Here is the point I'm trying to make...if there is a point to all of this. For one I need to keep in mind that not everyone on this board competes. For me personaly, my goals revolve around those of bettering myself everytime I step on stage. Some things seem very backwards to me in terms of use when there is really no need. When I say the theory is "oxymoronic" it's not a shot at anyone or me shouting at the top of my lungs that there is no way in hell that can't be true, but just the way I look at things. If you are using "XYZ" in the off-season and eating well, do you really need that? If you boost your thyroid output, or the increase the coversion of your thyroid hormones, yes you are going to get an increase in nutrient uptake and protein synthesis. So when it comes to time to diet, what does that mean? Do you stop the use of T3? I'd venture to say that you would have to up the dose or at least continue the use of it. I'd hate to be shackled to use of a thyroid drug almost year round. Thats my thought process behind this. If youre not competing, whats the point? Now I know many will say how backward that way of thinking is. I know guys who are not competing who just want to add muscle and look good that are using AAS and thats their own decision and I'm the last one to judge that choice. From my own personal experience on stage and off and being around this industry for many years, I just don't see the need for such use. All of this is risky and I'm fully aware of that, regardless of whatever it is you take. Sometimes I get the impression, and call me crazy for thinking this way, but waaaaay too many guys do things without sticking to a plan for a long period of time and respecting the process. I used to go into detail why I don't agree with a certain theory or practice and now I just state what I believe and it comes off harsh at times. It's just my opinion. Nobody is wrong and nobody is right but for me I wouldn't do it.