to the endo i go.................................................
what do u want to know?
My endo wasnt very helpful to me personally,she used a cookie cutter appraoch and refused to use any anti estrogens,so i decided to go somewhere else in town and they ended up knowing each other and he wouldnt accept me...I tried it for a year and then decided to just do it myself.
32 years old is way too young to be having a low test problem. There must be something else going on to cause your test levels to be that far below normal. A good endo is the way to go to help figure out what's going on.
Now if you were 52 years old it would be a different story.
You dont necessarily need antiestrogens! Why do you think you need them?
my estrogen level was sky high on my bloodwork and i was getting gyno only from testim,i never had a gyno problem until i started testim and then it was within a week or two i started having symptoms.
my estrogen level was sky high on my bloodwork and i was getting gyno only from testim,i never had a gyno problem until i started testim and then it was within a week or two i started having symptoms.
Yikes. Im on IM test 120 mg/wk and dont have any issues. I did have issues though when I was using steroids for bodybuilding, of course the dose was like 10x as big!
The endo wouldnt give you an antiestrogen even though your estrogen was high!? Wow, bad doc for sure. Id look for another one, because I know mine would have never done that to me. The endo I see tests mine and we discussed going on one if I needed to and she agreed to prescribe it if I had high levels. Luckily I didnt need it. Ive been putting on bodyfat and was worried it was estrogen, but it turns out its probably mostly my beta blocker.
I have been hearing this a lot about testim brother.
People that never had estro or gyno issues having them on testim gel.
I was on it for a short time and it simply didn't work as far as raising my levels.Those endos are really sold on that stuff!! I hated the smell and everyday rubbing that crap on.