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Propranolol and cytomel


New member
Nov 7, 2021
Question: I am cutting and used cytomel in past with good results. The only issue is tachycardia. is it ok to take propranolol and cytomel together? I know propranolol stops t4 to t3 conversation which wouldn’t matter since cytomel is t3, but does propranolol also affect other receptors such as adrenaline that inhibit the weight loss effects of cytomel?
In short, yes. Propranolol has an affinity for several types of adrenergetic receptors. I take it and it doesn't appear have that severe an effect on my lifts. But I'm not using t3 to suck weight. But certainly adrenaline has effects on muscle fiber recruitment and progressive training. That said, nobody has ever told me it affected their lifts or weightloss. But since propranolol and cytomel compete in some respects for similar receptors, it may cause cytomel to be rendered partially inert but to what extent that factors in, I do not know.
Thanks bro. I appreciate your insight. I might just switch to a newer beta blocker that is more selective, or just change to a Central calcium chanel blocker like verapamil or dilteizam for tachycardia.
These are both long term heavily prescribed drugs. I'd think any significant interaction would be listed under contradictions or similar. Be very odd otherwise. I take propanalol with no ill effects and have run T3 alongside it a number of times. Never even considered an issue.
These are both long term heavily prescribed drugs. I'd think any significant interaction would be listed under contradictions or similar. Be very odd otherwise. I take propanalol with no ill effects and have run T3 alongside it a number of times. Never even considered an issue.
thanks. I wasn’t worried about safety profile. I was wondering if the propranolol would make the T3 less effective. Have you noticed this?
These are both long term heavily prescribed drugs. I'd think any significant interaction would be listed under contradictions or similar. Be very odd otherwise. I take propanalol with no ill effects and have run T3 alongside it a number of times. Never even considered an issue.
👆 Yes. This is my experience as well
thanks. I wasn’t worried about safety profile. I was wondering if the propranolol would make the T3 less effective. Have you noticed this?
Not at all. Like I said, if one drug significant interacts with another (they test and monitor constantly for this as it can be a serious health risk) it would be noted and guidance provided. For instance there's another beta blocker (alternative to propanalol) that interferes with Aromasin/exemstane and this is in the literature and pops up instantly if prescribed as a contradiction. The two drugs you mention have been out forever and fairly common.
Not at all. Like I said, if one drug significant interacts with another (they test and monitor constantly for this as it can be a serious health risk) it would be noted and guidance provided. For instance there's another beta blocker (alternative to propanalol) that interferes with Aromasin/exemstane and this is in the literature and pops up instantly if prescribed as a contradiction. The two drugs you mention have been out forever and fairly common.
Ok, I understand. Thanks for the insight.
For instance there's another beta blocker (alternative to propanalol) that interferes with Aromasin/exemstane
Crap. I had no idea. Good info. Which one?

I’m on Nebivolol and Aroma hence my concern.
Crap. I had no idea. Good info. Which one?

I’m on Nebivolol and Aroma hence my concern.
I actually forget. Dr was going to swap out prop and let me try another and this got flagged. Who would have guessed. Anyway it was in webmd too or another common site and it basically lessens efficacy of Aromasin dose - I guess you could figure out a compensatory dosage maybe but I didn't want to fuck with it. All that shit is listed. I'd just look up Neb or generic equivalent and see. Drug interactions and contradictions are a BIG DEAL so it's all carefully tracked. Unless you are dealing with an obscure thing that isn't fda approved or similar it will be there.
Exemestane/Aromasin + Bystolic/Nebivolol

No interactions were found between the drugs in your list. However, this does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider.

Score ;)
I have taken plenty of T3 and Nebivolol (but not propanolol) together and it was totally fine. In fact, I believe Propanolol sometimes gets prescribed in hyperthyroidism
I have taken plenty of T3 and Nebivolol (but not propanolol) together and it was totally fine. In fact, I believe Propanolol sometimes gets prescribed in hyperthyroidism

I would have bet the ranch (and clearly lost) that T3 would not be wise with any BB at least in conditions whereby the BB is being used to modulate rapid HR.

I have taken plenty of T3 and Nebivolol (but not propanolol) together and it was totally fine. In fact, I believe Propanolol sometimes gets prescribed in hyperthyroidism
yea when you are in thyroid storm, they prescribe propranolol to stop the peripheral conversion of t4 (inactive form)-t3(active thyroid form). I decided to switch to nebivolol since its cardioselective and doesn't work on the epi/norepi receptors. It works on Nitrous Oxide vasodilation properties which is benificial for us taking gear to prevent heart enlargement(left ventricular hypertrophy)

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