The food list is as follows:

Ground Beef
Natty PB
Whipped Heavy Cream or Half n Half
Sauerkraut, Honey, and Yogurt occasionally for the numerous benefits of raw cultures.

I've read so much about old school strongmen and bodybuilders. It seems there's been a shift towards supplementation and diets that utilize and promote such supplements and diets that would perhaps work well for women.

I've had stomach problems recently.. indigestion of all sorts. I know for a fact my ancestors never ate rice, tuna, or protein powder.

Recent studies have shown an increase in good (HDL) cholesterol with certain fats in one's diet.

I'll see where this goes.

A pound of ground beef per day + 1 large steak and/or chicken breast
A dozen whole eggs (will most likely boil them as frying them = indigestion)
1-2 pints of half n half
4+ servings of vegetables/salads
Cheese and Butter as desired
Fish 1-2x per week (may just buy some fish oil caps)
Sauerkraut and Venison 3-4x per week
Honey in my green tea once every night
A gallon of water per day (will probably add crystal light or tang)
Lots of chocolate :)

Workouts are heavy, heavy, heavy. Each muscle group is hit 2x per week. Squats, Deads, Rows, Close Grip Bench, Push Presses, Pullups, Good Mornings, Weighted Abs, etc etc. Very very little isolation work

A couple days into the diet and my strength, libido, and energy levels are WAY up.

I'll update this thread periodically

My weight right now is 230 at 5'9

Just for reference:

Squat PR = 500x3 just a belt and loose knee wraps
Incline DB Bench = 140s x 8
Close Grip Bench = 420
Deadlift PR = 500x5
(all at 209 bodyweight @ 19 years old)

I'll be doing cardio 3-4x per week consisting of a mix of boxing and strongman work. Yes, I am a strength athlete above all else and try to maintain 10-12% bodyfat (approximation.. never care to measure). Though right now, after three months off, I'm a bit higher in bodyfat than I'd like to be. Getting back into it
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that sounds like diet that you could enjoy. I struggle with that issue most things that are very healthy and will make you very lean just tastes like cardboard lets face it life is just to short not to enjoy eating and i love to eat.
Bro do you have a fast metb?

There is no need in bodybuilding for cream, butter or sugar( besides postworkout). Not to bad just get some omega 3s in there over cream and butter. Fish oil is so much better i could pull a list 1 thread long on its benifets. Instead of cream low fat cottage cheese too.

Bro do you have a fast metb?

There is no need in bodybuilding for cream, butter or sugar( besides postworkout). Not to bad just get some omega 3s in there over cream and butter. Fish oil is so much better i could pull a list 1 thread long on its benifets. Instead of cream low fat cottage cheese too.


i plan on getting some fish oil caps
i'll be having plenty of cheese

growing up on a farm i drank a lot of raw milk with lots of cream. i never got sick, i was very athletic and lean, and goddamn it tasted great

you're right. according to the magazines and a lot of the masses, you're supposed to pop a pill or capsule that has the derivatives of a certain whole food instead of eating that whole food. instead of eating real food, half of it is "supposed" to be substituted with an indigestible powder that gives you gut rot.

my goal is not to step on a bodybuilding stage, but to be among the strongest that ever lived and consequently be in great shape with all of my cardio work along with it. it's just not happening with protein powder and clean eating.

at my leanest i ate mcdonalds twice a day. 2 double cheeseburgers with mac sauce to be exact. i was 245 @ roughly 10% bodyfat front and back squatting twice a week, deadlifting once a week, and shoulders/chest twice a week. swimming 4x per week, mma 3x per week, and a lot of rough sex with the occasional whore

i can't digest all this fluff food anymore. there's a lot of anecdotal evidence that shows that certain organic REAL FOODS help a lot when somebody has goals like my own

i'll also be eating pizza once every other day at least. how do ya like me now? ;)

i still maintain that the ones who think outside of the box are the ones that stand out and really reach a special level
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i plan on getting some fish oil caps
i'll be having plenty of cheese

growing up on a farm i drank a lot of raw milk with lots of cream. i never got sick, i was very athletic and lean, and goddamn it tasted great

you're right. according to the magazines and a lot of the masses, you're supposed to pop a pill or capsule that has the derivatives of a certain whole food instead of eating that whole food. instead of eating real food, half of it is "supposed" to be substituted with an indigestible powder that gives you gut rot.

my goal is not to step on a bodybuilding stage, but to be among the strongest that ever lived and consequently be in great shape with all of my cardio work along with it. it's just not happening with protein powder and clean eating.

at my leanest i ate mcdonalds twice a day. 2 double cheeseburgers with mac sauce to be exact. i was 245 @ roughly 10% bodyfat front and back squatting twice a week, deadlifting once a week, and shoulders/chest twice a week. swimming 4x per week, mma 3x per week, and a lot of rough sex with the occasional whore

i can't digest all this fluff food anymore. there's a lot of anecdotal evidence that shows that certain organic REAL FOODS help a lot when somebody has goals like my own

i'll also be eating pizza once every other day at least. how do ya like me now? ;)

i still maintain that the ones who think outside of the box are the ones that stand out and really reach a special level

If you stay lean then sounds good bro. Even though you are doing a bodybuilding show fish oil/flax over butter/cream will add years onto your life, somthing to think about.

Why not just learn a healthy diet with higher calories? Wait, you're 19... nevermind. LOL.
not to step on anyones toes but he did say hes no ta body builder, hes a strong man. in those events(with the exception of pudzianowsky) you want alittle body fat. and dam he is one strong guy. i have and old school friend who does this type of training and he eats a ton of stuff bbers wouldnt touch but id say your right on point with what he eats just a few minor differences. he drinks whole milk, not cream. i think ur doin fine bro.
Why not just learn a healthy diet with higher calories? Wait, you're 19... nevermind. LOL.

because i already "learned" me about healthy diets already. i'd like to try something new to me and see what happens. higher calorie diets with clean food work well. but there's certain foods that seem to have benefit that most won't touch. if i'd like to be among the strongest people that ever lived, it only makes sense to try a little of their diet methods

my stats were when i was 19.. certainly not 19 anymore

btw, i roomed in the same room with you, brett, and kraig at the 04 teen nats before your mishap. small world. be kind

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