Koevoet said:It's a dolphin.
AWN2004 said:Ive seen that pic before on various sites
littlemack said:Aw man.....SPOILER!
JustWannaBeHuge said:you scammer! I'll never trust you again!
btw, are you still sending me those 3 bi-sexual girls that you were telling me about? lol j/k
JustWannaBeHuge said:in leather? sure hehe
Vander_V said:I wish he would have ripped that dudes head off , and these fucking pansys high five each other after they put a few rounds into Gods great Lion , the animal was simply deffending himself thi shit makes me fucking sick.
Heres what happens when you fuck with the Loiness, this guy i feel sorry for he was just trying to take a pic.
I agree that was crazy and sad too bad it wasnt the other pansys who were shooting at one.TONE said:Dude, that first video pisses me off but that second one is nuts! And I'm not talkin' cashews.
Vander_V said: