This is a routine I've been doing for a couple of months and wanted to run it by everyone. I haven't seen a split quite like this but similar to others.
Monday - Triceps, Chest, and Quads
Wednesday - Biceps, Back, and Hamstrings
Friday - Traps, Shoulders, and Calves
I do 2 isolation exercises for warm up followed by 3 heavy compound exercise work sets for each body part with DC's extreme stretching after each body part. My rep range is from 6 to 10. I do cardio Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Just wanted some opinions. Thanks
Monday - Triceps, Chest, and Quads
Wednesday - Biceps, Back, and Hamstrings
Friday - Traps, Shoulders, and Calves
I do 2 isolation exercises for warm up followed by 3 heavy compound exercise work sets for each body part with DC's extreme stretching after each body part. My rep range is from 6 to 10. I do cardio Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Just wanted some opinions. Thanks