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kind of an offshoot of other posts...regarding muscle -society


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Jan 3, 2004
id like to hear from professionals or those training for professional world, the reactions/attitudes you get ...MDs, lawyers, dentists, MBA's etc...

Im a law student and considered HUGE (lol) by my classmates and it does seems to intimidate other students, law school mostly little geeks...and ...seems to intimidate both males and females, though female response has generally been positive ...from females, when they eventually find out that im not ...a meathead or self absorbed...

-never really noticed any reaction from professors...

-generally speaking i stay pretty covered up, but must have recently reached the point where its not that easy to cover up...

any other experiences...
I've never had a "negative" reaction. Back in law school, the guys were impressed, the girls loved it, and the professors were oblivious. In the real world, same thing holds true.

I've worked with attorneys who were black belts, opera singers, surfers, etc. Everyone has a life outside of the office or classroom. Makes no difference in your capabilities and being "huge" should not change perception.
Coopie said:
I've never had a "negative" reaction. Back in law school, the guys were impressed, the girls loved it, and the professors were oblivious. In the real world, same thing holds true.

I've worked with attorneys who were black belts, opera singers, surfers, etc. Everyone has a life outside of the office or classroom. Makes no difference in your capabilities and being "huge" should not change perception.

very well sayed Coopie

i dont know how big you are buddy,but i guess big enaugh to scare or intimidate people around you.one of my friends he is a lawyer now,and he took 2 in nationals a few years ago.so i dont really see you scaring or intimidating others,maybe you acting somehow,that people scared of you(just kidding)
do you have any pic or maybe you can give us stats of your size(just kiddin)
but yeh would you?
I understand what you are saying. I am a doctor and in school I always got shit from everyone, professors included. They would rag me about using steroids and I would explain to them that it is of course the 'skim milk and tuna'. Its not that I was intimidating to anyone, but people tend to notice when you contiuously get bigger. With me anyway, I was one of the only students to lift on a regular basis and take it seriously. Most of them were just a bunch of bookworms and studying was their lifestyle, very few live a bodybuilding lifestyle.

people inheritently fear what they dont know, and do not understand. Its only human. Its gets annouying sometimes in any situation u start feeling like the hot chick in the gym with the huge boobies in a tight sports bra and little spandex shorts, every one is glancing and taking notice, but u have to understand that if u dont fit the norm people will stare, mock, and talk, we all have done it, but be proud not too many professional people in this world that can do what u are doing otherwise there would be more like u, keep training and let em keep staring, they cannot be u so let them watch
:D Gooey
no im not acting like it...

dont know what law school ppl go to...

but most of the ppl are out of shape to say the least...even a "fit" person stands out...

didnt' mean to come off like i have had any real negative experiences,...

what coopie said holds true.
and no i dont find most ppl have many hobbies other than to make money for hte most part in law shcool...most are very insecure and unhappy ppl
i'm currently in law school as well ... most people are not in any sort of shape ... just however their genetics naturally made them ... i have one buddy who lifts with me and maintains a good diet, other than him i know a FEW who occasionally go to the gym ... but for the most part people are definitely out of shape
It never ceases to amaze me how badly out of shape most "average" people are - both males and females.

I work in an office building that has approximately 6,000 people in it on a given day. Recent college grads to upper level senior persons. Well, across the boards I would say that a good 80 - 90 percent of these people are overweight. Another 5 percent are clinically obese, and the remaining percentage are what I would call "in shape". It's sad, and I've witnessed it get worse and worse over the passing years.

Personally, I use what I see on a daily basis to fuel my intensity. I never wanted to be the "college kid" with the beer gut. And I wasn't. I never wanteed to be the "law student" with the pencil neck. And I wasn't. I never wanted to be the "average Joe working man" with the big fat belly. And I'm not. And, I don't want to be the "older guy" who looks like a heart attack waiting to happen. And I won't be.

We gotta use the apathy we witness as fuel for our own personal fires. Everyone, wether they admit it or not, is both impressed and envious of the dedication and sacrafice we make daily to achieve our looks. Our bodies are the result of blood, sweat, and tears - and the fact is most of society has neither the will or the drive to do what we do everyday. That is something to be proud of.

Never be ashamed of what has taken years to build!

Never be timid about being in a very elite minority.
Coopie said:
It never ceases to amaze me how badly out of shape most "average" people are - both males and females.

I work in an office building that has approximately 6,000 people in it on a given day. Recent college grads to upper level senior persons. Well, across the boards I would say that a good 80 - 90 percent of these people are overweight. Another 5 percent are clinically obese, and the remaining percentage are what I would call "in shape". It's sad, and I've witnessed it get worse and worse over the passing years.

Personally, I use what I see on a daily basis to fuel my intensity. I never wanted to be the "college kid" with the beer gut. And I wasn't. I never wanteed to be the "law student" with the pencil neck. And I wasn't. I never wanted to be the "average Joe working man" with the big fat belly. And I'm not. And, I don't want to be the "older guy" who looks like a heart attack waiting to happen. And I won't be.

We gotta use the apathy we witness as fuel for our own personal fires. Everyone, wether they admit it or not, is both impressed and envious of the dedication and sacrafice we make daily to achieve our looks. Our bodies are the result of blood, sweat, and tears - and the fact is most of society has neither the will or the drive to do what we do everyday. That is something to be proud of.

Never be ashamed of what has taken years to build!

Never be timid about being in a very elite minority.

after reading the kind of posts you make, i have no doubt you are who you say you are. Just your writting style alone makes you highly educated. Very crisp and clear, man. Congratulations on all your achievements outside of bodybuilding.
Coopie said:
It never ceases to amaze me how badly out of shape most "average" people are - both males and females.

I work in an office building that has approximately 6,000 people in it on a given day. Recent college grads to upper level senior persons. Well, across the boards I would say that a good 80 - 90 percent of these people are overweight. Another 5 percent are clinically obese, and the remaining percentage are what I would call "in shape". It's sad, and I've witnessed it get worse and worse over the passing years.

Personally, I use what I see on a daily basis to fuel my intensity. I never wanted to be the "college kid" with the beer gut. And I wasn't. I never wanteed to be the "law student" with the pencil neck. And I wasn't. I never wanted to be the "average Joe working man" with the big fat belly. And I'm not. And, I don't want to be the "older guy" who looks like a heart attack waiting to happen. And I won't be.

We gotta use the apathy we witness as fuel for our own personal fires. Everyone, wether they admit it or not, is both impressed and envious of the dedication and sacrafice we make daily to achieve our looks. Our bodies are the result of blood, sweat, and tears - and the fact is most of society has neither the will or the drive to do what we do everyday. That is something to be proud of.

Never be ashamed of what has taken years to build!

Never be timid about being in a very elite minority.

Nice post Coopie. I agree 100%.
Excellent post

Coopie said:
It never ceases to amaze me how badly out of shape most "average" people are - both males and females.

I work in an office building that has approximately 6,000 people in it on a given day. Recent college grads to upper level senior persons. Well, across the boards I would say that a good 80 - 90 percent of these people are overweight. Another 5 percent are clinically obese, and the remaining percentage are what I would call "in shape". It's sad, and I've witnessed it get worse and worse over the passing years.

Personally, I use what I see on a daily basis to fuel my intensity. I never wanted to be the "college kid" with the beer gut. And I wasn't. I never wanteed to be the "law student" with the pencil neck. And I wasn't. I never wanted to be the "average Joe working man" with the big fat belly. And I'm not. And, I don't want to be the "older guy" who looks like a heart attack waiting to happen. And I won't be.

We gotta use the apathy we witness as fuel for our own personal fires. Everyone, wether they admit it or not, is both impressed and envious of the dedication and sacrafice we make daily to achieve our looks. Our bodies are the result of blood, sweat, and tears - and the fact is most of society has neither the will or the drive to do what we do everyday. That is something to be proud of.

Never be ashamed of what has taken years to build!

Never be timid about being in a very elite minority.

BUT....I hear this WAY too often... "Oh I could look like him, but why? I could be all muscled out, but I have no reason too." OR: " ya he just takes steroids, if I took steroids I would look like that too."
BEST ONE: (usually in the gym) : I do not want to lift as hard or as heavy as that guy, I just do not want to get TOO big or bulky. Trying to stay just toned, not ripped."
WTF? Sure pal, Sure.
Coopie, it IS a freakin epidemic (obesity/laziness) and yeah I agree, it seems to be getting worse. It is about kids....getting kids to realize the importance. I started training when I was 14. Then training hard (religiously) at 16. People say I have really good genes? Nope, I developed myself from when I was just a kid.
people's reactions

Well it has been my experience after many years that most people are accepting once the get to know me....... they actually admire my achievments and that I have kept training since I was very young......... most people close to me very close know what ii have done in the past aas and such (no loner I quite LOL) and they are all fine with it and understand it due to that I have ducated them about it and the realities of it not being harmful if used witha brain and goal in mind
i am a calm person, i dont treat people of any type poorly, i actually go out if my way to be nice even when I should not , most peopel when they get to know me are surprise dhow educated and sucessful I am and also how many things I am into other than lifting.

i do think that when people first see you if you are abive average shape to getting big or being 220 or more they are a bit intimidated, more to say dont know how to take you, you look different than most people, are some guy witha bad attitude ? they dont know, so make a point to be nice and sociable and it goes along ay, most people will realize immediately that you just have a hobby or passion i should say that is building muscle instead of golfing or swimming or whatever it goe sbith ways i mean i have looked at some smaller people and guesse dthem wring when iw a syounger and found out they were pretty cool, just did not share my same passions or goals in fitness

The thing that bugs me is becuase people dont lkike what you do, they dont care if what the media perpetuates is BS, but whatthey dont understand is that with everyones choices that are lost so goes their freedoms of choice when the time comes too............... as long as someone os not hurting anyone else i think they shoud be allowed to pursue what they want especially with their own body for god's sake.

-DOc Tremblay

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