I run it during my cycle and after the same way. I cruise after the larger doses and don;t actually come off these days..........The boys never "get down" so to speak.
I run it during my cycle and after the same way. I cruise after the larger doses and don;t actually come off these days..........The boys never "get down" so to speak.
Lots of factors invovled. How long was your cycle, what did you use, how much you used, your age, etc. If your using hcg just to get size to your testes then it should be enough. If your trying to get your HPTa back to "normal" it's not enough.
My Dr suggested 500iu 2x a week.....i actually split that into 4 sq injections of 250iu a week.
Saturday: Test/Deca
Sunday: Nothing
Monday: HCG 250iu
Tuesday: HCG 250iu
Wednesday: Test/Deca
Thursday HCG 250iu
Friday: 250iu
I usually will start Arimidex a .5mg maybe 2 times a week after the third week of a heavy cycle.....I have rarely needed that to date.
it's debatable but one proven route is to minimize negative feedback and taking anti-estrogens has been cliniclly proven to raise natural production of your testosterone. Adex is a good one. In addition the SERMs like clomid and Nolva have been shown to increase your natural production of testosterone and is often used in conjunction with an anti-E. Using hcg will actually hinder your HPTa by sending negative feedback to your Hypothylamus. This is all basic information one should know before taking anabolics.
The only time I recommend hcg is during a long cycle to fight testicular atrophy. Some like to take it to start their PCT as a "kick start".