I just did a search and found some info on Chad Nichols theory. It said to use insulin one day a week and use it 3 times on that one day. It seems logical that used in this way it would not lead to excessive fat gain or insulin resistance.
I also found info that states that clen and ephedrine reduce GH production. It seems it may be beneficial to use the e/c stack up to say two days before the slin use and then not use the e/c two days before the day you would take the slin. It seems that this would give the e/c time to clear from the system so GH production would be restored, thereby allowing the GH to be flowing in the system at the time insulin was administered which would allow the synergy of the natural GH and slin.
I read that by doing brief workouts (around 15 minutes), GH production can be increased. If you were to do 2-15 minute exercise sessions (such as a slow jog on the treadmill) and then your normal weight workout in the evening, with each workout followed by administration of insulin, wouldn't this be a good way to get a BIG anabolic kick on that 1 day of the week in which insulin was administered?
In case I'm not making any sense, here's what I mean. This is just how I was thinking of trying this theory myself. Of course other people could change it up to suit their own needs.
Sunday- Off, no e/c
Monday- Off, no e/c
Teusday- Chest, e/c pre-workout
Wednesday- Back, e/c pre-workout
Thursday- Off, no e/c
Friday- Arms, no e/c
Saturday- No e/c-----7 am, 15 min exercise session followed by slin----- 2 pm, Leg workout followed by slin----- 7 pm, 15 min exercise session followed by slin.
The reason for the three workouts on Saturday would be to give three spikes in GH production, followed up with insulin administration. The purpose of the e/c would just be to combat any possible accumulation of fat from the slin.
What do ya'll think?