Pretty hard to say ......I have known guys that went to each of the orginal steriod doctors in LA back.[ Jacott, Wright , and Kerr ] and most of there cycles .......seemed to be around 300 - 400 mgs of total gear on for6 -9 months at a time.[ ie ....20 mg of d bol and 200 of test or deca .....or sometimes 100 mgs of each ] But people have always lie about thier cycles and back then wasnt any different [so info will always be inaccurate ]. As the 80s progressed doses seeemed to creep into 600 - 1000 mgs total a week and GH seemed to apprear at a dose of 2 ius a day .[ it was very expensive back then ] By the 90s , gh got alittle cheaper [ so doses went up ........cycles seemed to be around 1500 mgs total ] I believe physiques peaked around 93 [ as far as size and asthectics went ] .That was when insulin started making it's rounds around the country and guys started changing [ and AS dosages soared ]. In 95 or 96 guys started playing with synthol , site injects , and igf-1 .[ although site injects have been used forever] It seemed that everyone started getting really big . But with this increase conditioning ,seperation , and shape started to fade .Since 99 or 2000 it became all out chemical warfare.............and finally it seems the sport is starting to learn from it's mistakes and is leaning back toward a more healthly look and approach .[ thank god ] I really liked the look of the guys from the 70s, 80s, and early 90s .....alot of just beautiful physiques IMO . Drugs should not be an answer and should just be a tool to be used in a healthy manner ............the guys in the past did it with lots of hard work and extreme diet .[ although like I said there were exceptions to what was posted above and most paid a price for the thier abuses in the long run ] i hope this is the insight to what you were looking for ....