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looking for advice on upcoming cycle


New member
Jan 10, 2008
Hi guys, in the next few weeks im planning to start a cycle of sus 250, deca, and dbol. it will look like this

week 1-10 sus 250 @ 500 per week
week 1-8 deca 200 @ 200 per week
week 1-6 dbol @ 50 per day
week 1-15 proviron @ 25 per day
week 3-10 hcg 500iu every 5 day

aromosin on hand
week 12-15 standard nolva, clomid pct

My current stats is 100kg body weight, 6ft tall, 12% bodyfat and 28 years old.

Please note id only like advice from people who have used these compounds or have researched them, thanks

I have been training 6 years and this will be my second cycle. my first cycle consisted of 10 weeks of test enthante @ 500 per week with nolva pct.

My training is mainly based on compound free weight movements such as deadlifts, squats, bench press, pull ups etc. I usually train as heavy as i can for about 4-8 reps. training sessions no more than 50 minutes and i train 2 days on, 1 day off.

my bulking diet for this cycle will consist of the following

7am 200g oats, raisons, 2 banannas, 2 scoops whey protein

10 am 200g white rice, 200g chicken, flax

1 pm 200g white rice, 200g chicken, green beans

4 pm pre workout shake

5pm post workout shake, amino acids, 100g vitargo

8pm 200g white rice, 200g chicken, avocado

11pm 200g red meat, peanut butter

please critique my cycle, one thing id like to ask experienced users, is the gains, side effects of runing 750 per week of sus much greater than 500 per week?

Hi guys, in the next few weeks im planning to start a cycle of sus 250, deca, and dbol. it will look like this

week 1-10 sus 250 @ 500 per week
week 1-8 deca 200 @ 200 per week
week 1-6 dbol @ 50 per day
week 1-15 proviron @ 25 per day
week 3-10 hcg 500iu every 5 day

aromosin on hand
week 12-15 standard nolva, clomid pct

My feed back wold be this, with the sust because it's a blend of longer nad shorter esters I would run it 250mg 3x a week
The deca I would up it to 400mg a week @ 200mg x 2 shots a week.
D-bol I would stop at week 4 as the kickstart. But read what it says at on my signature and accept this advice accordingly.
My feed back wold be this, with the sust because it's a blend of longer nad shorter esters I would run it 250mg 3x a week
The deca I would up it to 400mg a week @ 200mg x 2 shots a week.
D-bol I would stop at week 4 as the kickstart. But read what it says at on my signature and accept this advice accordingly.

this is something i have been thinking about, 750mg of sus with 400mg deca instead of my planned 500mg sus with 200mg deca. id be interested in hearing from people with experience, would the sides and gains be much more on 750mg sus, 400mg deca than 500mg sus 200mg deca, thanks
It will be the difference from night to day. It would yield much greater results, I promise.
are the sides from 750 sus 400 deca much more than 500 sus 200 deca?
What i do is make sure I'm consistent with my ai use, adex .25 e3d as a base and up it if necessary, but not less than that then the sides are never an issue. Also for deca I have dostinex on hand in case prolactin issued cxome up, like ed. But the truth is if you run your test at a higher dose than the deca that is never really an issue. Also for nandrolone products it is good to run clomid as your pct along side the nolva.
I just think at the doses you are considering as proposed on your first post you will be cheating yourself of what could be a great cycle. You could do the sust at 500, 250mg 2x a week and still have good results. That is what most people do anyway. I just don't like blended test, but I'm sort of old school. A lot of younger guys love sust nad sware by it. But for me the differing ester lengths wold cause for unstable test levels, when if you went with a single ester everything is being released at a more consisten level throughout the whole cycle.
Your deca dose and length is pointless. I would run it a min. of 10-12 weeks.400mg min.
Also 50mg is on the upper end of a D bol dose for a beginner.You ran it before?
Your deca dose and length is pointless. I would run it a min. of 10-12 weeks.400mg min.

that means i would have to run the sus for 12-14 weeks. im only doing a ten week cycle so all i can run the deca for is 8 weeks.
What i do is make sure I'm consistent with my ai use, adex .25 e3d as a base and up it if necessary, but not less than that then the sides are never an issue. Also for deca I have dostinex on hand in case prolactin issued cxome up, like ed. But the truth is if you run your test at a higher dose than the deca that is never really an issue. Also for nandrolone products it is good to run clomid as your pct along side the nolva.
I just think at the doses you are considering as proposed on your first post you will be cheating yourself of what could be a great cycle. You could do the sust at 500, 250mg 2x a week and still have good results. That is what most people do anyway. I just don't like blended test, but I'm sort of old school. A lot of younger guys love sust nad sware by it. But for me the differing ester lengths wold cause for unstable test levels, when if you went with a single ester everything is being released at a more consisten level throughout the whole cycle.

I have aromosin on hand, dont plan to use it until if needed. I will be running proviron throughout though

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