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How did Amanda do in Jrs Nats

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Women’s Bodybuilding

Overall: Dena Westerfield

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1) Dena Westerfield
2) Kim Perez
3) Amanda Dunbar
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5) Christine Moore

1) Emily Holder
2) Audry Peden
3) Yvonne Edmunds
4) Laurie Bruning
5) Michelle Baker
Maybe if she'd stuck with wyldone instead of being a bitch she would have done better. Rich bitches think they know everything.:rolleyes:
nothing more to say!

I wish Amanda the best in her ventures and did everything I could do to bring her in! She wasn't happy with the way i wanted to finnish the final carb load as our theories clashed but other than that i do infact think she made a very strong showing. I am not bitter in any way shape or form and wish her all the success in the world in her future plans with comp. bodybuilding and now its on to Chad's show where PROSOMEDAY and I will try to bring him in nails hard and full and from his condition at jr's he is right on track. we also have usa's for my lightweight Joe Morbrecki who finnished 6th at jr's althoe he really deserved a higher placing he was very professional about it and just said "wylde we'll come in harder and fuller for usa's" it was simple as that so that is the intended goal and I am working on it as we speak. As for the midleweight class well DP was on but we had some issues with his color and the call-outs I reallt didn't understand but thats not my job to qyestion the judges and therefore we will go back to the drawing board and bring him in at the top of the light-heavies in 2004! all in all it was a great show and the level of copetition was on par with that of usa's last year in a large majority of the classes! they all worked very hard and I am now going to take some much needed rest after the missouri state and usa's and get away for awhile! thank you all for those of you and your continued support and best wishes to this board wyldeone.
Wylde I got your message over at chad's, did you get mine?
All I will say in this matter is I was very pleased with how wylde helped with my diet and final days of carb depletion... After that, the carb load was no good. Too many different issues, and if it would have been done the way I was suggested to eat I would have been flat as hell on stage. So.... Carb up was done on my own. Prejudging I came in a bit flat but tighter, night show, more vascular, thicker/fuller but a bit more water.

I will not get in this wylde issue again. I regret getting in it as it is. I'm not happy at all with being involved with it.

Actually, Congratulations are in order

3rd place in Jr Nationals is very respectable, seeing that the overall winner came from that group. I have to say that I think now that yes, you are ready for Nationals and have a very good shot at doing well at the Nationals or USA. At 23, you have a bright future, and I have a lot of respect for you for trying your own carb up if you felt it was wrong, and also for showing respect to Wyldeone for all the help he gave you.
Well all differences aside what I am curious about amanda is whether you ever let wyld know he would be paid for the help he did give you. He may not bring it up but believe me I have no problem doing so. If you have paid him then props but if not you need to get on it cause after all a deal is a deal reguardless of what differences you had. PEACE
hello Wylde--BIG CONGRATS to you! I train at the same gym as Amanda and I saw the AMAZING TRANSFORMATION you did in the final 4 weeks--too bad I was unable to go to Chicago, but she should be very proud of what she accomplished with your help--you truly are a professional! As for Amanda, she does have a good heart, unfortunately her big head and young age tends to get in the way of her personal relationships--don't take it personally--you are not the first and definitely not the last!:)
bigmusclegirl said:
hello Wylde--BIG CONGRATS to you! I train at the same gym as Amanda and I saw the AMAZING TRANSFORMATION you did in the final 4 weeks--too bad I was unable to go to Chicago, but she should be very proud of what she accomplished with your help--you truly are a professional! As for Amanda, she does have a good heart, unfortunately her big head and young age tends to get in the way of her personal relationships--don't take it personally--you are not the first and definitely not the last!:)

Wow..... was I suprised to see this post.... "unfortunately her big head?" funny I'm one of the most level headed down to earth people that are around and its too bad I dont take advantage of people and use them for what they're worth. I.E. oweing people money and never repaying... or going on trips with others boyfriends with intentions to change relationships. I have NO respect for people that are like that. If you want to bring personal issues up to this board "bigmusclegirl" I can... but I dont see saying I have a big head is anywhere even close to being PROPER on this board. I do my own thing, sorry I dont talk to you anymore, nor do a lot of people... but when you have debts and you borrow from FRIENDS, you're expected to pay them back. I dont' trust everyone. Not cool..... You suprise me by comign to this board to write that. Take some time and go find a new job instead of being on the internet....

Phil -

Thanks for your comments. I appreciate it. I'm uploading new pics on my site right now as we speak. So you can view them now. My carb up process was NOT correct and not healthy. I thank God that my boyfriend was there with me also who is very medically knowledgeable also and knows whats healthy and wants not as I do.... So it wasnt like I was some stupid girl talking back to WYLDE. I dont agree with this carb up. maybe under normal circumstances he could have carbed me up properly... but with his mental state at the time and the lack of hours and having to have me ready for a 2 day show, it was NOT something that he could have accomplished, so I took it into my own hands adn am pleased with the outcome.

As for wylde himself. I've found out a few things since I was up there that I'm not pleased about. he for 1 told me that he "signed Jason Arntz the other day to work with him for his contest prep, diet/supps"... he also said he'd worked with Tonia Williams and Jennifer McVicar.

I met Jason at the show and had quite a long chat wtih him. What a GREAT guy... let me tell you, Jason is NOT working with Wylde, wylde is not his trainer, nor will he ever be. Jason had no clue that was being said and had never even met the guy until this past weekend. Not cool. As for Tonia Williams, mw, national level fbber..... she thinks he has no clue and "uses other peoples names to get himself known" and she has not worked with him and will not work with him again.

He told me that if I do nationals he'd be helping Tonia Williams along with me, but for me not to worry because even though we would probably be in the same weight class he wouldnt show any favoritism... well HE ISNT EVEN WORKING WITH HER... Now this is FACT... after a phone call was placed to Tonia personally this morning.

So all I can say is trust wylde as you may. He CAN help you with dieting up to the show... NO DOUBT. He is extremely good at that, I give him credit, he upped my carbs when I had them lower then they needed to be.... but the week before, no way would I ever go through that again. Carb depletion fine.... but carb up, noooo fucking way.

Sorry its just how it is.... I have to be honest so others see whats going on here. I wouldnt have believed it until I saw it this weekend. Sucks... Really made for a shitty weekend when you rely on someone to help you carb up and they cant do that for you.

Funny,...... must be the jealousy coming out. lol. wait until my boyfriend reads this thread, he'll really get a laugh out of it.

Why dont you approach me in the gym? You can only open your mouth here?? Or hang up on me on the phone... but never say anything directly....

lets go back and work some lat exercises so we're not put by the plants when we do "figure" competitions. lol
You're getting into something you have no clue about.... the bf will be calling you. you're getting yourself into something you have no idea about, i'd stop while you're ahead. i'm speaking to him right now, you're not being smart and i am only thinking of best interests here on this one... but w/e..... your call as always. funny.
I have no desire to speak to you anywhere--I was merely complimenting you and your diet dr from a distance--sorry the big head thing hit a sore spot--as for the past--YOU AND I BOTH KNOW WHAT REALLY HAPPENED AND IT is between us--stop making up stories! You looked great this weekend--I am NOT going to stoop to your childish behaviour! Your age is showing . . .

Amanda is handling herself pretty good here. I feel that you are the childish one, bigmusclegirl. Go to another site if all you can do is call her names. Dont dilute this site with petty bullshit.

Amanda made a TREMENDOUS TRANSFOMATION from the time she started this sport. It is actually quite amazing. Please show Steak your before, before pictures.
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