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Just made weight at JR Nats!


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Featured Member
May 12, 2010
Just made welterweight by the hair of my chin!!!!!!!!!

I will post pictures up soon, but I am just proud and blessed to be here and doing something doctors told me I would never ever do, which I began walking again then became empowered by bodybuilding! I look forward to a good time and hopefully if you all are in attendance be sure to make some noise...

Jeff Black..just look for the goatee, bald head, short (5'2) tattoos, and a difference between my left and right calf and that is me!! :)

I know I don't post really, but I plan on it now...after a few months almost a year of reading stuff on here this is a website truly I can call home...

Time to have some fun baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just made welterweight by the hair of my chin!!!!!!!!!

I will post pictures up soon, but I am just proud and blessed to be here and doing something doctors told me I would never ever do, which I began walking again then became empowered by bodybuilding! I look forward to a good time and hopefully if you all are in attendance be sure to make some noise...

Jeff Black..just look for the goatee, bald head, short (5'2) tattoos, and a difference between my left and right calf and that is me!! :)

I know I don't post really, but I plan on it now...after a few months almost a year of reading stuff on here this is a website truly I can call home...

Time to have some fun baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One thing I think we all would love to hear is your story. It sounds like you had some sort of health issue or injury and came back from it. Maybe you can share that with us sometime.
Just made welterweight by the hair of my chin!!!!!!!!!

I will post pictures up soon, but I am just proud and blessed to be here and doing something doctors told me I would never ever do, which I began walking again then became empowered by bodybuilding! I look forward to a good time and hopefully if you all are in attendance be sure to make some noise...

Jeff Black..just look for the goatee, bald head, short (5'2) tattoos, and a difference between my left and right calf and that is me!! :)

I know I don't post really, but I plan on it now...after a few months almost a year of reading stuff on here this is a website truly I can call home...

Time to have some fun baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best wishes! Which class are yuo in JB?
We'll keep an eye out for you.

Good luck in your show. The girls are on tonight!
Jeff, you are a winner, from what you posted it seems you went thru some serious injuries and for you to comeback and get on stage, bro no matter who gets the trophy you will be the winner in my book.
Just made welterweight by the hair of my chin!!!!!!!!!

I will post pictures up soon, but I am just proud and blessed to be here and doing something doctors told me I would never ever do, which I began walking again then became empowered by bodybuilding! I look forward to a good time and hopefully if you all are in attendance be sure to make some noise...

Jeff Black..just look for the goatee, bald head, short (5'2) tattoos, and a difference between my left and right calf and that is me!! :)

I know I don't post really, but I plan on it now...after a few months almost a year of reading stuff on here this is a website truly I can call home...

Time to have some fun baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jeff be sure to say hi backstage. A whole crew of us are out here looking to have a great time. Congrats on making weight.
I will bro...I am just glad to be here...gonna be fun as hell...

took a few pics...still holding a tad of water, but i am ahead of my dryness at this time than i was last week when i striated head to toe at battle...excuse the lighting outside and my spolotchy tan :)

also I got to meet Shelby..in fact he is next door to me! (no I am not stalking you lol) but he is one cool fucking dude...gotta say nice to meet laid back people like me in this sport :)


  • 2010-06-18 10.41.51.jpg
    2010-06-18 10.41.51.jpg
    194.5 KB · Views: 576
Sure I can tell a little bit about me..

When I was born I was born with both of my femurs broken...it took 6 weeks before they realized this by then my legs healed bow shaped...a few weeks later they broke when my mom changed my diaper...obviously she flipped out! so they took me to a specialist in Kansas City who diagnosed me with Osteo-Genesis Imperfecta Type IV, which is basically brittle bones...so all throughtout my years I would be walking up stairs and snap their goes my tibilia or push a toy truck for example when I was 6 slipped and broke my humerus...all in all I have broken every bone in my body at least once...

at age 8 in a hot Tennessee summer day, my desire to be normal took over..I was sheltered and basically kept away from anything fun as kids would do...so when my mom was cooking dinner I took off with my friends and decided on a triple dog dare to go down this steep hill on a skateboard...i made it half way down, lost control and came to about 10 minutes later...by then my life changed.

I shattered my right femur to dust, two discs in my back were blown out and a lot of other stress fractures.

After being in traction for 2 days they performed an IT nailing surgery of my right femur...afterwards my left leg was 2.5 inches shorter than my right leg...so they figured to beef my left femur up by IT nailing that one, however they did not account for the growth of my right leg during the casting/healing of my left leg...

1 inch longer still they decided to do a bone stretcher device on my left tib-fib...it broke my leg every 4 hours slowly stretching it...

countless surgeries later I basically was told at 9 with all this that a life on cructhes or a wheelchair would be a great case scenario...so my parents got me a trainer to help strengthen my upper body up..i was hooked when I first touched a weight...

my freshman year in high school I weighed 51 pounds, I graduated at 160.

I have broken my bones a few times in the gym, but it is worth it...by working out and building muscle, I in essence created a shield around my weak bones and through time my bones have gotten stronger...

so 18 surgeries later to my legs I am living a dream...this sport is too great for the masses to not realize what it can do for you, and you alone!

This has been my first prep ever I have not been injured...I have a few stress fractures currently in my legs, but am managing to push through it because being here is a goal I set 4 years ago to be nationally competitive by 30 (I turn 30 in sept) After this show I am taking a few weeks off to heal and plan to do Nationals because ATL is close to Nashville and I have a great support system..

If you all want to know anything more please ask, I plan on getting to know all of you over the years to come...

And yes I am an advocate for performance enhancers in other avenues of life...they are not the evil the media and other idiots prescribe...hell my doctor who did all my surgeries would love to prescribe me it, but they would yank his license because my bone wasting disease is not wasting enough..oh well I just live for the moment and enjoy it all because walking is something they told me I would not do so now I run and I run with my 4 year old son and get to do things I was told I WOULD NEVER DO!



That is an awesome tesitmony right there brother!!! That is crazy what you have had to deal with your enitre life. You stared adversity in the eye from the time you were born and you decided it would not beat you!!! Congrats on all you have accomplished and continue to strive for greatness. I had doctors tell me I wouldn't be able to run, lift, or really much of anything after getting shot. But the human will and mind is absolutely amazing. So once again, congrats brother and keep hittin them weights. Go win your class!!!
Humbling, humbling, story.

Your life story embarrasses me for some of the thoughts I've had over the years. God is going to kick me in the ass for a while before I go through the pearly gates. :eek:

You sir are a WARRIOR.
Thanks for your story. You have added some needed perspective to my life.
Hope to see you posting lmore in the future
and good luck in the show
An amazing and inspirational story, JB - best of luck this wekend, and keep us posted!
Thanks everyone for the kind words...at the end of the day I am just an average guy like the rest of you...we all have this game of iron in common..each of us walked our own unique path to get here...but at the end of the day they were our own paths...

It is funny, I am here in my room, the gf is running the stairs and I just finished some orange roughy and asparagus..posing now where very little sweat is trickling off...wrapped up now in prep-h and saran wrap...just STARING at my true protein chocolate LBAS!!!!!! I think I might drink it all in one sitting after tomorrow night...so damn good..just wish I did not get the gf and roomate hooked on them too! lol...anyway I will post more pictures as the night wears on...I am just relaxing..or trying too..I am so wound up! Didn't sleep a wink last night! And to think I feel like shit normally..maybe I should go bother Shelby and talk him into a run lmao!

That is one of the most inspiring life stories! Next time I feel like complaining because my shoulder/knee (what ever) hurts in the gym I will remember you breaking bones to work out and not quiting.
Knock em dead & keep us posted.
I have seen this guy compete, he's done a remarkable job and looks great on stage
Just saw you at the Chattanooga show. You should be very proud of your accomplishments. Truly inspirational.
You're a hero. Every once in a while I hear a story of someone overcoming incredible odds and I'm in awe every time. Thanks for sharing your story. Good luck at the show!
Brought a tear to my eye. Much respect brother. I look forward to the opportunity of meeting a true champion such as yourself.

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