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Serious post. How does one know if you have the "genetics" to make it


Active member
Aug 13, 2013
Seriously.......this sport or hobby is so subjective...how does one define or know if they have good genetics.

Might throw up some pictures to illustrate my physique. This board usually dishes out the truth..so throw it at me boys.






done 2 shows
offseason 245 lean minor abs showing
Nothing is glaringly weak about you from those pictures in terms of proportions, but it's not always about your look sometimes. How do the drugs effect you? Do you respond well to gear and hgh? Have you checked your body with blood tests/scans during heavy cycling to see the negatives gear illicits in your system?
You look great bro, but I'm far from an expert as far as that goes. Maybe Phil, Big A, or other pros will chime in here and help you out. Good luck!


p.s. Your delts are humongous, like basketball size.
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Nothing is glaringly weak about you from those pictures in terms of proportions, but it's not always about your look sometimes. How do the drugs effect you? Do you respond well to gear and hgh? Have you checked your body with blood tests/scans during heavy cycling to see the negatives gear illicits in your system?

never ran gh. Ran high doses of test/dbol/drol and insulin and my blood work has never came back too poor. Got some blood coming back soon actually so we shall see the most recent results.

My previous cycle was 1gram test 500mg tren, 50dbol 50anadrol 20iu silin

great results with this.
Define "make it"! U lookin to make a living as a top 2-3 pro? Or earn ur pro card and do a few pro level shows? Or make top 5 at the Olympia? Lots of tiers to this sport.
Define "make it"! U lookin to make a living as a top 2-3 pro? Or earn ur pro card and do a few pro level shows? Or make top 5 at the Olympia? Lots of tiers to this sport.

Would be a dream to earn a pro card. So thats my short term goal.
I think if you buckle down, you could eventually win a pro card. You'd probably be pushing 275-300lbs in the offseason. If you go through enough qualifiers, eventually you'll put together a good enough package or the line-up will be void of anomalies that you come out on top.
Would be a dream to earn a pro card. So thats my short term goal.

Considering ur age and ur development to this point I would say u have a good chance. Ur obviously going to need to step it up and keep ur head down and stay focused. Ur young and have many years to make it happen. I'd hire a good coach and learn and pay ur do's. U look good keep up the hard work.

Many guys earn their card later in life at the masters level. If its a lifelong goal then working hard well into ur 30's to achieve it shouldn't be a problem. Good luck to u.
I guess it comes down to the compation as well, standard is very high in the USA

I know I lad that is pushing for a pro card in UK in 8 weeks as a super heavy

He's says any one can get to his size if they do wat he does
I guess it comes down to the compation as well, standard is very high in the USA

I know I lad that is pushing for a pro card in UK in 8 weeks as a super heavy

He's says any one can get to his size if they do wat he does

lol and what does he do?
Well if I tell you wat he does I can't mention his name...


5iu pharma hgh b4 breakfast ED
10iu cheap hgh b4 work out (think he trains mon-fri)
20iu slin post work out (400g maltrodextose)
10iu slin post breck fast ED

2g test
The rest is changing every month
So manybe 1g deca 1g eq plus 1 oral
Then the next month it will change, I don't have proper detail of this sorry coz he's not detailed at all.

Training is volume style, hits each muscle group once per week but tons of heavy sets to start then lighter shaping exercises to follow

Food (this is we're people fuck up he said)

I've seen his diet for the ukbff final an it 6k kcals, he is losing 1lb of fat and gaining 1lb of muscle each week, should be 17.8 stone on stage

Diet for show was something like this

Fasted 40 min liss cardio first
100g oats/water, 200g steak, 10 egg whites

250g cooked mince, 250g cooked rice

Repeats above every 2 hours

He showed me but cAnt remember it exactly

It's was
700 protein all from meat and egg (zero shakes)
400 carbs from rice and oats
120 fats from mince
I hate to be the pessimist of the bunch, but if you have to ask the question on "if" you have it or not...then you probably don't.

Take a look at some of the NGA shots of young Kai, or the video of Jay at 19, or Ronnie at his first show...

Aaron Clark is about 23-24 years old. Think you could stand for to toe with him?

All for conversation. No ill intention.
Just slamming test, hgh and slin, I think anybody can get to pro size eventually, but it's your shape that really makes you pro material. How many heavy guys have you seen in good conditioning that still look like absolute shit cause their physique doesn't flow? Too many to count.
I hate to be the pessimist of the bunch, but if you have to ask the question on "if" you have it or not...then you probably don't.

Take a look at some of the NGA shots of young Kai, or the video of Jay at 19, or Ronnie at his first show...

Aaron Clark is about 23-24 years old. Think you could stand for to toe with him?

All for conversation. No ill intention.

Yah Aaron Clark looks insane.
Do you guys believe GH has an anabolic growth effect in the same way as Test? Or is it just for staying lean and helping metabolize more food?

Don't really have the money for real GH so I was wondering how necessary it was for explosive growth.
GH without steroids or insulin is a waste of money if you're taking with the hope of gaining lots of muscle in my opinion. The synergy of GH + gear or insulin is what you need, and minimum 5IU/day to be worthwhile.
Eventually you will top out on gear alone and at that point, you'll need some HGH. That point is different for everybody really. HGH when combined with insulin is very very anabolic because of the way they spike IGF levels when working together. HGH + Test is also the safest bulking route. If you think deca, eq, tren, orals, etc are good for your health long term, you're kidding yourself.
Eventually you will top out on gear alone and at that point, you'll need some HGH. That point is different for everybody really. HGH when combined with insulin is very very anabolic because of the way they spike IGF levels when working together. HGH + Test is also the safest bulking route. If you think deca, eq, tren, orals, etc are good for your health long term, you're kidding yourself.

Interesting..So it is more about the IGF release that one would want from using GH+Silin
Do you guys believe GH has an anabolic growth effect in the same way as Test? Or is it just for staying lean and helping metabolize more food?

Don't really have the money for real GH so I was wondering how necessary it was for explosive growth.

GH is expensive, and you have to use a good amou t for a long time to really get maximum results.

That said, check out the peptides thread by juanjohn. Using peps can be as effective as a few IUs of GH, but more cost effective. 4-5ius seems to the the cost breakpoint.
Would be a dream to earn a pro card. So thats my short term goal.

Getting your pro card is a short term goal?

So I would imagine you have hit the following goals already then right?

Won a local show....won a state show...qualified for nationals...placed top 5 nationally...wait just saw you have only done 2 shows.

Working your way up the ladder pretty fast and easily is how to tell if you "have it" IMO.

Regardless...i think you look great and can go further than most.
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