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Older Guys Work Out and Gear


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Hey Bro’s

I did a search for older bb’s workout and the such , but didn’t find any.
I have been lifting since I was 16 yo and I’m 56 , and my body doesn’t respond to exercise like it use to.
So I’m always looking for any info I can get which my be of help to me.
Is there any threads on the subject .
I really don’t think that there is anything new , but mostly looking for others in the same boat I’m in.
I have plenty of test-e and every thing I need for a good pct.
I usually only do test at 750 a week.
I’m now bridging at 250 a week.

Here is my routine what do you thing you would remove or add
I like what I’m doing , but I get where I don’t want to change.
I like to keep mostly compound exercise.
All exercises are 3X8
Monday –Thursday
Military press
Upward Rows
Standing Sideways External Rotations
Bench Press
Inclines Flies
High Cable Crossovers
Rope Push Downs
French Press w/ H-bar

Tuesday Friday
Barbell Curl
Concentration Curl
Preacher Curl
Lat Pull downs
Seated Rows
Standing Pull overs
Hack Squat (on sled )
Leg Press
Calf Raises
It has always worked for me and still does, just here lately I feel burnt out.

I do crunches everyday.
I have to be very careful with my shoulders and knees.
I’ve had surgery on one shoulder and one knee.
The front side of my left fore arm was nearly severed in half (down to the bone) with a circular saw over thirty years ago.

All the nerves were severed. Over 250 stitches on the outside and who knows have many on the inside.
But, by the grace of God I have 95 % plus usage of it.
They say it is miraculous that I can use it at all.
It gives me very little trouble.
Anyways What do you guys think of my routine?
Too much?
Not enough?
I have my own equipment. Hack squat machine, Power rack, Cable crossover w/ high and low pulleys and a bench. The power rack has high and low pulleys where I do my Lat work. And many type of bars and tons of steel .


Hot Rocks
I'm about 9 years younger then you and do it a little different . I train body parts only once a week. Anymore and I feel I'm overtraining. My doses are a little higher then yours as well but I've been doing that for a long time. I run an avg of 1200 to 1500 mgs a week.
I do not compete anymore but still bulk in the winters and cut in the spring.
IMO, at yor age, working body parts twice aweek is to much, at least for me it is. But in this game what works for some may not work for others.

This is my routine:

Day1 Chest tris

Dat 2 Back bi's

Day 3 off

Day 4 Shoulders

Day 5 Legs

Day 6 off

Day 7 start over

Abs every other day
I sometimes go in on an off day and will do some extra abs, forearms, calves, etc
The training and gear are pretty standard.
I would like to know more about your diet. Fresh fruits and veggies are very impotant for sustaining energy.

I didn't see any cardio. You have to be doing cardio to build stamina and keep the heart strong.
Mr Madmick

I've been told to do as you have suggested, but when I do i don't seem to be fulfilled. I feel kind of like I need more.
I'm sure I could cut back on some , but not sure what exercises I may need to cut.
Been doing that routine for so long it is hard to make changes.
Thanks for the advice it has been well taken .

Hot Rocks

Rock On !
Mr Madmick

I've been told to do as you have suggested, but when I do i don't seem to be fulfilled. I feel kind of like I need more.
I'm sure I could cut back on some , but not sure what exercises I may need to cut.
Been doing that routine for so long it is hard to make changes.
Thanks for the advice it has been well taken .

Hot Rocks

Rock On !
I.M a bit younger then your self i do a 5 day split weekend off has made a great change for myself at your age once a week per body part should do it. and a half our per day on the trend mill can do wonders. as for gear your just have to play around with that and see what your body likes and what it does not.just keep your doses on the low side.and i no its very hard to change that mind set but more is not always the answer at least for myself it was not..break your body parts into 5 days each one once a week. join netflix they have a lot of bodybuilding DVD you can learn a lot of new exercises i change up different things Evey week you have to change to keep your body guessing and in this sport you can never stop learning new things.and you should be able to do your routine in an hour.i now you can over train trust me i did it for years and it takes its toll.
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Hello Mr Hellraiser

I think I eat fairly clean.
I’m sure I could do a lot better.

Well let me just tell you what I had yesterday.
Breakfast I had 3 poached eggs with whole wheat toast w/pnut butter.
And a bowl of mixed fruit I get from Sams club.
A large cup of hot tea with tea spoon of honey. ( I’m a beekeeper)

At about 10 am I make a protein shake. And instead of mixing with water I use powdered milk. I throw in some blue berries and some bee pollen and what ever else fruit that may need to be eaten with some ice cubes and turn on the blender. The ice cubes make it more like a daiquiri. I like it better that way.

Lunch I had a two turkey pastrami sandwiches on whole wheat with low fat mayo and swiss.
A small baggie of wheat thins. I like chips ,but I can’t eat just one.
I’ll pig out on chips if they are around.
Have you ever had turkey pastrami ?
It is so much better than straight turkey.
I’m burnt out on tuna and turkey.

Yesterday my wife put a couple of skin less chicken breast with some kind of broth or sauce( I don’t know what it was) in the slow cooker.
We had that with a sweet potato and a spring salad and ice tea.
and a few hours after I nuked some pop corn

My wife is a cancer research nurse at U of F and she makes sure I’m eating good.
Unless I don’t tell her I hit McDonalds.
Which would piss her off.

That is about it !
I varies from day to day and the only time I cheat is on Fridays when we see a move and eat a pizza.

I try to do my best , but sometimes that ain’t good enough.

Hot Rocks

I’m 56
240 lb
Good looking.
And am very modest . Yea Right !;)
I am your age and don't have the hours to put in the gym like the old days when competing. I now pair a strength exercise with a core movement and do 4 sets each with little or no rest. 5 of these bi sets and I can get in and out in an hour, get 40 sets, and keep my heartrate high throughout. I usually do a 3 day split, but can get 4 or 5 days in on occasion.
Are you from Gainsville fl? I live in the Tampa area. Diet sounds good. Looking at your diet I would say it is good for keeping the fat off. But I would add more simple carbs. The reason being is that if you are 56 and not overweight by this time in your life you probably aren't going to be unless you change your diet drastically.
You need energy. Eat more fruits. Oranges and grapefruits and bananas throughout the day. As long as your exercising regularly its not going to hurt your diet.
Good luck bro!
I am 49 and I am still doing BB shows. Train body parts once a week, like a 4 or 5 day split, you can add an extra exercise per bodypart. If you love chips, get the baked kind, not too bad for you. As far as gear, well everyone is different, you need blood work too determine that. It does have benefits when you are older. I am a firm believer in GH for older guys. I also believe in eating good all year around. Nobody is going to know how you respond as much as you, take food and training journals, this will help a great deal.

Yes I’m in Gator country.
But I would defiantly say that I carry to much fat.
I just can’t seem to get it off.
It is the belly fat that pisses my off.
It is just in the belly the rest is just fine IMHO.
I have fought with it since I was a kid.
I’ve just about (not completely) lost hope that I can do much about it.
I know cardio , cardio , cardio ……………….
I most likely sure that me not liking to do cardio is part of my fat problem.
I have been to the dietitian at UF to get some advice and all she says is burn it off.
I’m afraid if I cut back the cal’s I’ll go catabolic and start losing muscle mass.
This has been a roller coaster ride .
I don’t know !
It is a kinda paradox for me.
If I cut cal’s I risk losing muscle.
Then on the other hand if I increase my intake to grow muscle I get fat.
Damn it man !

I usually just get my chest bigger so my belly looks smaller.
Now a days even getting my chest bigger is a problem
I appreciate your reply

Hot Rocks
Mr Alfresco

And I will do .

Hot Rocks
I am 49 and I am still doing BB shows. Train body parts once a week, like a 4 or 5 day split, you can add an extra exercise per bodypart. If you love chips, get the baked kind, not too bad for you. As far as gear, well everyone is different, you need blood work too determine that. It does have benefits when you are older. I am a firm believer in GH for older guys. I also believe in eating good all year around. Nobody is going to know how you respond as much as you, take food and training journals, this will help a great deal.

He is correct GH, IGF-1, MGF and grhp-6 are key.
I appreciate your reply.
Using my routine I previous posted are you suggesting in doing the same routine but dropping two of the day ?
Would I still do the same amount of sets and reps?
Would it look some thing like
Shoulders , Chest and Tri’s
Bi’s , Lats and legs ?
I try to do three exercises per part would you guys say that is ok or too much,
It would be great if I could cut the days and still feel I’m accomplishing something.I’m a building contractor and am always on the go and I may wo in the morning or late in the evening. So ! doing two days as oppose to for would be great .
By accomplishing I mean gaining muscle mass.
I know ! I know ! At 56 I shouldn't exspect to much, but I won't accept that.
It ain't in me to say it is over.
I'll wait till I'm 90 then and only then maybe.


Hot Rocks
Thanks 208

I guess I'll have to save up some more money .
I just got 200 grams of Test-e powder along with enought gear to do 5 or 6 pct's and it left me with no extra funds.
But I will defently be saving up.
would you suggest blue tops to start off with ?

Hot Rocks
Damnit Madmick

You do 1200 to 1500 of test-e a week ?
How long are your cycles usually ?
I have plenty here to do that much.
I have been thinking of upping to 1000 here lately.
It seem that what I use to do doesn't work like it previously did.
I can’t hit nowhere else but in the thighs .
I use grape seed oil for my mix and it pushes slow.
So I have to be steady for a minute. And hitting my thighs allows me to do it safely
And I rotate between them, but even at that are still sore from the last time.
How many ml/cc do you shoot a once ?

You guys are great .
Do you guys know jboldman?
He suggested I join this site.
I have been at CEM for years.

hey HotRocks. I can identify. I am 55 and I feel that my body has changed in the way it responds to exercise… even from my late 40's. So you feel you are at a stalemate? Think about a different approach. Our body adapts very quickly and if its not responding then a reevaluation may in order. I didn't go over your diet but it seems to me you are using an adequate amount of test for your age. No comments from me about adding anything more :) As far as the training, the first thing I noticed was, I feel I could do more per body part than you are now doing. Think about ways to add some intensity to each body part and maybe break them up into different days, especially back and legs. I would also think about maybe going on a 5-6 day cycle after you increase your workout load. That is, work 1 body part very hard every 5-6 days vs. 2 times every 7 days. I find if I truly bust my butt in the gym on all body parts, I need at least that much time to fully recover, especially at my age. Just some thoughts.
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I appreciate your reply.
Using my routine I previous posted are you suggesting in doing the same routine but dropping two of the day ?
Would I still do the same amount of sets and reps?
Would it look some thing like
Shoulders , Chest and Tri’s
Bi’s , Lats and legs ?
I try to do three exercises per part would you guys say that is ok or too much,
It would be great if I could cut the days and still feel I’m accomplishing something.I’m a building contractor and am always on the go and I may wo in the morning or late in the evening. So ! doing two days as oppose to for would be great .
By accomplishing I mean gaining muscle mass.
I know ! I know ! At 56 I shouldn't exspect to much, but I won't accept that.
It ain't in me to say it is over.
I'll wait till I'm 90 then and only then maybe.


Hot Rocks

Sample: Monday-chest, abs
Wednesday-legs, calves
Thursday-shoulders, traps, abs
Friday-Arms, calves
Do 3-4 exercises for a major body part, 2-3 for a minor, 3 sets an exercise, 2 warmups and then your workload set. EX: 15-20, 12-15, 8-10 reps per set.
44 years old here and over the years this body of mine has been thru so much trauma it's amazing I'm still around. Not the least of which was a ice climbing accident that resulted in more broken bones and surgeries than I care to count.

**broken link removed**

If there is one thing I have finally gotten a handle on it is the fact that training in a manner that insures I can make it back into the gym again on my next scheduled workout is just as important as training with intensity. Now more than ever it is important to train smart, not just hard. Yes I train around injuries when I need to but more importantly I have started making an effort to avoid them. You can't make progress if you can't train.

I can't afford to be careless anymore, I have to come up with a sound plan and also be willing to adapt that plan when needed. I can't just toss more weight on the bar and train harder anymore.
Since all the geriatrics are here I might as well add to the frey!!

Pushing 50 and I honestly believe that after the years of training we must constantly vary what we do on a week to week basis. I think your problem is routine. Your body is used to the same old dogma day in and day out. Do not be afraid to mix it up and try new things, keeping injuries in mind. I have both shoulders pretty well f&%$ed now and my lower back has some compression due to a bit of degeneration or wear and tear as I call it. I train a little more instinctively these days and modify my ranges of motion on things to suit my level of pain and tolereance. If it hurts that bad I just don't do it and find something I can do. I genearally train 5-6 days a week depending on how I feel. If I really don't feel up to training on a given day I make that a rest day and train the next. I rotate all my exercises for each body part and keep as much variety from workout to workout as possible. It really will not hurt you to mix things up a bit. But generally I train 1 Body part each session unless I am doing something like shoulders and calves or abs and calves etc. Stick with three good working sets and I rarely go all out to failure anymore. No point in subjecting your body to that punishment if not needed! Just keep in mind more is not better. Some of my sessions would not go more than 40 minutes on a good run. I am looking better than most 21 year olds and feeling good, minus the aches from injuries.
Couple of quick pics that are one month old. Looking a little better than that now. But this will give you an idea of diet and training into our later years. It is doable.....................


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