I don't even understand how you can put NO X and gear in the same sentence.
Jst asking if it helps or is it safe to run with gear.!!!!!!
Ill stick with what works natural food i make my own weight gainer shakes with carnation instant breakfast, ice cream, yogert, wheat, germ, penut butter,bannana's, raw eggs ,and milk, I drink a whole blender full 2 hours be fore work out and another 2 houres after some time i add whey protien too.
this concoction packs the muscle on and i get huge off it!!!!! but the rest of my diet is 10 egg whites and 4 pices of esekul toast breakfast then 10 oz. of turkey breast at 10am with some brown rice and 10 oz veggies 12oclock i have a large salid with 10 oz chicken 2 pm i have 10 oz of turkey ground brest with spouted burger roll and 10 oz steamed veggies with lots of garlic 4pm 10 oz of fish sweet potato and goto the gym at 6 pm poast workout i have a 12oz steak and 10 oz veggies along with vitamins every morning end at night.