I believe entities exist in other dimensions and have experienced a number of strange things, specifically at night time in bed room. I have experienced being paralyzed in bed while having a dark shadow figure in a robe stand at the foot of my bed. I am fully awake for this and coherent. It is not a dream. This has happened to me quite a few times and I was so freaked out about when it first happened I did some research. Apparently this has happened to millions of people for hundreds of years. The ancients referred to as being visited by the “Old Hag”. The medical community recognizes this and labels it as Sleep Paralysis where they claim part of your brain is awake and part is asleep and it causes you to see things “hallucinate”. I will simply raise the question that perhaps this brain phenomenon simply allows you to tune into other things. Hallucinations are not explained by the medical field, they only state they exist. Look into a study done at the University of New Mexico concerning the use of a psychedelic drug called (dimethyltryptophan) DMT and the experiences the test subjects had. It is pretty freaky stuff to say the least.
What does science have to say about this? I do not understand the mathematics involved that they use to come to this conclusion but all credible scientists who study Quantum Physics claim that there are 10 or 11 Dimensions. The 3 dimensions that we are most familiar with are Height, Width, and Depth. Time is another dimension.
Now assuming that there are 10-11 dimensions, what exists in the other 6-7 Dimensions?? They never elaborate further except stating that they existing but that is something for you to contemplate.
Another interesting fact that is 100% proven and often referred to by Physicists, Is that when you look at an Atom under a microscope, it moves in and out of existence. IE--- One second it is there, then its gone, and then it comes back again.
The only logical explanation of this phenomenon is that we Exist in multiple and parallel universes.
There is definitely much to this world and the Universe that we do not know. Or at least, the general public is not given access to and is held closely as esoteric knowledge by the Mystery Schools.