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Is it normal to pee every 15 min and wake up every hour??

Yea, that amount of times in your initial post is too much. I can't say what is the cause, it would just be speculation.

If it were me, i'd cut back the amount the closer you get to bed, like Flex500 mentioned above, and see if that helps. Overall intake may be too high as well as noted. Spread it out throughout the day as needed and as thirty, but increase during and after training. As it gets closer to bedtime, cut back a few hours prior. Also, don't make a drastic cut...if you are taking in 1.5G, drop down to 1.25G and see how that works, and adjust slowly and accordingly. You don't want to go from being overhydrated to underhydration....find a happy medium (assuming overhydration is the cause). A few clear pisses later after training and you should be good.

Let us know how this all goes for you.
Something you can try is low dose cialis/tadalafil for a couple days. (1.25 to 2.5mg a day)
If you feel it's getting better with Cialis then it is your prostate for sure.
Weird that no test showed enlarged prostate on you. yeah its really annoying even when i am outside i need a toilet near me all the time. If i dont read or look a bodybuilding (2 galloon a day) i would never drink so much i honestly feel like its overhydration. but since most pros and so on recommend it its been a norm in this sport.

I honestly don’t think it’s the water intake. I’m freakishly high with my water intake, unless I drink over 16 ounces of water right before bed I’ll make it through the night. Bladder will expand and allow for the volume, especially over time and it’s been a minute for you.
On page 3 of this thread and still why is no one recommending to see a doctor or better yet a specialist? If I was pissing that much I'd be calling the doc after about 3 days.
You need a sleep study regardless if you think you have symptoms or not. Getting up multiple times a night to pee is a major indicator of sleep apnea. At least rule it out.
I would lower my water and sodium intake. I would do a sleep study to check for sleep apnea.
I would ask my dr. to prescribe finasteride (for a swollen prostate) and flomax (to relax the valve so I empty my bladder every time).
I've done all of this and it has helped.
I have same issues n have ran more tests than ever. Cant afford anymore damn tests. I wake up every 2 hrs. Been doing it for yrs. Ive tried prostate pills also. I literally just trying sleeping pills now. I figure maybe i just wake up and since im up i go piss hell idk. I piss quite a bit everytime. Im just guessing now.
What supplements and otc meds are you taking? Any fat burners? I have seen stuff with dmha cause urinary retention, which then causes you to urinate excessively because your bladder is not emptying.

You said the urologist ran a bunch of tests. Did he refer you to a neurologist or nephrologist yet? Neurologic bladder dysfunction comes to mind given the absence of any other findings. Might be time to get a second opinion or seek out other specialists.

Best of luck to you. This has to absolutely suck.
Drinking water steadily teaches it to be a water processing peeing machine that thinks more water is coming in soon. Cut your water in half and go a few hours between drinks. 3-4 liters should be plenty if not more then you need especially if you are drinking tea/coffee proteins shakes etc. Flushing your electrolytes away is not the healthiest thing. stopp drinking water a few hours before bed. And elevating you legs in the evening can allow the fluid that has accumulated during the day from gravity to be excreted.
Years ago I would wake up 3-5x a night to piss and felt like the OP. I smoked a lot of pot daily which I still do but my dosages where much higher back then. I would wake up with a tremendous thirsty and drink a liter or two of water bedside. I also would drink a lot of water during the day pissing a ton then too. Also was having a ton of sex with my ex at the time.

I need to look it up now but I swear I had symptoms of diabetes insipidus. The felt the higher dose of daily marijuana effected the onset of this. Look it up, its nothing like the diabetes we regularly think about effecting blood sugar.

Drinking a lot of water and pissing a ton during the day seemed to decondition my ability to hold my bladder. That along with cumin so much with the new girlfriend of the time seemed to also decondition my ability to hold piss for some reason too. I remember I would dribble after pissing too.

Honestly, I made a continuous try to hold my piss for longer periods of time and train the muscles that hold piss along with kind of doing keagle type exercises and this eventually resolved the dribbling and made holding piss seem much less effort. But the largest contributor probably was lowering my dosage of marijuanna honestly. I may or may not wake up during the night to piss now despite and may drink 2 liter maximum some nights. So the problem went away but the OP's first post made me remember all this.
I wake up 4 times a night to pee.. I think it’s normal if you drink lots of water
Several have mentioned sleep apnea. Lemme tell you a story. I also used to wake up 5-6x a night to piss. I figured ahh maybe a lil inflamed prostate from running test blah blah. Sooo, come to find out I go get a sleep study done due to symptoms of fatigue and always tired. Found out I have severe sleep apnea. The doc explained to me that when you have apnea, you wake up many times throughout the night, and during those times you wake up, if you feel like you have to piss, then of course you will go to the bath room. HOWEVER, had you NOT been waking up, the urge to piss might have not been enough to make you get up and actually go to the bathroom. Once I got my cpap machine, immediately things changed - I now wake up once, maybe twice to piss. I know you said you don't have the symptoms of having sleep apnea, but sometimes the symptoms can be very subtle, and yet still will wake you at night. You REALLY should go in for a sleep study to get it checked out dude. I mean you have checked the prostate and other issues to eliminate variables, so why not eliminate this variable too? It VERY well could be the culprit.

One other thing regarding urinating often during the day/waking hours - I know I don't piss near as often BEFORE I take in my pre-wo caffeine. That's the only caffeine I take in during the day. But afterwards, it's like you said, hitting the bathroom every 30 mins to piss. Makes sense of course being caffeine has diuretic properties. That lasts about 3 hours after I drink the caffeine, but then gtg (since getting a cpap). I don't drink as much water as you, but to help eliminate variables, do you notice a significant increase in frequency of urinating AFTER taking in your caffeine as opposed to beforehand like myself? If so, and if cutting back on your water/sodium intake a bit as others have suggested doesn't help, perhaps cut down a bit on your caffeine intake. I used to drink a Bang (300mg caff) pre-wo, but due to it making be piss so much, and also making me feel a bit TOO wired, I cut back to the ol' Monster (140mg caff), and it made a big diff on how often I go to the John.
I have tried cut the caffeine and its not been any different, still pee a much even when i not use my preworkout.
I dont use any medication the only supplements i use is ZMA. My cycle is 300mg NPP and 300 Test cyp a week.
I tried to stop drinking water pre 2 hour pre bed but did not help so much maybe 10%.
should check with a doctor if it is sleep apnea but i doubt it is since i pee as often as i do in the night as in day time. so its not a night time issue only its from waking hour to bed time.

since i am peeing clear all the day then it must be overhydration don't you think?
since i am peeing clear all the day then it must be overhydration don't you think?
There is no such thing. You can be hydrated or dehydrated and that's it. Only way to be overhydrated is by taking specific medication which you dont.

Again, first signs of heart failure is peeing a lot, if you have not seen a cardiologist yet that's what I would advise to do.
should check with a doctor if it is sleep apnea but i doubt it is since i pee as often as i do in the night as in day time. so its not a night time issue only its from waking hour to bed time
Your logic is backwards here. That's exactly why you should suspect sleep apnea.

You should pee less at night than you do during the day if you're getting deep sleep.
Make an appointment with a UROLOGIST if you haven't done so. You mentioned doctors...you need a specialist that deals with these very specific male issues. Consider asking your PCP if Flomax/Tamsulosin might be an option. I think the statistic is something like, 50% of men over 50 yrs/old have BPH. I agree with others here, do a sleep study. OSA can lead to much bigger problems than getting up to piss frequently during the night.
Make an appointment with a UROLOGIST if you haven't done so. You mentioned doctors...you need a specialist that deals with these very specific male issues. Consider asking your PCP if Flomax/Tamsulosin might be an option. I think the statistic is something like, 50% of men over 50 yrs/old have BPH. I agree with others here, do a sleep study. OSA can lead to much bigger problems than getting up to piss frequently during the night.

Plus you can eat better sleep with a CPAP. I went to the expense of getting my tonsils out and nose fixed for OSA. I no longer have sleep apnea but still use my cpap
On page 3 of this thread and still why is no one recommending to see a doctor or better yet a specialist? If I was pissing that much I'd be calling the doc after about 3 days.
This. There is a lot of talk on bodybuilding boards about sleep apnea causing everything but I don't think that is what a medical doctor will be looking at. Possibly pituitary they may test your TSH, test, cortisol, prolactin, thyroid, and of course your sodium level.

I assume they have already tested sodium and it was in range? Kidney values?

The issue with the tests on your pituitary, if your on AAS, numbers will be off. They will freak out so may want to tell them your on a "test boosters". They will request you come off then they can retest. They will probably be looking to see if you need a scan for a small benign tumor on your pituitary. The only numbers that will be reliable will be thryroid and cortisol.

Do you feel overall fatigued?
This. There is a lot of talk on bodybuilding boards about sleep apnea causing everything but I don't think that is what a medical doctor will be looking at. Possibly pituitary they may test your TSH, test, cortisol, prolactin, thyroid, and of course your sodium level.

I assume they have already tested sodium and it was in range? Kidney values?

The issue with the tests on your pituitary, if your on AAS, numbers will be off. They will freak out so may want to tell them your on a "test boosters". They will request you come off then they can retest. They will probably be looking to see if you need a scan for a small benign tumor on your pituitary. The only numbers that will be reliable will be thryroid and cortisol.

Do you feel overall fatigued?

OP did say he's seen many doctors and had scans but I'd curious to know what kind of doctors and what kind of scans were done. I'd def try a few different routes with Doctors. Not sure what country the OP is in but some countries outside the US can be a little sketch.

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