I an not say much about your relationship as every couple is different.
In my case we have different libido, schedule and off course if depended on me I'd behave like a rabbit.
1 - sleeping that much is not right she probably has some sort of ailment that should be adressed, adrenals, iron, cortisol, vitamin B, thyroid are some o f the things that come to my head; a healthcare professional can think of much more. Them think like this: if you where completely exhausted would you have much interest in sex???
this is true man which points to an underlying problem.
Is she acting on her problem, that is killing your marriage?
2 - Is she sexually attracted to you? If the answer is yes the natural question is: why she doesn't act on it?
This is a tough one to answer man. She says she is but how do I know for sure. Yes that is a harsh one but I have seen a few people taht actually love each other but are not sexually attracted to each other and are together for the wrong reasons: kids, property, family pressure, feels easy etc.
In that case if you are not sexually attracted to each other but still love each other it is called friendship.
Acts speak louder than words...
3 - You are a better man than me - maybe just hornier - as I'd never let her treat me like that with those deal breakers: This is not all night long as I'd just tell her to sleep and would go away to not start 3rd world war. The message there is quite simple: I am doing you a favour and in this case you are married and there is no favour my friend.
I have started wars like this and I always come up the loser. Hell, no sex, WOO-HOO, she's happy because she doesnt need it. Im the one holding myself in my own hand.
Well she will when she starts seeing porn on her bedroom and you are passive instead of creating a war.
no offense but I'd feel terrible having sex with someone that doesn't really want to be with me.
Seriously if that type of question came up I'd not be in the mood as I'd be feeling not wanted and thank you.
The anger just makes things worse for me. She knows I want her and she has the power of the pussy!
Power of pussy just exists if you give it to her, women think in a different way. As soon as you tell her that you are not angry just disappointed that your own wife has no interest on you and are saddened that she is content with that situation, remind her that you are not a couple anymore just roommates and stuff like that she will feel worse than you. you can go on and on, reminding her how terrible she makes you feel and even go low saying that you feel less of a man for not arousing her but that is just pure psichological warfare that will not do any good (sorry i was getting carried away

4 - Your wife with that behaviour is giving you permission to think about having sex with other women. She is causing me to want to look anywhere for pleasure. I don't want to cheat and I dont think that would ever happen but I have needs.
An open relationship or hiring a pro are some
The woman that you married was an fully active sexual person as you still are, she does have the right to not want as much as you do but she is not just depriving you of that but she is making it hell any time that you have it.
Open the game with her (I am not pro cheating) ask her what she believes you should do?
Be happy with your present deal even though this is not you gambled for?
At the end of the day you have not changed, when you git married there was no deal like: in 10 years she doesn't fuck you and you are obliged to be happy.
Yes my advice is not really conventional but that is my opinion.
And well I have had to have one of these conversations and surely it is not easy as trust communication and your own issues raise.
Me sure to let her know that this is not about love, but the physical expression of it and pure animal needs as well.
She doesn't get that.