What would the results be if a body builders total protein intake came in the form of drinks, like Pure Protein or Protein Ice. These drink contain 40 grams of protein. So lets say you drank 8 of the a day. Would you grow? Would you lean out?
yardrock said:What would the results be if a body builders total protein intake came in the form of drinks, like Pure Protein or Protein Ice. These drink contain 40 grams of protein. So lets say you drank 8 of the a day. Would you grow? Would you lean out?
yardrock said:raJJIN
I love my red meat also. Had a beautiful 1.5 lb Delmonico for Valintines day. Ummy! I know this would play havic on my digestive system. My problem is right now I dont have the time for meal prep. New job, dad in hospital and moving on Thursday and working out has left me short of time and tired. I would not do this for long mybe 4 weeks.
rAJJIN said:youd be able to shit through a screen door
and never touch a wire.
I love my redmeat, mmmm
knucklehed said:I have 3 shakes during the day. I add raw oats and slivered almonds to the powder. Keeps the bowels working well and slows the digestion. good suggestion
xcelbeyond said:There are MANY trainers that have told me for pre-contest, you want to get majority of your protein source from "real" food.