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PUTTING a * by BArry, Gary, Ken, and Jason's records??

Steak Helmet

Sep 4, 2002
the debate I watched on that best damn sports show was pretty good. They polled people and asked them if Barry should have an * by his name and records. BOZ was on there along with BRIAN COX, but Cox was full of shit when he said that he would just beat the guys across from him that were on steroids...I guarntee you that he used something. I think we as fans brought on all the use. We want bigger faster athletes and we want to see records broken each time we watch a spoting event.

I would have to say hell no. If that was the case, then all the guys that did COKE while playing should have an * by their name. The stimulant will help increase awareness and motor functions will fire faster with the use of a stimulant such as cocaine. Shit maybe even BABE RUTH had an advantage by getting a BUZZZZZ off of his cigars?? who knows??

One thing they said was when one fo them went to the football hall of fame, they noticed that the linebackers of the 50's were like 180lbs...the size of the guys today is not drug use, it is called evolving. I remember when I was a kid the most popular shoe size was 10 1/2. Now the average shoe size is 12...we as humans evolve to fit our enviornment. yeah drugs help boost somethings, but over time, we will evolve. HEll in the early 80's, there was only a hand full of guys over 300. Now is pretty much a requirement to be over 300 to be on the line. And back then they were 6'0 to 6'2" now lineman are 6'4" to 6'9".

Anyways, I would just like to say that no one should have an * by their name when it comes to records because we have no idea when they took them...unless they tell us the exact time they started. Yeah BARRY did not start hitting over 35 homers until after the age of 35, but he also had a trainer ;) and was eating better and working out harder. I love when they compare his body from his rookie year to now...THAT WAS 20 YEARS ago...if he cannot go from 185 to 225 in 20 years, then he might have some issues. Plus he has the best things money can buy...trainer, nutrionist, and yes CONTE, but hey who cares??
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basically it all boils down to money. sure bonds wants to break hank arrons home run record, yes its great to hold the single season home run record. but more than anything that fat ass contract he has is what keeps him going. if you thought something could maybe help you earn a couple extra million a year for abeing a better player and you didnt take you it, you would be a fuckin moron.

just my opinion, :)

what about the players with records that weren't caught like Sosa and McGwire? If you penalize one you have to penalize all, proof or no proof. Hell, Ripken's consective games streak could have been aided by AAS use for all we know. These sports writers can take their asterisk and shove up their ass. No one has problems with athletes taking cortisone shots so they can mask pain and play, but heaven forbid someone take a shot to help boost their performance in other ways. We have people talking out of both sides of their mouths on this topic, someone who takes cortisone is a warrior, but someone who uses anabolic steroids is a cheater :mad:

jawbreakerkid said:
what about the players with records that weren't caught like Sosa and McGwire? If you penalize one you have to penalize all, proof or no proof. Hell, Ripken's consective games streak could have been aided by AAS use for all we know. These sports writers can take their asterisk and shove up their ass. No one has problems with athletes taking cortisone shots so they can mask pain and play, but heaven forbid someone take a shot to help boost their performance in other ways. We have people talking out of both sides of their mouths on this topic, someone who takes cortisone is a warrior, but someone who uses anabolic steroids is a cheater :mad:

Oh JBK whatever, ur a cheater too, look at u ripped, huge, muscular, why dont u tell everyone bout yur "shotgun" syringe full of olive oil/meatballs/garlic. Yea lets talk bout that, huh. Cheater, u know the some of us that look at burger king commercials and get fatter, and u inject that and get that way. hmmmmm cheater!!! Must be nice to be greasy
gooey for a reason ;)
Gooey ur funny as fuck lol

The only reason bonds is being singled out is becuase hes done the best. How many MLB, NBA, NHL, and especially NFL players do you REALLY think are natural? Its a level playing field, just nobody fesses up. Im sure theres natural athletes in these sports, but id bet anything at least HALF are on something. They dont need to look like it for it to be true. Think about all the guys we see walkin around the gym that we KNOW are on but they look like theyv never seen a gym before. Its there they just dont wanna really put forth the effort to catch everyone cuase they know theyl be bootin a LOT of their best athletes and lose money with ticket sales for people who come to see them play. This shit with pickin on athletes for steroids makes me sick. They really need to worry about the countries problems with worse drugs that are killing poeple rather than this shit.
People and the media will believe anything. Remember when McGwire was questioned...what did he say. "I am on Andro!" :rolleyes: C'mon now, please man. What really strikes me funny is how Sosa has never been accused or brought up. Here's a guy who has hit 60+ homers in a season and in the upper 500's for his career. Does he look natural.... :eek: Yes, I am in bodybuilding so maybe I am biased when i say "who the fuck cares!?"

Trulyhuge said:
People and the media will believe anything. Remember when McGwire was questioned...what did he say. "I am on Andro!" :rolleyes: C'mon now, please man. What really strikes me funny is how Sosa has never been accused or brought up. Here's a guy who has hit 60+ homers in a season and in the upper 500's for his career. Does he look natural.... :eek: Yes, I am in bodybuilding so maybe I am biased when i say "who the fuck cares!?"


Also, isn't sosa the only guyto hit 50+ homers in 3 conscutive seasons??

Or it might be 40 in 5 I cannot remember.
Something they call "out of the ordinary Steak! :rolleyes: That boggles my mind.

TH, Sosa gets hammered here in Chicago for steroid speculation, but the national media won't call him out until his name is connected with some scandal. Sammy has shrunk considerably in the last couple years and so have his stats, but he is getting older too, so who knows. Sosa was the only player to hit 60 homeruns three seasons in a row I believe. Sosa was connected to steroids a few years back but nothing was really made of it. I believe it was his training partner, Manny Alexander who used to be a Cub, got in a car accident and was found to have steroids in his glove box while with the Red Sox. That fueled alot of speculation in Chicago, but nowhere else.
I would have to say hell no. If that was the case, then all the guys that did COKE while playing should have an * by their name. The stimulant will help increase awareness and motor functions will fire faster with the use of a stimulant such as cocaine. Shit maybe even BABE RUTH had an advantage by getting a BUZZZZZ off of his cigars?? who knows??

You actually bring up a good point. Most people around baseball will tell you stimulants are used by more than >80% of players before games. It is a much bigger problem in baseball than AS.
Isnt it getting a bit sad when anyone who is good in any physical activity is automatically accused of being on some performance enhancer? (regardless of if they are or not). What if we learn in a new diarty that has been hiden away by Babe Ruth or Hank Aaron that they would drink excessive coffee before playing? (silly I know...hehe) Would we take away those records too? :rolleyes:

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