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Sleep med during contest prep


Active member
Oct 21, 2012
Hi all. I am sure many of you have experienced issues with sleep during contest prep.

I am about 6 weeks out atm and having issues staying asleep. I can fall asleep, but I’ll wake up 2-3 hours into it.

Have tried Silenor 6mg and Zopiclone 7.5mg and neither have done much.

Any recommendatiosn?
I take Trazodone (200 mg) year round, works like a charm for my chronic insomnia. Does come with some side effects though but nothing worse than not sleeping.
I rotate ambien (gaba agonist) unisom (antihistamine) and trazadone (seratonin modulator)
Start by dimming most lights about 2 hours before bed. Put phone in the other room away from the bedroom. I'm guessing you are sleeping with your phone right next to you.
I take Trazodone (200 mg) year round, works like a charm for my chronic insomnia. Does come with some side effects though but nothing worse than not sleeping.

Did you start lower than 200mg and have had to up the dose as time went by? What sides do you experience?
Klonopin is popular among SHW lifters and bb'ers for this

Quitting klonopin is a nightmare. Withdrawal literally takes months. I wouldn't willingly start a benzo addiction for a bodybuilding show, much less one with a long half life and protracted withdrawal period like klonopin.
Klonopin aka Clonazepam at 0.5mgs is good if you use it sparingly otherwise you might get addicted to it.
Zopiclone is a good one, they administer it in hospitals here in Canada, it's an actual sleep aid.
Quitting klonopin is a nightmare. Withdrawal literally takes months. I wouldn't willingly start a benzo addiction for a bodybuilding show, much less one with a long half life and protracted withdrawal period like klonopin.

Everybody is different.

I took kpins for years and quit cold turkey, no problem at all.
Quitting klonopin is a nightmare. Withdrawal literally takes months. I wouldn't willingly start a benzo addiction for a bodybuilding show, much less one with a long half life and protracted withdrawal period like klonopin.

I would agree with this. That being said I'm close to SHW powerlifters and bb'ers who all struggle with apnea and use tren, they pretty much all use kpins. To each his own, the price they pay.
I've got bottles and bottles of traz (thanks VA) think i'll see if they help. Any groginess waking up in the morning?
Quitting klonopin is a nightmare. Withdrawal literally takes months. I wouldn't willingly start a benzo addiction for a bodybuilding show, much less one with a long half life and protracted withdrawal period like klonopin.

Your getting a lot of doctors, general practitioners anyway who wont prescribe benzo's much any more. Its a shame because there are people who can benefit from them and aren't abusers.
Your getting a lot of doctors, general practitioners anyway who wont prescribe benzo's much any more. Its a shame because there are people who can benefit from them and aren't abusers.

I was never an abuser. I still got hooked on klonopin physically in 2016 when I used it for sleep. The withdrawal pretty much ruined the second half of that year for me.
I've got bottles and bottles of traz (thanks VA) think i'll see if they help. Any groginess waking up in the morning?

Not as much in my experience but traz gives nightmares and incredible boners to the point where you might have to cut if off. I think its the most mild but effective RX sleep med.
Not as much in my experience but traz gives nightmares and incredible boners to the point where you might have to cut if off. I think its the most mild but effective RX sleep med.

Yes, priapism is a common side effect, and so is nightmares...well nightmares is not the right word....extremely vivid intense dreams. Like the kind you wake up and are like....”I’m not sure if that was real life or not”.

Y’all taking Klonopin.....switch to Xanax or Ativan. Klonopins half life is extremely long, and for sleep, you want a spike and clearance. I’d say Ativan would be best. Xanax has metabolites that can build up after chronic use.

And IMHO, (psych 6 years) fucking with the GABA receptors is the most dangerous of them. (Opiates/meth/THC)

Just be careful and that’s why I’d limit dosing to 3x per week and use an antihistamine or trazadone the other days.

If I could get THC legally, I’d use a small dose of an edible...maybe 4-5mg THC and combo 50mg CBD with melatonin.
Yes, priapism is a common side effect, and so is nightmares...well nightmares is not the right word....extremely vivid intense dreams. Like the kind you wake up and are like....”I’m not sure if that was real life or not”.


The first time I ever used traz I dreamt the world was taken over by alligators. Woke up so hard I thought I was going to hurt someone.

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