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Bro worst pip ever in 25 years doing this. Injected delt arm swollen for over a week. Contacted him told him said try glute swollen for a week. I had welts like a golf balls................
There have intermittently been bad batches of test E raws from time to time, pain no matter the dilution. Test C doesn't have this problem and is a solid choice like previously mentioned.
There have intermittently been bad batches of test E raws from time to time, pain no matter the dilution. Test C doesn't have this problem and is a solid choice like previously mentioned.
Where's the proof on bad test enanthate raws? Where are the test results? Multiple people have said this but nobody has produced evidence other than 'I got PIP'.
I have no real evidence from analytical testing. Just raws that I disposed of due to pain and swelling, with more than adequate dilution and little ba, something like 20 years ago. I figured there must have been something wrong with it and moved on to other esters without recurrence.
Where's the proof on bad test enanthate raws? Where are the test results? Multiple people have said this but nobody has produced evidence other than 'I got PIP'.

Someone had a hypothesis about new manufacture technique cutting a corner specific to Test E (very sciency, maybe type II would know or recall, a wash at the end maybe I forget). Anyway, it resulted in the raw hormone decaying a bit faster and becoming more acidic. Also was a thread this week where a few people got painful test c from a sponsor apparently.

Anyway Test E was always butter smooth until around 2018. At that time some people were getting a lot of pain on new ugl product and some people who bought a batch, brewed half, found that the 2nd half was super painful when they came back to brew it. If I wanted to hypothesize, let's say it was a single batch and the aging raw was still being sold. Who knows - just repeating. It's continued to happen intermittently since that point with test e.

What I will say is this. I brewed my own batch just before this crap started. Obviously it lasts me a while. My shit was painless...as of last summer that same test e batch has some sting to it (old bottled since day 1 and media bottle and newly bottled...so isolated samples from same brew all took it on at once years later). Maybe in solution the decay took longer. No idea. Never happened with old pharma or ugl that I've heard of.

This is all I know of the situation, my experience, and what I make of it but someone more familiar with manufacture of raws and aware of issue may have a better explanation as to possible causes.
Where's the proof on bad test enanthate raws? Where are the test results? Multiple people have said this but nobody has produced evidence other than 'I got PIP'.
i read somewhere i cant remember where that severe pip from test e could be because a lot of carbolic acid was made during production by some mistake.
Norma test enan straight from oharmacy here

No pip at all even in bicep 🫡
Where's the proof on bad test enanthate raws? Where are the test results? Multiple people have said this but nobody has produced evidence other than 'I got PIP'.
A quick search shows that's since the mid 2000s, enanthate has been the overwhelming cause of painful injections. I personally witnessed it from raws I bought that were fine when first used (still powder) and then over a year, caused constant inflammation (had liquefied by this time). I made a mock solution using all the ingredients and left out the enanthate and no pain.

Janoshik confirmed my suspicion years back when he retested some retained samples of enanthate and said it contained multiple decomposition peaks.

There's no doubt in my mind that enanthate is more fragile an ester than cyp or decanoate and just isn't worth the hassle. Decanoate has all the benefits of enanthate with no issues of pain.
A quick search shows that's since the mid 2000s, enanthate has been the overwhelming cause of painful injections. I personally witnessed it from raws I bought that were fine when first used (still powder) and then over a year, caused constant inflammation (had liquefied by this time). I made a mock solution using all the ingredients and left out the enanthate and no pain.

Janoshik confirmed my suspicion years back when he retested some retained samples of enanthate and said it contained multiple decomposition peaks.

There's no doubt in my mind that enanthate is more fragile an ester than cyp or decanoate and just isn't worth the hassle. Decanoate has all the benefits of enanthate with no issues of pain.
If you could post Janoshik's test results that'd be a big help since that's the only evidence I've heard showing tainted product.

Again - I'm not saying this isn't happening. I am saying it hasn't happened to me in 7 years of using enanthate. It makes me wonder if there's some interindividual variability causing some guys to get bad PIP from enanthate and some to have no issues.
If you could post Janoshik's test results that'd be a big help since that's the only evidence I've heard showing tainted product.

Again - I'm not saying this isn't happening. I am saying it hasn't happened to me in 7 years of using enanthate. It makes me wonder if there's some interindividual variability causing some guys to get bad PIP from enanthate and some to have no issues.
I wish I had saved the post from him but it was years ago and I'm not sure which board it was on.
A quick search shows that's since the mid 2000s, enanthate has been the overwhelming cause of painful injections. I personally witnessed it from raws I bought that were fine when first used (still powder) and then over a year, caused constant inflammation (had liquefied by this time). I made a mock solution using all the ingredients and left out the enanthate and no pain.

Janoshik confirmed my suspicion years back when he retested some retained samples of enanthate and said it contained multiple decomposition peaks.

There's no doubt in my mind that enanthate is more fragile an ester than cyp or decanoate and just isn't worth the hassle. Decanoate has all the benefits of enanthate with no issues of pain.

I've been considering moving to test decanoate for this and solubility reasons (better than cyp). Plus I rely most of test and nandrolone decanoate so makes sense to have those at same ester.

Also appreciate you posting your experience. Lots of people have had exactly the same but not had it tested.

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