brother you have to understand though - slesh makes well over 6 figures, travels the world and has a blast, has a great career, his bloodwork if I am not mistaken is great. That is a hack he learned to integrate for himself into his very disciplined and effective routine. He is in no way advocating it to be replicated nor does he give bad cycle advice one can also argue. These guys here do their research. As a former addict I totally understand you found his post as dangerous but everyone here is very goal oriented and this isn't a druggy hobby, nor is it cheap. If he had a problem with a substance, we would know by now. this is a very tight nit community and the second someone goes awol or wacko people notice, and addicts and abusers have these instances more than people who do not
bro, lets be real here.
bb is about as druggy a hobby as one can get! lol
its just a different flavor of drug addict around here.
this hobby isnt cheap because of all the food, drugs and delusion that goes along with it.
just look at all the health posts, 99% of people here are in total denial of the realities of there decisions then turn around and talk badly of other peoples drug choices. delusional hypocrisy.
even this thread. would kratom really be a thing ppl used if there was easy access to opiates of verifiable quality at correct price structure?
ppl go looking for these odd options because of poor education and poor access.