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How many protiendrinks a day?


Jun 6, 2002
I don't eat egs, and i don't drink milk.
During the day, i eat 1 or 2 chickenbreast, and later that day a good piece of red meat.

I'm drinking one before and after my training. I also drink 1 in the morning and just before bedtime.

So i drink 4 shake's a day. My weight is only 165 pounds now, and i'm to fat. Not really fat,... but it's to much.

Is 4 shake's to much? And in bulking, do i only need 3 shakes? But, for example, when i'm in bulkingfase, and i would take some test., isn't it wrong to drink just 3 shakes? I need more protien when i would juice??? Is this true...

Need some advice...
I use shakes to make up for my downfalls in real food. Actually, when bulking I use 5 shakes a day consisting of 60g of protein each. Then I eat my breakfast lunch and dinner seperate from the shakes. To eat that much protein in real food is very difficult for me and causes my stomach to protrude.

When I was bulking, I drank 4 Myoplex a day with an extra scoop of protein (62 g protein, 28 g carbs per shake). Now that I'm starting to lose a bit of flab, I've cut down to 2 Myoplex only shakes (42 g protein, 26 g carbs per shake). Every single day that I train, I always make sure to use a post workout drink, containing 80 g dextrose and 40 g whey. I also eat about 4 cans of tuna everyday, and about 2 cups of cottage cheese. 1/2 cup oatmeal for breakfast with a Myoplex. Mucho water.
Check the label on your Protein container. Most protein on the market has A LOT of carbs. Are you accounting for these carbs in your diet (will put on fat, esp. lactose-milk sugar). Also check to see how much of Carbs are Sugar.

That why I use 97% Whey Protein Isolate - no other garbage in it other than what I decide to add!

I go through a jug of Vanilla MethoxyPro and HDT ProBlend55 each week...I'm guessing I drink about 6 shakes a day.
I use to drink three a day but I didnt like it to much becuase it gave me gas and it made my BF shoot there the roof. Now I eat five meals a day and I just drink 1, 100% pure undenatured whey isolate. My bf is coming down and 0 sides.

Here is my menu

meal 1
16 egg whites + 2 whole eggs
1 bagel with jam
1cup oatmeal
500ml milk

meal 2
pasta and meat

meal 3
2 chicken breasts potatoes/ 2 cups stamed vegetables.

meal 4
8egg whites + 1 whole
1 cup of oats
500ml milk

meal 5
bowl of pasta

meal 6
1 whey shake
Last edited:
hmmmm, DIET, the most challenging thing among us bodybuilders. I eat every three hours (my body likes this the most) Sometimes I alternate with meals/shakes. BUT, to count those shakes as a meal, I always eat something solid with them too (usually 3 shakes per day). This ensures enough calories, carbs, protein, etc. when I'm not eating real food.

I suggest that you get a scale and wiegh your foods.

What the hell is 2 chicken breasts anyway, or one cup of oats or one piece of beef. That also means you must also weigh the amount of protien powder that you put into your blender as well.

Now get a nutrition book break down the protein/carbs/fats then you will be able to start making sense of the foods you eat, hell you might even get one of the more experienced guys around here to tell you excatly what to add or take away.

Vague and inacurate measures only leave for a vague and inacurate diet.

Just a thought.

I use 13 scoops protein a day; divided into 6 shakes.
Mixed with either EFA oils, or maltodextrin powder, depending on the time of day. Also my post-workout shake is mixed with some weight gainer and fruit juice.
Real food meals 4-5/ed
Protein shakes 4-5/ed


How much protein with each shake? What else do you eat/take with the shakes? Thanks.
12 scoops [er day. So 4 shakes... easiest way to get 300-400 protein. Before I never beleived you needed more then 200 unless on roids... But I started taking in more and have been getting stronger.
I saw that you had bumped alot of old threads. Thanks for the clarification.
I only eat 3 meals a day so I drink 8 shakes a day. I just hate to eat all the time and drinking most of my calories does work for me and also works while dieting down. When I eat my protein, I tend to have smelly gas while the drinks give me non-smelly wind.
I like one with every meal.

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