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I'm finally cutting up !!!


New member
Nov 29, 2002
ok, ive never been under 16% BF, bulked for 2 years to get a foundation, and im finally gonna do this, i dont care about bulking anymore, i think i will be happy being ripped, i always wanted to be lean since i was a kid. i was always chubby, never dieted. this time im gonna do this!!
this is what i plan on running:

75mg test suspension ED (USP lab-made stuff)
75mg tren ED (homebrew or trenbol-75)
50mg winstrol depot ED (zambon)
25mg proviron ED

all for 40 days, cardio will be 45 min fast-walk on an incline or running without incline

got dieting/cardio help from wyldeone. so i will post my results when i start this all. im watching what i eat right now, just waiting about a week or so to begin. so my question is, im 16-18% BF, just by guessing, could be more or less, but i have a gut, its not big at all, just lumps over a bit LOL. i plan on getting to 6% in 6 weeks. is this possible?? im figuring with all the drugs, dieting hardcore and doing cardio, i will definately get there.

also, should i make my own fina or buy the trenbol 75? i made it before, used it for only 2 weeks before i stopped, because i kept getting sick. so i never really used it. i dont know if it was that or the weather change in september!!
Make your own don't buy the TT tren is too expensive. If the fina made you sick you could go with some primo acetate, you'd have to make it, because it come in raw material form.

You might want to go with prop, suspension has a short half life and needs to be injected 2x a day, to keep blood levels up, but it's your call.

Keep us posted on your results.


JohnnyB said:
Make your own don't buy the TT tren is too expensive. If the fina made you sick you could go with some primo acetate, you'd have to make it, because it come in raw material form.

You might want to go with prop, suspension has a short half life and needs to be injected 2x a day, to keep blood levels up, but it's your call.

Keep us posted on your results.


no, the fina itself didnt get me sick, it was a homebrew thats what i think got me sick. i dont mind buying TT, i just want to know if all their tren is real. also, as for the suspension, this kind i can get is the best test i ever used though the bloating is bad, i used 100mg ed with no anti-estrogen, i didnt have any. this time i will. i only did that for 2 weeks before i had to stop because i didnt want to bulk anymore. i didnt get gyno or anythig,.. but im asking if it is possible to get ripped like 6% in 6 weeks on this cycle?
do you guys get sick on homebrew tren??

JohnnyB said:
How many pounds is 10% of you body weight?


well 10% of 147 is 14.7 pounds. so if i wanted to drop 10% i would need to lose just about 15 pounds. and i think that is all the fat i have to lose. im guessing im around 16-18% BF, i look like i have the BF % most of the bodybuilders in the muscle-mag in their before photos, for instance mike platz's before pic. he looks sort of gutty but nothing totally FAT. so i know 10% is pushing it in 6 weeks. i will probably have to extend it to 8 weeks, but for now 6 weeks is expensive. ive never dieted down with gear, never done a cutting cycle..so i think doing this cycle, dieting strictly, and doing all that cardio up to 1hr upon waking, and training afternoons with maybe even another cardio session after my pm workout, i think i will definately get ripped quick. especially the way i hear people talk about how fina is getting them ripped. and that with my plan, im confident in this, i was wondering if you guys think im pushing it??
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JohnnyB said:
If everything is in order, it should be doable, in the 8 weeks.

Good luck, keep us posted Bro.


well im definately glad to hear that, i just wanted to note that im not planning on running t-3 just because i want to see how well i do without it. im ready for this in about a week, thanks johhny.

JohnnyB said:
Hey Bro, you might want to up the proviron to 50mg, to help harden you up with the winny.


well originally i was told to use 50mg/day but i thought i wouldnt need that much, but i guess i might up it anyway. would help lower the bloat from the test suspension too i suppose. i never used proviron, fina (only 2 weeks, never kicked in) or winny. anything else i need to know? i cant wait to start. im so impatient, i might start everything but the test suspension since i have to wait a week for that and the proviron. LOL.

JohnnyB said:
Do you have your colmid for post cycle therapy?


i will be getting it soon. now, i am thinking of doing only 50mg test suspension ED since i only have a 100mg/30ml vial, and 8 weeks would be 60 days thats 50mg/day. if i was to run 75mg/day it would last 40 days which was what i wanted to do but since your saying i should go 8 weeks, then i have no choice. do you always have to have more test then tren? now it looks like this:

50mg test suspension ED
56.25mg tren ED (3/4 of a 75mg cc)
50mg winstrol depot ED
25-50mg proviron ED

then i was thinking to up the fina to 75mg ED from weeks 4-8.
ive never used fina or winstrol before, actually never took 3 roids at once only when i did test/dbol/eq but this cycle is more androgenic. been off gear for a long time, since may. im not beyong my natural limit at all, im glad about that because i will notice very good results from this cycle and i dont even want to be huge anymore.
is it possible i will be able to put on 5-10lbs of lean muscle over this cycle? because when i read people's tren results, they seem to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. they get incredible results. what do you think?

JohnnyB said:
I'd say yes you can gain 5-10. Even at 50mg of test a day your getting over a gram of AAS a week.


very nice! i appreciate your response johnny. is the tren dose about right? 56.25mg ED and then upping it to 75mg ed weeks 4-8? the test will stay the same at 50mg ed, is it ok to have more tren then test? i cant wait for this cycle man.

JohnnyB said:
You might need more test to keep sex drive up,but I think you'll be ok. Your cutting so the test should be ok.

This is your first time with tren right? you'd be ok with 75mg eod or 37.5mg ed.


and last thing, should i just make the tren? im worried about getting sick from it or getting infections but i'll make sure to triple-filter it, will that be ok? the ttokkyo is expensive but is it any more sterile or cleaner than a homebrew and why? thanks johnny.

JohnnyB said:
Ttokkyo has a reputation of being under filled, as far as being more sterile, I'd say no, so I'd make my own.

Here's a sight on how to make fina.

**broken link removed**


actually i followed that EXACT same procedure and planning to use it the next time i make it. only thing was i had a bit of the red goo settle at the bottom, but only a little. next time i will have 2 extra 50ml vials, to filter from the original empty to a new one just to make sure every mg of fina is clean.
is it just me or did you say that you only weigh 147 lbs???

after 2 years of bulking??.....i dont think so. either you are 4 feet tall or else you really need to advance your training/diet WAY before you try juicing.

hustler_dt said:
is it just me or did you say that you only weigh 147 lbs???

after 2 years of bulking??.....i dont think so. either you are 4 feet tall or else you really need to advance your training/diet WAY before you try juicing.

i am 5'5" tall and i already mentioned i am not beyond my natural limit. and those 2 years, ive done 2 cycles only 1 which i really noticed gains from because i learned how to train and eat. ive been training for 3 years now.

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