For a cutting cycle, in terms of side effects—is it better to stack Mast with Test OR Deca OR Bold?
From what I understand, Deca is more anabolic than Test (Test is equally anabolic and androgenic) and Bold (Bold is slightly more androgenic than Deca).
Mast is androgenic. Therefore, would Deca not be more compatible with Mast than Test and Bold because the anabolic/androgenic ratio would be more balanced with Deca?
Would Anavar and Test be a better option for cutting? On AAS side-effect tables, Anavar is 1 out of 10 (least side effects) but it's oral, which is what concerns me. Is the fact that it's toxic to the liver included in this score?
I also heard that Winny is not very effective and is better suited for contest prep.
What's the safest option for cutting?
From what I understand, Deca is more anabolic than Test (Test is equally anabolic and androgenic) and Bold (Bold is slightly more androgenic than Deca).
Mast is androgenic. Therefore, would Deca not be more compatible with Mast than Test and Bold because the anabolic/androgenic ratio would be more balanced with Deca?
Would Anavar and Test be a better option for cutting? On AAS side-effect tables, Anavar is 1 out of 10 (least side effects) but it's oral, which is what concerns me. Is the fact that it's toxic to the liver included in this score?
I also heard that Winny is not very effective and is better suited for contest prep.
What's the safest option for cutting?