This morning I jus toke notist off a litle hard thing under my left niple.
It is the size of a pink Anabol tablet, and is alitel sore.
Right now I'm on 250mg test EOD, 600 deca a week,
40mg Dbol ED, and proviron 25mg ED.
I have changest the proviron to 50mg Ed from to day on, shoudt I go to 75 or 100mg??
Will proviron in that dose slow down my gains,
Nolvadex, and proviron is the only anti-E that I can get a hold off,
And I'm not to haby about nolva, it realy slow down my gains.
So wath I need is advise on the proviron dose please
It is the size of a pink Anabol tablet, and is alitel sore.
Right now I'm on 250mg test EOD, 600 deca a week,
40mg Dbol ED, and proviron 25mg ED.
I have changest the proviron to 50mg Ed from to day on, shoudt I go to 75 or 100mg??
Will proviron in that dose slow down my gains,
Nolvadex, and proviron is the only anti-E that I can get a hold off,
And I'm not to haby about nolva, it realy slow down my gains.
So wath I need is advise on the proviron dose please