I guess there ARE some reputable places (few and far between), but beware there are TONS of places just waiting to fuck you in the ass and take your cash, not giving a shit how things go.. I'm talking like, guys looking way worse than they did before.. I read something about this one place that had all the commercials in the 80s/90s, and the complaint list they had was a mile long, with dudes completely disgusted and out thousands.. And the thing is, there's no real regulation cuz these don't have to be real Dr's, although they'll always claim to have all this certification and shit.. I remember my highschool teacher, he had a crew cut, and his hair was always the same length, and we all started to notice that underneath, his scalp was literally blue.. We eventually found out he was a victim of early 90s hair-restoration, and they fucked him hard.. He spent thousands to have his scalp ruined, and then had to go spend way more to try and get it salvaged somewhere else..
I'm not saying all these places are bad, but for something like this, don't go looking for a deal - be prepared to spend top dollar! It's obvious the best places would be in major cities in the northeast or cali, so don't go looking for the fall special in east bumfuck, cuz you'll get what you pay for.. And do as much research as you possibly can..